Handwriting Font Tips - The Personal Touch That Makes a Difference
Most websites use similar fonts and as a result have a generic look. So, if you want to differentiate your look and also add a personal touch to your website, consider using handwriting fonts. These fonts really make people feel more comfortable with your site because it is personal rather than computerized, or at least that is the feeling that is portrayed. There are many additional uses and tips for handwritten fonts as well that will give you an idea of ways to use these fonts on your website and why.
- Teach Children how to Write
First of all, using handwriting fonts is a great way to teach children how to form letters correctly and also how to write in sentences. By using handwriting fonts children can learn these writing techniques online, print them out to practice, and more. Learning how to write correctly has never been easier thanks to online handwriting tips.
- Cursive or Manuscript
Not only will children learn how to write correctly, but cursive and manuscript fonts are both available. Because of this, teaching children is especially easy as there are so many reproducible resources available for teachers and parents alike. Whether your child has problems with writing as a whole, specific letters, cursive, or manuscript, you can print out as many of the specific letters or sentences in the handwriting fonts that you need and watch your child's skill level increase dramatically.
- Personal Touch
Even if you are not teaching children how to write, handwriting fonts are perfect for websites when giving a testimonial, signing a newsletter, and many other instances where using these fonts would be appropriate. Because of this, your site will have a personal touch that will reach out to visitors and make them feel a kinship that would otherwise not exist. Do not underestimate the power of using handwritten fonts on your website.
While handwriting fonts are great tools in certain situations, they can be taken overboard and abused. For example, you do not want to write all of the text on your website in a handwriting font. This will be taking things too far and make it difficult for your readers to differentiate information. Stay away from doing this and only use the handwritten fonts sparingly and where appropriate. You will benefit significantly more from using these fonts in this manner than over using them. If you are not sure where or how to use handwriting fonts, but want to include them on your website, just consider where you would typically have something handwritten and apply this technique. For instance, these fonts are best used as a signature or other type of writing. Start out small and test to see what works well for your website and visitors.
Michael Turner shows you exactly how to increase web site traffic in his free 7 part mini-series. Grab it today at http://www.powertraffictactics.com/

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