Web Site Turn Ons
When you develop a sales brochure, you have a mental checklist of what needs to be in it. You probably look at brochures from other vendors. You get advice from friends and colleagues. You probably also notice the sales flyers you get in the mail. What do you notice? What gets your attention?
A web site for your business has many of the same purposes as a sales brochure. At the same time, it is more "delicate" and requires more attention. It is technically more advanced and therefore more challenging to design as well as to keep up to date.
Below are 10 things you should consider when developing a web site. These will give you a good start. After reading them, you may be able to add more.
1. Know your audience. You need to know who are the people most likely to look at your site so that you can target that audience. Who are your current and potential customers? What kinds of words or pictures do they respond to? You are more likely to make sales to those who spend time at your site, so you need to make the pitch to your most likely candidates.
2. Learn from the best. Spend some time on the web. Look at your competitors' sites as well as unrelated sites. Discover which presentations you like and what colors work well together. Take note of how easy or hard it is to navigate through the sites. Save the addresses you like so that you can return to them easily (this is called a "bookmark"). The better your web site looks, the more time people will spend with it and the better your chances of increased business or sales.
3. Plan ahead. Once you know your audience (who is most likely to be interested in your product or service) take time to lay out the content of each page and how different pages will link to each other. The more planning you do up front, the easier it will be to get up and running, and the fewer changes you will need to make down the road.
4. Graphics are worth 10,000 pixels. This is a play on the expression, "A picture is worth 1,000 words." Text in different colors can highlight important information. Animation, sound, and video may be important, especially if they are business related. Be aware, however, that if graphics take more than 8 seconds to load, a potential customer may get impatient and move on. On the other hand, the effective and efficient use of graphics can provide a lot of information that will catch people's attention. Potential customers may not take the time to read text, but they can judge quickly from a picture if the product or service will meet their needs.
5. Be a good neighbor. If you want to quote a source, get permission. If some of the ideas you present are not yours, give credit where credit is due. Use disclaimers or disclosures when required or appropriate. This enhances your reputation as a vendor.
6. Connect with the world. Provide links to other sites that sell accessories, add-ons, or related products. This will make it easier for them to do get all they need with minimal searching. Try to arrange for reciprocal links. The more ways people can get to your site, the more people will see it.
7. Test your site. Always check your text for errors in both spelling and grammar. Remember that a spell checker will find incorrect spellings but not incorrect usage (i.e., the difference between "its" and "it's"). Also, what you see in one browser may not be what you get in another. You need to make sure that all the fonts, centering, and alignment work. Test uploading times and links with slow modems. While you can't examine every possible computer hardware and software configuration that users might have, the more scenarios your site works well on, the more people will spend time with it.
8. Get outside opinions. Find out what people think about your site. Ask for specifics like colors, fonts, graphics, time to load, and ease of navigation. Receive both positive and negative feedback graciously. Thank people for their suggestions. Remember that you will not be able to please everyone, but the more people who like your site, the more they will recommend it to others.
9. Let people know where you are. Register with search engines. Tell your current and potential customers through phone calls or email. Include your web address on your business cards, letterhead, print ads, and email signature. The best web site in the world will not make money if people don't know it's there.
10. Keep it fresh. Update the content on a timely basis. Use contests and promotions. Conduct surveys and polls where people can vote. Make your web site fun and interactive. Your site should be interesting and constantly refreshed so people will keep coming back to see what's new.
Remember that your web site is an electronic ad for your business. Make certain that it reflects your business well.
© Copyright 2004 by Alicia Smith
Alicia Smith is a Coach and Trainer whose specialty is helping people Make Money Now. She has taught over 70,000 people how to improve their business bottom lines. To learn more about her courses, products and services please email her at alicia@aliciasmith.com or visit http://www.AliciaSmith.com and http://www.90DayMarketingMarathon.com

6 Reasons Why Using Flash is a BIG Mistake
Most web designers and web design companies will try to convince you that if you want your business to have the best site possible that you MUST have a flash site. Flash, for those of you who are newbies, is a software program that can create really cool special effects and animations. You can either have flash elements embedded in your website or you can have your entire website done in flash.
