HTML and Search Engine Optimization - What You Dont Know Can Kill You
When it comes to search engine optimization there is a lot of information available, some accurate, some not. If you really want to know what is going on regarding your website and how to best optimize it for good results with the search engines, you need to do some SEO research. Review the following suggestions and above all get your information verified from a variety of sites, don't just take one site's information as the truth and run with it because you could be running in the wrong direction.
-Frames Equal Death
If you are using frames on your website then your website is dead in the water when it comes to search engines. Frames cannot be indexed by the majority of search engines. Obviously this is bad because you want to be indexed by the search engines so eliminating frames from your website or building a new website without frames should be one of your major goals.
-No HTML Links
If you do not have HTML links on your site, but rather are using an image map from your homepage to your other pages then you might simply be asking the search engines to ignore these other web pages and these more than likely have some of your website's most important information. If you are not using HTML links, start doing so, and bring your web page rankings in the search engines back to life.
Your URL is important and it is what will direct people to your website. However, if you include a "?" in your URL you are causing problems for many search engines. By using "?" in your URL formatting, you may be ignored and not indexed by the search engines. Do your best to keep the "?" symbol out of your URL and use keywords instead.
-No Links
If you do not have links to your website throughout the Internet, you are not maximizing your website's true potential. To solve this problem, all you have to do is simply get other websites to link to your site. This can easily be done through reciprocal linking and the search engines will pick up your webpages and index them.
-No Keywords
If you do not optimize your website with keywords you will have some major problems when it comes to getting targeted search engine traffic. Search engines use keywords as a method to weigh your website against others so be sure to know your important keywords and include them in the content of your website.
Now that you have some information on search engine optimization and what you need to do to increase your targeted search engine traffic, get started optimizing you website so you can enjoy being ranked higher in the search results and ultimately boost your income.
Michael Turner reveals step-by-step how you can increase search engine traffic in his free 7 part mini-series. Grab it now at http://www.powertraffictactics.com/

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