Increase Page Rank with Search Engine Optimization
Utilizing effective search engine optimization techniques will improve the page rank of your website.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process by which webmasters or online business owners utilize strategic copy to increase their website's popularity. Given that the internet has grown so rapidly over the past decade, the competition for the best search engine position has created an enormous market focused on how best to position a website for better rankings on Google, Yahoo and other prominent search engines. Therefore, understanding the fundamental elements of SEO is critical to online business' success.
Search engines are sophisticated pieces of technology that allow users to quickly find relevant websites by searching for a simple word or phrase (e.g. "day spas"). While there are many tricks that can be used to increase page rank, the most effective methods must include providing consistently high quality online articles. This seems like a simple concept, but there are many websites that fail to provide content that visitors find interesting. If you can set your website apart from these boring, lifeless sites, then you're already a step closer to achieving high page rank via search engine optimization. Sites that provide articles that are informative, well-written, and regularly updated create highly engaged online visitors who are more likely to return to the site I the future.
The second critical component of effective search engine optimization is to include key words and phrases within your articles. These keyword phrases should mirror the phrases that website visitors use when traversing the web. Visit your site's traffic report to determine what keywords are drawing visitors to your site already, and make an effort to incorporate those words into your articles. Alternatively, study your competitors' websites to determine what words they use to attract traffic. Be sure to use simple titles that clearly state what the article is about, and try to include a keyword or two in the title if possible. The more key words you use in your articles, the more likely it is that visitors will find your site when they conduct a search with those words. If you are consistent with these methods, your overall search engine optimization will increase, which will in turn boost your page rank.
Next, when writing articles to post on your site, make sure you develop a clear means of organizing their content. This can often be done by simply adding a new page to your site. This will allow room for more articles to be added as you write them, and allow you to develop an archive of articles that will continue to draw unique visitors. Be sure to include your archived articles in a directory that is near the root web of your site, to ensure that search engines effectively index your online articles. Don't forget to add the pages to your site navigation, and include links to and from the main page and the articles page. Creating an articles page that is easy to find not only makes your content more readily accessible, but also allows spiders searching the web to tag a larger percentage of your sites' information.
Finally, consider allowing others to link to your website. Not only does this provide free advertising for your site, but it creates the impression that your site is important because of its affiliated links. Just be sure that you avoid linking to pages that have a lower page rank than your own; it actually could reduce your site's popularity within the rankings.
Search engine optimization strategies are important in developing your site's popularity. Therefore, write high quality, keyword rich content and link your site to and from a strategic family of other sites. In so doing, you will help improve your site's popularity and, hopefully, drive increased business through your online business.
Online reprint rights granted as long as the article is published in its entirety, including links and resource box. © John Doetsch 2005.
John Doetsch is SEO specialist at Websition.com where you will find additional articles and free web site content written by the Internet's most gifted authors.
Visit his site http://www.websition.com.

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