Creating Your First Website? Your Options
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Small Business Website Design - How to Get Professional Results on a Shoestring Budget
Just because you are a small business with an even smaller website design budget, does not mean that you cannot have a professional looking website and presence on the web. All it means is you will have to do some of the work yourself instead of paying some design firm to do it for you. Amazingly enough, self designed pages from small business owners who did their research frequently end up being better and more focused than professionally designed pages. Consider the following suggestions when designing your own website.
Click Here
See, works every time. Seriously now, for some reason people keep leaving your website and you can't figure out why. Try putting a "Click Here" button at the bottom of your page that does not specify where it will redirect your customer to. This link should lead to a more interesting page; one that you feel should not be missed. It is amazing that people fall for this, no matter how bored they are on your site, with a "Click Here" button; chances are many people will push it just to see what happens. Some people even get a little deceptive and play mind games by putting a "Don't Click Here" button on their page. OF COURSE you'll click a "Don't Click Here," it is human nature.
3 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Website
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Increase Sales on Your Website! Use Graphics!
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Are You Driving Away Potential Customers?
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Great E-Cover Creation in 5 Steps
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Teach Yourself CSS The Easy Way
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Caveat Scriptor: Use the Advice of Those Who Know Before You Build a Site
~A man [woman] is a success if he [she] gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he [she] does what he [she] wants to do. Bob Dylan~
Professional Web Design Companies - How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off
Building a website that is exactly what you want and has all of the components you believe will impress customers is not easy. Your website needs to make searching and buying as easy as possible for your visitors and sometimes it is best to seek help on your website design. You may want to seek out a professional web design company to help you design your web pages so you can get started online. However, web design companies are notorious for quoting one thing and billing something significantly higher. What you need to do is know how you can avoid getting ripped off before you ever do so you can avoid the situation if at all possible. Read the following suggestions to help you avoid getting ripped off.
Power of Squeeze Pages for Realtors
Squeeze pages are a very hot topic in the internet marketing scene. What a squeeze page is is a page that is built to get someone to take an action. You have a newsletter but visitors to your site are not subscribing to it enough for your liking so what you do is on each page of your site you offer some kind of freebie, lets say on your buyers page you can offer to send the kind of listings that the person is looking for (if your MLS offers the service this may be very very easy to do) or maybe on a page for sellers you could offer a free download of a "Make more money be properly preparing your home to sell".
7 Tips To Increase Sales With Your Ecommerce Web Site
Ecommerce is just exploding right now on the Net. More and more people are doing their shopping online. Some Internet retailers are even beating out their offline counterparts. So what does this mean to you? It's important that you are taking full advantage of your web site to get your share of the billions of dollars spent online every year. In this article we are going to cover 7 tips that you can put into practice immediately to increase your sales and revenue with your ecommerce web site.
Website Registration Roadmap - How to Create Your Own Website in 7 Easy Steps
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Web Usability: The Basics
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A Web Site That Sells Is All One Needs To Have A Successful Online Business!
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Custom Icons For Your Specific Brand
Developing a software application is not easy at all; apart from the effective creation of the application you'll have to think of other things as well, like: making the software easy to work with, giving it a unique and appealing look, making it better than other software, etc. Apart from the qualities of the application, these little things are the ones that promote your software application among the end users. If the application is easy to use, has a friendly user interface, the look of the program is unique yet not too flashy a lot more people will want to have it and use it. On the other hand, we should be careful about the overall look of the entire application because if it looks too different or it is too striking, many of the new users will be reserved in trying it. The reticence might be coming from the fact that, due to the unconventional look, they will think that it is hard to work with this application. Also, the icons of the application must be eye-catching but not too flashy or different from the usual.
10 seconds is all it takes? (How to grab the attention of your audience with your web site)
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When Your Graphic Designer Costs You Money
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