Website Checklist
10 Basic Things Your Website Should Have ...
__ all short sentences and paragraphs (more reader friendly)
__ lots of "white" space (more appealing)
__ graphics (makes site more interesting and entertaining)
__ links (widens reader interest)(boosts search engine ranking)
__ search engine listings (so people can find your site)
__ banner at top (makes home page look professional)
__ contact info (at least a valid email address)
__ About Me or About Us info (makes it more personal)
__ privacy policy (adds credibility; spam policy etc)
__ mission statement (defines ethics and purpose of your site). For more info go to http://thecooltool.tripod.com
With these 10 website basics your site can be both professional looking and appealing. And, as a result, you can expect to get a more positive response to your website and your website content.
About The Author
Maya Pinion is a Los Angeles based freelance writer and longtime webmaster, a dedicated googler, and loves visiting good websites.

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