Agressive Linking Strategies Help To Get Your Site Noticed
A good link building strategy has become an essential part of search engine marketing and positioning. It has been the topic of many web conferences around the world for quite some time now.
At the recent webmaster world search conference, Bruce Clay suggested what he called aggressive linking campaigns, be instigated following a few basic guidelines. He suggested that many uneducated link builders do foolish linking into multiple domain networks, which are all hosted either on the same server, or simply buy links from a series of sites hosted within a single C block of IP addresses. Bruce advised gaining links from a wide range of IP addresses that are hosted in different places, and that this would replicate natural links that will be gained over a period of time. This guideline was given as IP address ? Different is Good.
With aggressive linking it is also advisable to vary the page rank quality of those sites you want to link to you. Again making things appear natural to the search engines. Be careful to not only link to sites with a high page rank of 8 or 9. You should also seek links from a good range of sites with both high and low page rank values. This is especially the case for new sites.
Some search engine optimisers recommend looking at your link campaign from a purely scientific view. Basically you need to find out what the visitors to your site are searching for, and then find out which phrases convert to sales and then target your link text towards these visitors. Once you have determined your highest value phrases, you then apply those phrases in the anchor text you request from your link partners. Using this method allows you to request links based on the highest Return Of Investment (ROI), as well as appearing natural to the search engine spiders.
By applying the aggressive strategies above, you will attain a linking campaign that is both relevant and highly targeted to your main search phrases.
Jason Morris is co-author, search engine optimization and marketing consultant of Business Phone Systems Direct. An established communications company, offering advice and implementation of high quality business phone systems.

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