Text Is King!
Are you building your website? If so, STOP! Take a look at what you have done so far. How many images do you have? How much text do you have?
If your website has more images than text then you could be in trouble. Ask yourself these two questions
What are my visitors at my website for?
Chances are, your visitors cam to your website to find information on a topic or to answer a question. They probably didn't come to look at pictures (unless you run a photo gallery). Give your visitors what they want and they will keep on coming back.
Why did I put all these images on my website.
Now, this is not always true, but what I have found is that people put a lot of images on their website to make up for poor quality content. They think if they have a pretty looking website, people won't pay that much attention to the text. That is another wrong assumption that should never be made.
REMEMBER: People come to get quality content, and will leave if you don't provide any
REMEMBER: People come to get quality content, and will leave if you don't provide any
REMEMBER: People come to get quality content, and will leave if you don't provide any
If your website has more text than images, good for you, keep up the good work and good things will come to you.
About The Author
James C. Micucci is the webmaster at www.retrowebmaster.com. Although his site is still in development, in the near future he will become one of the premier content providers on the internet

Increase Your Credibility With Web Site Awards
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How to Create a Favicon for Your Web Site
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Custom Icons For Your Specific Brand
Developing a software application is not easy at all; apart from the effective creation of the application you'll have to think of other things as well, like: making the software easy to work with, giving it a unique and appealing look, making it better than other software, etc. Apart from the qualities of the application, these little things are the ones that promote your software application among the end users. If the application is easy to use, has a friendly user interface, the look of the program is unique yet not too flashy a lot more people will want to have it and use it. On the other hand, we should be careful about the overall look of the entire application because if it looks too different or it is too striking, many of the new users will be reserved in trying it. The reticence might be coming from the fact that, due to the unconventional look, they will think that it is hard to work with this application. Also, the icons of the application must be eye-catching but not too flashy or different from the usual.
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Reach Out To Billions
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What to Ask Your Web Designer
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Building An Effective Furniture Sales Web Site
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