14 Ways to Add Content to Your Web Site - Part 2
7. Create high quality content - make clear points with each paragraph you write. Each paragraph should build on the previous one, so that you are pulling your visitor through your page naturally. You are trying to pre sell the product or service to your visitor. This puts them in a natural frame of mind to buy (unlike many sites which may just have pictures of the products and a shopping cart).
8. Web page background - a colorful or busy background can make your text hard to read and may give the impression of an inexperienced webmaster. If you do use a background image make sure it complements your site's theme, fits with your visitors experience and will increase your credibility.
9. Use the correct fonts - the offline world primarily uses "Times New Roman". This works well in print but not online. Sans Serif fonts, such as Arial, Verdana and Helvetica are the best fonts for easy online scanning.
10. Font colors - the best colors for reading online are black text on a white or off-white background. If you want to use multiple colors only use a maximum of 3. Too many text colors on a web page make it hard on the eyes and spell inexperience. To emphasize text you can use the bold tag (this text will appear bold) or italic tag (this text will appear in italics).
11. Check spelling and grammar - run your page through spell check in your word processor. It won't pick up all the mistakes, so make sure you read it through yourself to find other errors. Spelling and grammar mistakes convey an unprofessional impression.
12. Simple navigation - the main purpose of the navigation bar is to make it easy for your visitor to find his way around your site. Place your navigation bar on the left side or top of your page (or both). Repeat the bar at the bottom of the page so your visitor does not have to scroll back up to move on to another section. ( Read my article "How to Create an Effective Web Site Navigation Structure" http://www.isitebuild.com/navigation).
13. Get a critique - don't fall in love with your writing and leave it there. Yes, it's hard to listen to someone criticizing your beautiful piece of work, but swallow your pride and get your friends or family members to do a review of your web page. This will help you to refine what you have written and make it appeal to a wider audience.
14. Use specific keywords - weave targeted keywords into your web page as you write your web page content.
Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW) owner and author of Affordable Web Site Design and Web Hosting
Pick up your copy of the 159 page ebook TODAY titled: "Make Your Content Pre Sell" by going to the link below: http://mycps.sitesell.com/webselling83.html

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