Search Engines The Masters Of The Internet Universe ? Part 2
"This is a continuation of the pervious part, split into multiple parts for keeping the article size manageable."
When we thought we are just boxed in by the same set of search engine perspectives, there it comes, "help" flapping its wide wings in the form of meta-search engines. These search engines gets results from multiple search engines and give an ordered list of highly relevant results. This is in a sense better as the search engines have become more targeted and live than when they were a few Internet years ago. For the uninitiated, an Internet year equates to 100 days in calendar days. This is because this is the time it typically takes an Internet concept or idea to get fully developed and accepted widely in the Internet world. Before we get into how the Mets search engines work and help a little section on the how the search engines work.
Search engines regularly go out and query multiple "known websites" using their search bots, this is dubbed as spidering. The term known websites is critical to understand. The first and foremost is direct submissions by website owners to the search engines. These submissions are mostly added into the queue to spidered. The schedule for when this happens differs from search engine to search engine. The websites that are in the list to be spidered are simply dubbed the "Hang Outs". There are two types of hang outs one is the websites that are submitted to the search engines for inclusion and are yet to be spidered and the new websites that are quoted in established websites. The second concept is very interesting. Every master of a web perspective (web site) understands that you are either in the search engines index or never get a chance in the world. Oh No, you are wrong you are not slaves to the search engines. There are many other techniques, to be known outside of the search engines and when you are known to others who are known to the search engines then the search engines quickly know about you within one Internet year mostly. It is just the friend's friend is your friend concept.
The Hang outs are then indexed by the search engines based on the content and the level of optimization in the pages. It is highly important to understand that the search bots are just programmed online ghosts that need some handholding to understand your web perspective. This is termed search engine optimization and is a good topic to read and acquire knowledge about the vast number of techniques available for you. The indexed pages are now dubbed "Cartographed web Sites". These sites are now in the Known World. Meaning there is a possibility that a human sole may stumble on the web site. This cartography we are talking about is organic search recognition and not the paid inclusions and listings. There is more for you to understand and this is the crux of the topic dealt in the next part. Now let us get back to the topic of the hang outs. As I mentioned earlier other way to get spidered is to be suggested by other websites. This is popularly called by the term linking. We won't touch much into the topic but there are two types of links in each web perspective, one is a good suggestive link the other is a "Kibitzer link". Suggestive links are good links that will provide more information if you visit them. The "Kibitzer links" are links that are placed for money and are completely irrelevant to the topic on the web page even remotely. Paid inclusion is a great in many ways but "Kibitzing" is what is killing the Internet.
In the next part you will see more about the paid search engines and listings along with the organic search inclusion.
Author suggests a dosage of atleast two searches before sleep each day for the following Meta search engine: http://www.Exoode.com - A metasearch engine with page preview. Results from more than 10 top search engines are combined here. Search the web for MP3s, books, images, news and products.
If you forgot to take the directed dosage you have the liberty to take twice the number of dosage when you get to remember the same. Author is a freelance writer for the webs many great websites and can be contacted at indyan at gmail dot com. Permission is granted to reprint this article with all portions of this article intact including this resource box in its entire form.

2 Lesser Known Ways to Brainstorm for Internet Home Business Keywords
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) doctrine states that you should always find a keyword that has little to no competition and that has high demand so that you can rise to the top of the search engine results and dominate that particular keyword. The problem with the internet home business area is that many people online are creating new websites with the typical keywords like "work from home" and "home business" so as a result it is almost impossible to rise to the top of the search engines or risking having to pay lots of money for pay per click advertising.
Google Contest - Nigritude Ultramarine
Search engine optimization experts are having fun with Google. Experts, with DarkBlue.com at the helm, are holding a contest to determine how Google really works. Experts are competing, with the goal of optimizing a webpage for a non-sensical phrase: 'nigritude ultramarine'.
Boost Your Search Engine Ranking And Generate Free Traffic With Reciprocal Links
Reciprocal links are an important step in your overall plan to get site visitors.
Five Tips for Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization sounds so daunting for most young companies. Who has time for dealing with metatags and keyword density when you're trying to get a company off the ground? Below is a simple list of five things you can easily do to improve your visibility on search engines.
Google, Adsense, SEO, and How It All Works
Google uses an algorithm to determine the search engine results (SERPS). The algorithm is based upon certain factors that include keyword density, Meta Tags, anchor tags, image tags, back links, etc etc etc.
Whats Link Popularity?
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Do-It-Yourself Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is big business. If you rely on search engines to bring visitors to your business website, you need to rely on more than luck. Your business will lag far short of its potential unless your site is optimized and re-optimized for search engine results.
A Play In The Sandbox Is Necessary
There has been a good deal written about the Google 'sandbox' effect, as it's known. It has been taking up a lot of forum and article space over the last few months. I can't help wonder why most of the comment I've been seeing is negative or at least ambivalent about the concept (if of course, it really exists, as is the case with much about SEs that we don't truly know).
Search Engines: Tips and Strategies on Getting Listed and Ranking High for Newbies
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What is Your Sales Message?
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Top 2 Ways To Get Higher Rankings in Major Search Engines
Top 10 search engine rankings. Everybody wants it but a few achieve it. Search engines have always been an important source of traffic for many marketers. Achieving high search engine rankings should be one of your goals because it can be profitable in the long run.
Google - PR & Backlinks
Here are some observations that I have made recently:
How to Avoid Getting OOPed On by Google?
Earlier this year, I was having trouble getting good search engine placement for one of our sites. I was trading links like crazy, spending many hours a week trying to optimize the site properly, checking my linking structures, keyword density, etc., but still I was not climbing the ranks in Google.
How Real SEO Analysis Works
If you're serious about SEO, you need to know how to analyze the information you uncover.
SEOing A Flash Intro
Tops In Toolbars?
Most internet marketers are aware of, and probably use, the Google Toolbar. After all, it has been the only indicator of Google's PageRank number that has been assigned to a given web page. Whether the number is accurate, important, or even updated any more is a matter of debate on the marketing forums. But the only feature that was really worthwhile for more casual surfers, other than being able to use the Google search box directly, was the popup window blocker feature, which oddly enough, is the least favorite feature of many an internet marketer.
The Power of Search Engine Friendly URLs
I recently invested quite some time into generating search engine friendly URLs for several of my websites to increase my ranking and to have more pages indexed. I can highly recommend to look into this if your own website does not have se-friendly URLs. Especially Google (the most important search engine nowadays) can be very picky in regards to URLs that are not se-friendly.
Marketing Articles: Getting A Better Search Engine Rank For All Of Your Pages!
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Driving Your Website through Google Sandbox
What is Google Sandbox?
Google Bring Deskbar Search To Windows Desktop. Now Any Website Can Take Advantage Of This
Google's premier of desktop search proves that the desktop is an extremely valuable marketing real estate. Google, which holds about 75% of the Internet search market, just introduced "Deskbar" ? a small desktop application that allows users to search Google directly from their desktops. Google currently rules the Internet, but positioning themselves on the desktop gives them the power to rule not only the Internet, but also the entire personal computer.