Understanding Google - What You Need To Know To Conquer This Search Engine Giant
Use a keyword density of about 1 to 2%. Use to be that you could rank high with 5% to 15%, but not any more. Google will call that "over optimizing" and penalize you.
Don't use more than 83 characters (including spaces) in your meta title tag. That usually comes out to about 10 to 15 words. If you have more characters, there is no penality it's just that Google won't count them as being in your title tag.
Your important keywords absolutely MUST be in your title. (That is if you want them to achieve any importance at all.)
Google doesn't use the description tag for a description like some search engines do, but take the time to write a good description of your site anyway. Google does index the words in the description tag just like they were words in the text. Be sure to use keywords in your description tag. Google only looks at approximately the first 25 words in the description tag.
The keyword tag is NOT indexed or counted by Google. So why should you use it you might ask. One of the minor search engines still use it for the time being. But, I use the keyword tag on every page to remind me what keywords I am optimizing the page for.
Google indexes all of the visible text on a page up about 100k. This is way more than you would ever be using anyway.
Google counts "cat" and "Cat" as the same word. In other words, Google is NOT case sensitive.
Very important: Google counts "dog" and "dogs" as two totally different words. Singular and plural versions of a word are different words for Google. Google also counts "run" and "running" as different words. Word-stemming creates different words.
Keyword order is important. "atlanta restaurants" is NOT the same as 'restaurants atlanta"
A hyphen is the same as a space with Google. "Nashville-singers" is the same as Nashville singers"
Google likes sites with a LOT of pages. A good goal would be to add one new page a week. Your site should have a minimum of 3 to 5 page to start with. More pages would be much better. Link each one of them back to your home page. You can also link every page to every other page.
Look at the different linking strategies described in other articles on this site.
The most important thing to remember about Google is to have as many incoming (on-topic) links as possibe.
Try to add at least one or more incoming links every week. (You won't even be listed on Google until you have at least one incoming link from another site that is already listed on Google.)
Craige Stacey has been studying search engines optimization as a hobby and has achieved some very good search engine positions in the past for membership software

Get More Cosmetic Surgery Patients From The Web
It's no surprise that dominant cosmetic surgery practices also have a dominant web site and presence. More than ever, cosmetic surgery patients utilize the Internet to help select a credible surgeon. If you want more quality leads and patients, it's time to upgrade your web site marketing efforts.
5 Extremely Valuable Search Engine Optimization Tips
Search engine optimization is THE most cost effective way for a company to market their products and services. Below are 5 extremely valuable search engine optimization tips:
SEO Tips for Google
Getting a high ranking on Google is a big achievement. There are many factors that go into pulling a high page rank. I have put together a small list of things that should not be overlooked when optimizing your site. Let's start from the top:
Keywords, Ranking, & Search Engine Optimization Fun
I am a Search Engine Optimization newbie. I have read a little on various forums, browsed a few articles, and read through The Affiliate Masters Course (Ken Evoy) a couple of times.
Website Optimization, Good Overall Optimization is Key
Good overall optimization, the right keyword phrases and quality content play the key roles in the success of any web design project. Link Popularity and Google PageRank are almost secondary for the overall success of a website.
Effective Search Engine Use
The Internet is a wonderful place full of resources that can be really helpful for us.
Google ? A Bit of History
The first question most people have is, "What the heck is a "Google?" It is a play on the word "googol," which is the mathematical figure 1 followed by 100 zeros. Depending on the level of your love for math, this is either the greatest or lamest name for a search engine. Regardless, the clever kids at Google have turned it into a cultural standard.
Which SEO Company/Firm to Choose for SEO Services?
In the last 2-3 years many new companies have mushroomed, providing cost effective seo services to their customers. In this whole galaxy of seo companies some are authentic, while others are not. A novice owner of the website has a little knowledge of the technical jargon involved in the SEO, and sometimes can get into trouble.
Emerging Methods for Effective Search Engine Ranking
Search Engine traffic has always been and continues to be one of the best ways to drive qualified traffic to a web site - it presents information about goods and services when the interest level is high and it can be acted on immediately. Up till now opt-in e-mail marketing has been an effective complement to search engine ranking campaigns; but the never-ending deluge of Spam is rapidly ruining the effectiveness of opt-in e-mail and helping to add luster to the value and cost-effectiveness of search engine traffic.
7 Search Engine Optimization Strategy
Search engine optimization refers to the technique of making your web pages search engine friendly so that search engines are more easy to understand and analyze your website. Consequently, your site has a better chance to gain high search engine ranking.
How to Improve Your Search Engine Rankings
When people think of search engine optimization, they immediately think of time consuming very tedious tasks that are way beyond their capabilities. That might be true if they put no time and effort into it. I do agree that improving search engine rankings in competitive niche markets require a good deal of knowledge and expertise. It's TIME to learn the basics of how to improve your search engine rankings. There is huge need for search engine optimization experts, but most websites don't find themselves in a very competitive niche market. Many websites can achieve top rankings by applying my optimization basics. All you have to do is put in the time learning and applying them.
Selecting The Title Of Your Link Exchanges
I want to touch base with selecting the title of the links that are added to other sites. Adding your link on another site is very important for your search engine saturation and rankings.
Searching The Internet Without Search Engines
The World Wide Web contains more than ten million websites with thousands more being added daily from all over the world, and search engines are tasked with presenting the most relevant pages based on the search criteria entered. Finding a large and popular site like www.irs.gov is easy because it is related to a large agency, but a small site like mine www.consumermortgagereduction.com would be impossible without the use of search engines. The task of finding a website that relates to a specific subject would be almost without the use of the search engine, yet they perform this task with relative ease using tools that may be unknown to most users of search engines.
SEO, the Simplified Version
Lets get things straight. SEO is a very competitive market. If you have the time to promote your site and have the energy to work hard to get a good PR then this is for you. I have read many books on SEO and tried to get the best tactics to use. If you have already built a website there are two things you need to do. First is ON PAGE optimizing and the second is OFF Page optimizing. On page is basically getting your meta tags and description tags similar to the pages that you have built. One key thing to remember is try to use tags with the keywords in your content. For example: if you have keywords like "SEO consultant" in you content you should bold it and put alt tags around it. Try to do this to each keyword per paragraph, don't over do it then google will think you're a spammer. Build pages according to you keywords and description tags.
Complete Web-Site Optimization For Search Engines (Part 1)
SEO or search engine optimization strategy now becomes widely popular among online business operators. Nothing strange about it as it allows to substantially increase your gross income, as a result of growing traffic or visitors flow.
How Web Design Can Affect Search Engine Rankings
Uniquely built web sites can create unique issues when being promoted on the search engines. From a basic 3 page brochure site to a corporate site with hundreds of dynamically generated pages, every web site needs to have certain design aspects in order to achieve the full effects of an SEO campaign. Below are a few points to take into consideration when building or updating your web site.
The Reality of Search Engine Submissions
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How To Boost Your Keyword Density On Your Web Site To Gain Top Positions At The Search Engines
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Feed me - Satisfy the Search Engines and Your Sites Visitors With Keyword-Rich Content
Search engines love content. Graphics may make your site look great, but a nice picture does not attract a search engine. Or a searcher for that matter. Good, relevant content does.
Playing in Googlebots Sandbox with Slurp, Teoma, & MSNbot - Spiders Display Differing Personalities
There has been endless webmaster speculation and worry about the so-called "Google Sandbox" - the indexing time delay for new domain names - rumored to last for at least 45 days from the date of first "discovery" by Googlebot. This recognized listing delay came to be called the "Google Sandbox effect."