Pages to Include in Your Website
What pages need to be included on your website? The answer varies for each type of business and depends on how informative you want your website to be for potential clients. Below is a list of sample pages for you to review while you plan out your website.
Create a different name for these website sections if you'd like to add more personality to your site! For example, your "About Us" page can be titled, "Who We Are" or "Get to Know Us".
Your business website, at minimum, should include the following pages:
? Home Page - (For more information on the design of your home page, click here) (www.elf-design.com/ articleHomePage.html)
? About Us and, if appropriate, About Our President/Principal
? Our Services ? A listing of the different services you provide, along with a short description of each. If some or all of your services require a more in-depth description, a link to more information should take the viewer to a separate page for those services.
? Contact Us ? Can range from a simple listing of your contact information to a more complex "intake form", with a range of questions on your prospect's needs.
Service business sites should include:
? Client Listing
? Testimonials - These can be on their own page, listed on the client page, or distributed throughout the site.
? Request a Quote or How to get Started with Our Service Product business sites should include:
? Product Description(s) ? With photos, details, pricing, and "Add to Cart" capabilities
? View your Shopping Cart
? Check Out
PR/News Pages
These pages add credibility and information to your site, and they give visitors an incentive to return time and time again.
? News - Current as well as past articles
? Press Room - Press releases
? Articles ? Articles written by your firm or principals will give you "expert" status, as opposed to articles written by outside sources.
? Newsletter
? Media or Press Kit
Additional Business Pages
These pages may be appropriate, depending on the type and size of your business:
? Company Mission
? Company Vision
? History
? Case Studies
? Why Choose Us?
? Bios of your Team Members
? Jobs or Opportunities
? Map and/or Directions
? Details about, schedule of and sign up for Events/Classes/Workshops
? Downloads - PDFs, brochures, presentations, and software demos or programs.
? Statistics, Research or Studies ? Either conducted by your firm, or related to your firm, clients or industry
? Pricing ? If you sell products, your pricing should be listed in your shopping cart. If you are a service business, whether or not you list your pricing depends on the standards in your industry; you don't want to price your services on your site if you don't have to! Demonstrations of Your Capabilities or Skills
? References ? These are more formal and longer than standard testimonials.
? Portfolio (for artists, designers, writers, and other creative professions)
? Sound Clips (for entertainers, bands, DJs, and speakers)
? Samples of our work (for other professions, as appropriate)
? Resume(s)
Additional Information Pages
? Recommended Books ? Linking these to a reseller account through Amazon.com can generate extra revenue.
? Resources - Other services that are compatible with yours, or links to places online where you can learn more.
? Audio clips ? A sound clip of you talking about your business makes your website visitor feel as though they know you. You could also provide Audio Testimonials for more punch.
? Video Clips - According to web trend forecasters, video testimonials are quickly becoming the next big thing for building credibility.
? Links - Exchanging quality links with other sites can be a good way to increase your search engine rankings.
? FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), or "Ask the Expert" We hope that this list is helpful in your website planning process!
About the Author
Erin Ferree, Founder and Lead Designer of elf design, is a brand identity and graphic design expert. She has been helping small businesses grow with bold, clean and effective logo and marketing material designs for over a decade. elf design offers the comprehensive graphic and web design services of a large agency, with the one- on-one, personalized attention of an independent design specialist. Erin works closely in partnership with her clients to create designs that are visible, credible and memorable ? and that tell their unique business stories in a clear and consistent way. For more information about elf design, please visit:
Logo design at http://www.elf-design.com

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