Do-It-Yourself or Hire a Professional Designer
Remember your vision for your company and the brand or statement you want to make when any of your current or potential customers come in contact with you. You have to impress them in all the ways you connect with them.
DIY (Do-It-Yourself)
?? Knowledge is Power
I highly recommend reading and
learning about graphic/web design.
It's a good idea in a long-term sense
whether you do design projects yourself
now or hire in the future. You will be
able to communicate more effectively
to your graphic professionals when
your business is ready to outsource.
By learning design techniques, it will
help you organize how to present
your image to your target market.
The most important lesson to remember
is if you start your design project,
don't forget about Quality. I may not
call myself a copywriter, but I do write
my own content and persuasive
marketing materials... But I feel fairly
confident about my copy because I
have taken steps to learn about writing
copy that sells and you can do the same
for design. Read books. Take classes.
Learn the software.
?? It's an affordable route
Nothing is more affordable that pulling
up your sleeves and doing it yourself
especially if you don't have a budget to
spare on outsourcing.
?? It gives you instant gratification
It's nice to have control and once your
learn the tricks of the trade, you can pat
yourself on the back for a job well-done.
Hiring a Professional
?? How much time do you have?
Designing your marketing materials
(website, business card, stationary,
ezine, postcards, etc.) is not just about
learning about the graphic design
software and, in the case of web design...
learning HTML. Your designer will know
how to harness color theory and how to
organize your content & information to
readable chunks, allow your viewers to focus
on the important benefits, evoke a certain
feeling or thought, and add supporting
graphics that clearly and effectively
communicate your message.
?? Don't you want to concentrate on business?
When you are a small business, you probably
play the role of sales, customer service,
accounting and need to concentrate on
strategies to build business. Hiring lets you
make the decisions to take your business to
the next step, communicate your wants/needs
but then hand it off to someone who can
effectively and productively implement the
?? You do care about quality, right?
You get what you pay for. A quality designer
will only want the best for you and your
business. They live off long-term relationships
and want great testimonials from you.
?? Don't think "service provider".
Think long-term partnerships.
With over 100+ websites designed in the past 4 years, Maya Sunpongco is your Chief Imagination Officer for Design Insomnia, in San Diego, CA - an internet/web graphics firm that harnesses the "Power of Design to Communicate." She supports women-owned businesses and is a member of the National Association for Female Executives and the Professional Women's Network.

Why Do Images Disappear from a Webpage?
In learning webpage design, I encountered many problems that took lots of practice to resolve. Although, I was building web pages using Microsoft Frontpage on my home computer, I used to face lots of issues after uploading the webpage to my website.
User Experience and Search Engines: If Your Home Page Could Only Talk
Dear web site visitor.
How to Prepare Your Project Before You Order Website Design
Are you serious about get this website done fast and clear and want to make money with your website? Then you will absolutely need some good web design agency to build the website of your dream and that it the aim, right?
Creating Your First Website
Building your first website can be very frustrating. It looks fairly easy, but almost always turns out to be more complicated than you expected.
Banner Enchancement - Designing Your Banner
A well designed web site is great to have, but what if no one ever comes to it? Most web sites either rely on advertising, or have used advertising at some point in their existence, to get people to come to view the site. This means that your going to have to have not only a well designed web site but also well designed banners to attract your visitors.
Ten Fatal Mistakes That Make Web Sites Stink
Since you'll spend lots of time and money to create your web site, don't you want to make sure you're not making mistakes that at best irritate users, and at worst make you lose customers?
Create Favorite Icon
Favorite icon appears to the left of your link in either address bar or in favorites menu of your browser. It gives your website more personality, better visibility in favorites menu and is easy to create.
Long Copy Sales Letters on the Web: Hype or Not?
I have written before about long sales copy on the web. But I have more to say on the subject.
14 Ways to Add Content to Your Web Site - Part 1
When I surf the Net, I often see web sites filled with beautiful graphics that strive to capture my attention. Well, they do so for an instant, however I click away when I don't immediately find relevant content. The content you add to your web site needs to attract both visitors and search engines.
How To Create A Stunning Drop Capital Effect On Your Web Pages
Drop Capitals are frequently used in many newspapers, books and magazines in the offline world. You will frequently see the large capital letter sinking down into the first paragraph of articles, stories and chapters in the majority of publications you come across.
How to Build Your Own Website - More Steps
To build a website, there are four methods to choose from:
Can a Webpage Created Without HTML?
The HTML editor is usually a webpage design software that has a GUI(graphic user interface) which makes it easier to design a webpage using the File Menus. This is good for the non-programmers and non-technical people.
Questions to Ask When Designing a Website for Clients
Questions to ask when designing a Web Site for your client (s).
Give Your Web Site a Small Business Marketing Tune Up
Your web site is like your car. Both are significant investments that require the right features and regular and proper maintenance to ensure maximal satisfaction and performance.
Why You Should Use CSS
It seems more and more webmasters are using CSS for the design and layout of their sites rather than depending on tables and HTML mark up. As well as being more efficient in terms of page size and reusing CSS templates many webmasters believe that it also contributes towards search engine friendliness.
Should You Bother Learning HTML to Build Webpages?
The most popular method to build webpages today is to use WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) software. Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver are prime examples of WYSIWYG software. Both programs allow you to create webpages as though you were creating a document with your favourite word processing software like Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. Its as simple as entering paragraphs, headings and inserting clipart or images.
Simple Lines and Shapes for Your Logo Design
Geometric designs come in all shapes and sizes? and lines. You can create your logo design or customize your illustration by using simple lines and shapes to create your very own unique image.
E-covers for Your Niche Market
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Affordable Website Design In Manchester
If you have a business, big or small you may be thinking of getting yourself a website.
A Web Site That Sells Is All One Needs To Have A Successful Online Business!
There are more than billions of Web Sites, running Online Businesses, offering products and services. But only a few Web Sites manage to make any sale.