Introduction to Google Page Rank (PR)
For anyone looking to enhance their Google Page Rank (PR) to get a better place in the search results, we now have software that makes finding good links so much easier.
In case you didn't know, to get your PR rating up it is essential to have a significant number of good quality links to your site (the techy bit)... to make a link count, the page who is linking to you needs to have a PR of 4 or more (the higher the better). That's not all though... Every link that page has to another site gives some of the PR away, and every inbound link gives it more, so to know if having a link from another site is going to benefit you very much, you need to look at the PR and then find out how many inbound and outbound links is has! phew!
Not easy I would say, so that's why we now have special software - you give it a URL and the keywords you have optimised for, and it crawls its' way round the web looking for pages to link from and analysing them. You end up with a CSV or HTML file that saves you hours in searching and tells you which links are worth having.
Here's an example of the output for 1 potential link:
Keyword-to-Link search. Used keyword(s) "web site designer".
Rank: 7 Estimated: 3 Outbound: 369 Backward: 2460
This tells you the PR of that site is 7, 369 links to other pages, 2460 links to that page, and it would give you a boost of 3 out of a potential 10 for getting a link.
We offer 2 services - 1 where you supply the keywords you want analysing, and we supply the file back to you with the hard work done, ready for you to approach the sites for links. As an introductory price for August / September this is only £99 + VAT.
We also do the complete link building and optimisation service.
Call for more information - 01202 242200.
About The Author
Simon is a director of Bournemouth based Refreshed Media (http://www.refreshedmedia.com)

So, Where Has Your Search Engine Been Today?
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Five FAQ About Google PageRank
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Google Page Rank Is Dead - Part II
In part I - Google Page Rank Is Dead - Or Ist It? http://web-marketing.smartads.info/2004/august-11.html
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Top Search Engine Ranks, Part 2- Mastering the Secret- Explained
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Things You Must Realize When Searching
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Utilizing Popular Directories as Free Link Sources
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Google Loosing Fan Base?
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Boost Your Search Engine Ranking And Generate Free Traffic With Reciprocal Links
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SEO - Are You Making The Search Engines Mad?
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The First Search Engine Marketing Method: Content That Meets Customers Needs
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