Google Love - Five Top Tips To Make Google Love Your Site
1. Google love ...
Google and all its programming is not some form of enemy - unless you are a piece of web scum, that is.
Google is based on the idea that it should help people FIND WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR.
That's all.
Sit with the statement above. Meditate upon it if necessary. Use EFT.
But UNDERSTAND that a pointless site that has no unique content will NEVER get ANYWHERE with Googly or any other outfit that is using their techniques and methods.
You can buy books and ebooks until your wallet bleeds on "how to trick Google" this and that - just forget it.
Unless you have SOME THING that SOME PEOPLE will HONESTLY WANT and be grateful for when they find it, there is no hope and there is no point in reading any further.
Also, trying to fight Google or be cleverer somehow is pointless, distructive and the wrong attitude.
Learn to LOVE Google and work WITH IT.
If you have the contents, and you follow the most simplest common spider robot courtesy protocols, then it will come and it will index you.
It will be that mystical bridge between YOUR (customers, people, communities, friends) and your site.
That's what it does, that's what it is, that's it's nature and if you know that, then all is well.
You will get good results following the rest of this.
2. Dressing For Google ...
So now, let's have a DECENT website with DECENT content.
A decent website means:
- All the pages and directories have links that work properly and allow Google to slide with immense ease from one place to the other, without ever hitting an annoying dead end;
- All the pages are cleaned up so that you have the absolute MINIMUM of html instructions and nothing that doesn't need to be there, such as vast and pointless java scripts or the truly appalling "mso" instructions;
- All the pages have the right meta tags which ACCURATELY REFLECT what's on them, and including title, content, description, keywords at the very minimum;
- All your pages have proper headings and descriptions and content WHICH MATCHES your meta tags to a T;
- All your images are title and alt tagged CORRECTLY and resident on your own site.
Decent content means:
- Whatever you've got, it is USEFUL. If it is UNIQUE, so much the better, and that's not hard. All you need to is to be yourself and use your own words, even if you are affiliate - write your own reviews, put your own dog's picture on it, be unique, be YOURSELF.
- Whatever you've got, I'm sure there's some people who want to look at it, read it, do something with it. There's billions of people out there. Just make sure YOU KNOW WHO YOUR PEOPLE ARE and write to THEM.
- Decent content also means that what you've got is presented so that both Google and a human being get it what that is all about.
When your website is up and running, test, test and test again. Try every single hyperlink on your own computer, on someone else's and on all manner of different browsers.
Only when you are happy that it all works as it should, we go to Step 3.
3. Let Google SEE You
You need a minimum of 35 decent links going to your site for Google to take any notice of you and start paying attention.
Please be aware that "one link" is just that - www.snark.net is NOT the same as http://www.snark.net, which is not the same as http://snark.net, nor even remotely similar to any variation including http://snark.net/index.php
All, each and every ONE is viewed as a single separate link - when you need 35 ALL GOING TO ONE SINGLE ADDRESS to do the magic.
So now, to the "decent links" part.
A site that isn't indexed much by Google or doesn't turn up until page 1,993,990 on a Google search for its kind is WORTHLESS to you.
Find HIGH RANKED directory listings for your site and list your site THERE. This goes for any of the many variations on getting a link from another site, be it a guestbook signed or an article placed. Don't waste your time with anything that itself doesn't turn up on Google's own top ten.
Now, you've got a date with Google.
What we need to do next is to BUILD A RELATIONSHIP - prove our value and worth over time, in other words.
That's the next of our Google top tips - seniority and reliability.
4. Be THERE When Google Calls!
Make sure you've got a decent ISP with 99% uptime or better - that's of course elementary.
Don't ever take your site down for whatever reason and make any changes gradually.
Most importantly, get the best tracking software you can afford and find out who is already coming, and what they are coming for.
That's the key to long term success - to find what you're doing well and then expanding on it. For example, if one person came from Google (or any other search engine) for the term "snark", then build on that. Write more articles about snarks, what to do with them and without them, collect snark images - in other words, become the first port of call for any snark enquiry.
Build on your speciality some more with a web directory, guest articles, reviews and then we're more than 3/4 the way to a real web presence and Google responding to changes in your site near instantly, which is what we want.
5. Keep Improving ALL THE TIME.
The final success tip is to keep improving ALL THE TIME.
Pull up the html or php you wrote a year ago - I bet you can do better now.
Review your meta tags and your site copy and improve on both.
Name your pages, images and directories better. Improve the content, structure, navigation of your site.
Keep at it with directory listings and submissions - directories come and go, you need to be always there with the "state of the art".
Keep doing useful link exchanges with matching high ranked sites too and keep adding VALUE and UNIQUE CONTENT to your clean and well presented pages.
That's the most important thing of all - to keep at it with continuous improvement.
Follow these steps EXACTLY with a well named new site with decent content - and you WILL see immediate improvement in your Google rankings.
Good Luck and Good Spirits always,
Silvia :-)
Silvia Hartmann
CEO, The StarFields Network
Author, MindMillion - Rags To Riches In 6 Phases
Silvia Hartmann PhD is an author, NLP, Hypnosis & MET Trainer and international motivational speaker. Her published books include the international best seller "Adventures In EFT", "Project Sanctuary" and "EmoTrance". After a five year research project, she created MindMillion, a unique approach to wealth building and reality creation.

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