4 Tricks For Lightning Fast Indexing
The biggest problem that most are running into seems to do with getting INTO the search engines. Rankings aside, you need to first get them to index you. Here are the four main ways to assure yourself fast indexing:
Indexing Tip #1:
Never launch a new site with a lot of back links. Build natural links over weeks and months.
Let's face it, there is no guaranteed method of getting indexed by Google fast, and buying links from high-ranking sites does not guarantees anything either.
The most immediate red flag you should watch out for is your number of incoming links. According to Google, it takes time to get link popularity and sites should not have more than 100 incoming links.
It's okay to launch with a quality link or two. But beyond that, you are pushing it!
Here is the scoop! It takes 30-45 days for Google to deep index new sites. Instead of sitting around during "sandbox" time, use that period to build a strong set of natural back-links with a variety of sites.
Indexing Tip #2:
Register your domain name at least four months before you plan to launch the site.
No I am not kidding! Whether you agree with it or not, history shows that Google takes older URLs far more seriously than newer ones. So register your domain name as soon as you plan on developing a site.
Indexing Tip #3:
Blog and ping carefully.
Blogging & pinging is one of the fastest ways to get into the Yahoo index - it can literally get you into Yahoo overnight ? helps with MSN as well.
Will blogging and pinging help get you into Google? Maybe. But over-pinging can set off red flags on the ping servers, and if you're using automated blogging software, overdoing it can cause Blogger.com and other services to shut down your blog.
Blogging and pinging intelligently can get your blog indexed in Yahoo quickly, but ping carefully.
Does Yahoo de-index junk blogs? Absolutely. Especially since the creation of all this software, the search engines are watching closely for red flags (use software wisely).
So what can you do about Yahoo Search? Not much? You can be smart about blogging and pinging or even better, you can create real (not by software) blogs. You still have to be careful with pinging though.
In the end, blogging and pinging should be part of every beginner's indexing strategy.
Indexing Tip #4:
If you build bulk directory/portal sites - keep them in the 200-300 page range.
We know it's such a blast to build those monster 1000-5000 page sites, even with growing evidence of Google bots' tendencies to stall after indexing the first 200 pages or so?
So if you're into blasting out those gigantic directories and sick of waiting months for them to get indexed, experiment with building smaller sites around more targeted niches.
In a nutshell: Divide those mega-keyword lists, spend a little time grouping your sub-lists, and build smaller sites.
All in all, the best way to get indexed, stay indexed and eventually get ranked is to recruit incoming link partners. See, blogging and pinging could be gone tomorrow. But, linking is an integral part of how the internet works ? it will never go away.
Concentrate on building sites and recruiting links ? the links get you indexed, ranked and even bring you free traffic from those who click the links!
Copyright 2005 Kurma Group
Anik Singal is a 21 year old successful internet marketer who has developed his own affiliate marketing system which helped him earn over $10,466 in just 60 days.
Join his FREE Course at: http://www.AffiliateClassroom.com

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Optimize Your Site Pt1
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Your PC can Contribute with Google Compute
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