Business Opportunity for Graphic Designers
As a graphic designer, you are sitting on a gold mine. You have a skill other people do not have, and you can use that skill to earn a good living.
But, it's very sad to see most experts in graphic design work for others.
It's time for a change!
Let me tell you a secret.
With the power of Internet, you can start an online business, and make as much money as you can, without having to quit your day job.
It doesn't matter whether you're a professional designers, or just a normal graphic application user, you can tap into a very lucrative graphic design business you can run from your home.
No, I'm not talking about creating a complicated design for big companies. I'm talking about a very simple design you can do in just 30 minutes and charge business owner between $40 - $90 (or more) per job. You'll be amazed to discover that you're going to do a very simple project, which is very high in demand.
What business am I talking about?
How to start an online business in virtual product cover design.
Here are some facts you should know:
1. Internet has enabled many people to start their own online businessess. And among the hottest products & the easiest to sell is information product. Everybody needs information, and people are willing to purchase if it can solve their problem.
2. Besides information product, software is among the hottest products to sell. No wonder the richest man on the earth is selling software!
3. In order for these kinds of products to sell well on the Internet, 3D virtual representations are needed for the customers to see before buying them.
As a graphic designer, you can provide your service to these business owners by creating virtual covers for their products. Examples for these covers are e-book cover, software box cover, CD covers, e-zine cover & newsletter cover.
You can charge between $40 - $90 for 1 design. Imagine how much money can you make simply by designing these covers?
Here's an idea how you can add value to your service and charge more:
Besides designing product cover, you can also design matching website header, footer, background image, and order button.
A typical website selling ebook has the following graphics:
- matching header graphic
- product cover
- order button
- matching footer graphic
This is considered a complete project. You can charge between $90 to $150 for a project.
Who is going to be your customer?
It's obvious. Every marketer who sell information product owners may become your clients. It doesn't matter whether the products they offer are for sale, or just to give away, they'll need virtual covers for the products.
How & where to find the customers?
Here are some ways you can follow to find customers:
- Promote your service at classified site.
- Promote your product through your signature in email and forums.
- Go to Google, and search for 'Internet marketing forum'. You'll find many product owners there.
- Promote your service at Google via Google's pay-per-click advertising program, called Google AdWords. You can get a customer from as low as $0.05. However, for you to promote your business effectively on AdWords, you need to have a good guide. Here's an excellent resource how you can advertise properly on Google: http://www.virtualcovercreator.com/adwords/
How to get started?
Of course, as a new player, you'll have to compete with other product cover designers. Here are some powerful tips you can get started fast:
1. Introduce your service by giving away, let's say, 5 FREE cover designs. In return, ask them to provide testimonials on your service. This will boost your credibility. Hence, more sales.
2. Create a website for your service. List down your offer, put customers testimonial, and don't forget to have a page for your design showcase.
3. Offer a discount for members of an Internet Marketing forum that you visit.
4. You'll need to open a PayPal account to accept payment. An alternative way is using ClickBank or 2checkout.
You are now ready to take order.
How to save time and earn more.
The easiest and fastest way to create product covers is by using Photoshop Actions. Some called them Action Scripts. Actions are some sort of plug-ins that automate the cover design process.
Basically, here's how they work:
- Run Adobe Photoshop
- Load the Actions into Photoshop
- Click on a button to run the Action
- Edit the template with relevant images & text to suit your need
- Click on another button, and your flat cover will be transformed into 3D cover, automatically.
Here's a site where you can find Photoshop Actions for ebook cover & software box cover: http://www.virtualcovergenerator.com
Imagine how many covers you can create in a day? And the best part, how much money can you earn in a day?
Mohd Fairuz maintains a website on ecover design resources. On his site, you will find software, templates & articles related to ecover design. To learn more how your can create amazing ebook cover or software box cover, go to his website at: http://www.virtualcovercreator.com

User Experience and Search Engines: If Your Home Page Could Only Talk
Dear web site visitor.
Three Things You Must Do When Designing and Building Your Small Business Website
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The Newbie?s Guide to Small Business Web Design
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Save Thousands of Dollars by Creating Your Own Web Site
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Keep Your Navigation Highly Visible
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Give Your Web Site a Small Business Marketing Tune Up
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Is Your Website?s Copy Up to the Mark?
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How To Boost Your Chances at Having a Successful Web Site
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File Types For Icons Explained
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Choose & Use the Best Colors
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Quality Web Copy is the Key to Success
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Turn Harmful 404 Error Pages Into Helpful 301 Redirects
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5 Ways To Improve Your Website Immediately
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