Dont Overdo it!
Have you ever been to site with so much ad clutter that you wanted to just leave? Odds are you have, and odds are even better that you did in fact leave! Always refer back to the KISS philosphy. Keep It Simple Stupid!
1. Make sure you keep your add density down. Too many adds in comparison with your content makes a site look flimsy, and un-attractive.
2. Make sure your ads, if any (!) are as relevant as possible, without being too competitive.
3. Don't try to do too much fancy coding. Either you will screw it up (coding can be hard work!), or it will not be good for SEOs, or even more imporantly, it will just be ugly!
4. Use a decent color scheme. Greys and whites with just one prominent color look nice. When in doubt, keep it simple!
5. Don't force your customer into buying, give them alternatives, and reviews. If they think your product is so good that you'll offer alternatives, then they will have more confidence.
The real trick to getting sales with your site is how you treat your customer. If you have ever walked into a car dealership with over-zealous employees, odds are you got scared and wanted to leave. Not a good way to start the sale! Don't make it sound like your site NEEDS your customer, never make them feel obliged to buy your product. If it's something they want, they'll buy it, if it's not, forcing them will simply make them leave with a bad taste in thier mouth, never good for business!
Chris Everson and Mark Shay
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How to Use Sliced Graphics to Layout Your Web Site
The problem with designing your site as a graphic, is that it would take too long to load. Your visitors would leave your site immediately and move to your competitors web site. How can you resolve this?
Why You Want to Include an FAQ In Your Site
Congratulations! You've got a brand new site and it's doing pretty well. You check your statistics every day and the hits and page views keep climbing, your links are all in order and everything looks very good. On top of that, your guestbook is filling with great comments and you're getting a few emails now and then with praise and perhaps a question or two.
Positive Design Attributes for a Successful Website
Designing a website is hard job, and requires you to think out a plan of action, and put in a lot of work to make it successful. There are many different kinds of websites on the Internet, but if you look at all the top performers with high traffic, you will notice that they all have similar design characteristics which place them as the best in the world.
Free Online Tools to Design (and Maintain) Your Website
These days, it seems that everyone has a website. Unfortunately, many of these websites are either bland, or sloppily designed by people who don't understand how to use HTML effectively or are intimidated by it. And, they don't have the money to spend on a good page editor, so they limp along using the page templates that their website might provide, or they attempt to use programs like MS Word, which offers conversion to HTML. Yet, there are many free tools available that people can use to give their sites some extra polish that will put them a cut above most sites on the WWW. Here is a listing of three of my favorite online tools that will help you create and manage your site:
How to Create an Enjoyable Web Page Design
Novice and professional designers alike ? you may probably be skilled enough of any one or all of the techniques in creating a Web page and designing them. However, not all designs, even those made by authorities in the field, prove to be enjoyable and entertaining enough for the users. This is a fact that we hope does not irk some of our design enthusiasts and discourage them from honing their skills.
Choosing A Web Designer : A Plan to Guide You Through The Minefield
Choosing a web designer can seem like a daunting task. They come in all shapes and sizes ? from freelancers working at home to glossy new media agencies, and there is as much variation in prices and service as there is in size.
Wording Up Your Website
Back to basics. Forget funky design, good copywriting is the key to a clear and intuitive website.
Web Designing Tips
Easy That's how you'd like life to be, right? Especially when you're creating a website on your own. But that doesn't mean you want the site to look severe and just functional. you want it to be pretty , smart and also respond and move when you interact with it, while saying all that you want to say to its visitors . There are little tips and Features incorporated into software just for people like you.
You Had Me At the Search Engine
You've likely heard of the movie, Jerry Maguire, with its famous line, "You had me at hello." Jerry Maguire was luckier than web sites we find in search engines. Many web sites don't attract user devotion at the first word, let alone after scanning the home page.
Images: How To Make Them To Load Fast On Your Web Pages?
1. Use .gifs rather than .jpgs. GIFs are smaller in size when compared to JPGs.
The Golden Rule Of Website Building
Copyright 2005 Robert Evans
What Content to Publish on Your Website
Many businesses want a simple website where they tell people what their business is about, some information on the products they offer and a means of contacting them.
When You Create A Web Site, Dont Make A Splash!
Don't make a splash!
Keep Them Coming Back - Update Your Site
If you are anything like me, your website is a reflection of yourself. It contains your thoughts and communications, exposed to the entire world at all times. Look at virtually any non-commercial web site and you will get a glimpse at the person behind the monitor.
Keyword Density
We can't emphasize enough the importance of including keyword-rich content on your site to increase your ranking potential. Simply put, keywords are the words and/or word phrases people use when searching. As we've mentioned throughout the site, search engine spiders love content. Therefore, the more keyword-rich content you have, the better. When a search engine spider crawls your site, it won't recognize pictures or images.
Make Artistic Graphic Designs
Are you a student of graphic design? If you have taken time in extra reviews and put "graphic design" and "drawing" into any search engines, you'll get almost the same result = descriptions of graphic design programs at many design schools. Baffled? Well, it's like this: As a student interested in graphic design, you have to take drawing and not actually a degree in fine art.
15 Website Elements That Attract Visitors
Here is a quick list of components that make a website attractive. They are listed in layers of attractiveness beginning with the "must" haves, to "nice to haves."
10 Reasons Why You Need A Multilingual Website
The internet continues to grow and has become the default point of call for businesses and individuals searching for goods, services or information. For businesses wishing to get that competitive advantage, a multilingual website now presents one of the most high impact means of expanding a client base and securing greater sales volumes.
Ten Basic Steps For Building A Web Site That Works
1. Assemble a web site development plan that is integrated with your overall marketing processes; the content should be consistent with offline materials, the graphics/images don't have to be identical with traditional media, but should be consistent with your overall branding, style guide, usage of colors etc.
Web Templates: Replacing Designers?
I've seen articles (and websites) that suggest you can buy a website template and skip the expense of hiring a professional website designer. Recently, I read several testimonials from the very satisfied customers of a website template vendor that mentioned how quickly they were able to get their sites done. The template vendor commented that he/she had known people to complete their websites in around two hours.