Copy Editing: 10 Powerful, Mind Blowing Secrets For Writing A High-Impact Ad
No matter what product or service you're promoting, unless you are able to write and use a highly persuasive Ad, you may not generate a lot of traffics and sales.
Writing a high impact Ad that will deliver truckloads of sales requires some skill and practice.
Below are a few professional copy editing secrets to help you improve:
1. Publish a picture of yourself in your ad. This will show people that you're not hiding behind your web site and you're not afraid to backup your product.
2. List how many famous or respected people have purchased your product in your ad. These people should be fairly known by your target audience.
3. Publish the results of any tests your product has passed in your ad. Your product may have passed a durability test, safety test, quality test, etc.
4. Publish the results of any positive surveys you've taken from your customers in your ad. Just survey your current customers and list the results.
5. List any publications that have written about your business in your ad. It could be a product review, on a top ten list, an article, etc.
6. List any related books that you've written in your ad. When you list a book(s) you've wrote, it gives you credibility because it shows you're an expert.
7. Have a professional looking web site to publish your ad on. When people visit your site and it looks unprofessional, they'll relate that to your product.
8. Publish any endorsements from famous people in your ad. Some people will think if a famous person, enjoys your product, so will they.
9. Use a money back guarantee in your ad. This will remove the risk from your potential customers and show them that you stand behind your product.
10. Provide testimonials from satisfied customers in your ad. The testimonials should include specific and believable results you customers have received.
May these copy editing secrets help you to make a lot of money.
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