Search Engine Traffic Domination - How to Turn the Search Engines into Your 24/7 Salesmen
Getting your website returned by the search engines as a high result is a significant goal by most webmasters because higher search results means higher traffic and revenues. However, there are some tips you can utilize to help your website gain better rankings by the search engines and ways to turn the search engines into your 24/7 salesmen. The following suggestions, if followed, will help you get better rankings by the search engines and more traffic to your website.
Suggestion #1 - Keywords
Using keywords on your website is vital to your search engine rankings, it is as simple as that. The reason for this is people search the search engines for keywords looking for specific information. If those keywords are present in your Meta tags, titles, and beginnings of paragraphs, then you will have a higher ranking by the search engines than if not. However, you should definitely make sure that you know what keywords are best for your market and your web page because misuse can cause you problems.
Suggestion #2 - Links
The amount of links on the Internet that pointing to your site will greatly enhance the ranking your website receives by the search engines. The reason for this is that search engines search for particular keywords and then the sites with links. The sites with the appropriate keywords and the most links get the best rankings. Because of this you need to be concerned about having links all over the net to improve your rankings, and let the search engines drive traffic to your site for free.
Suggestion #3 - No Frames
Do not use frames on your website if you want the search engine to promote your site. The reason for this is that most search engines do not support frames and even if the first page of your site gets indexed, the others probably won't. Without all of your web pages indexed the search engines won't be able to appropriately promote your site.
Suggestion #4 - No Spamming
At all costs do not spam, not in any way, shape, or form. All search engines look down upon spamming and do not index spammers. Even worse, search engines ban them or blacklist them for life. You obviously do not want to get your site blacklisted for life because that will ruin a major method for driving traffic to your site. So, simply avoid spamming in any context of the word.
When you follow these basic principles you will allow the search engines to do most of your work for you. When you give the search engines exactly what they want, they will return your site as a high return and you will get more traffic as a result.
Michael Turner shows you exactly how to increase web site traffic in his free 7 part mini-series. Grab it today at http://www.powertraffictactics.com/

Why SEO Will Make or Break You, Part 1
Today's article is about the wonders of SEO. SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. If you know anything about our world wide web, than you surely know that the sites bringing in the most monstrous traffic are search engines. In the world of traffic, search engines control almost all of the pieces. If you stop and think about it, if you want to find something on the web, what do you do? Odds are you hop on over to Yahoo, Google, MSN, Alta Vista, Ask Jeeves, Kanoodle, and the list just goes on and on. Almost every method of obtaining traffic, other than offline sources and direct, random domain visits, all of your traffic is coming through these engines. Pay Per Click advertising, sponsered search, directory submissions, all these play off the search engine.
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Question 1
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Search Engine Saturation Tool ? A Must Have SEO Tool
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