Cheap Web Design In London
Due to the large number of people offering web design services in London, there is always a bargain to be found.
Website design firms in London are in a very competitive market and some offer some great deals at various times of the year.
People who are just starting out in a career building websites will often offer their services at a very reasonable rate, basically to build up a portfolio. Once they have established themselves they then tend to increase the amount they charge.
I have even heard about one person who for a very short period of time was building websites for free! This is an extreme case though.
A friend of mine called Dave was looking to have an internet prescence for his small business a number of years ago. He did not have a huge budget, however was looking for a person or company to create him a professional looking website which would be search engine friendly.
He tried looking in many areas including yellow pages, ebay, bargain pages and also by asking his friends, to see if they knew of anybody.
He also searched in Google for the search term, very cheap website design in London. There were many different websites listed, after a few phone calls, he managed to find a very good deal.
There are plenty of people offering quality website design services, who do not charge huge fees, just keep looking and you are sure to find them.
Stephen Hill has a couple of websites at:

5 Instant Tips for More Online Sales
Even after you've managed to bring traffic to your site you may be losing sales because of problems with your site's usability. What's "usability"?
A Great Banner Only Needs Simple Things
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6 Reasons Why Web Templates Are Todays Trend
As the Internet blooms at an alarming rate, so as the number of websites out there. Appearance, layout, presentation and loading times are just a few of the main essential characteristics of a successful website. It would seem that it is generally manageable if you own a wide level of knowledge on web / graphics design. But the main question of today's online trend, is how you can eliminate the need of going through the traditional web designing processes and timeframe.
Attention Grabbing Web Design Will Kill Your Sale!
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Developing An Effective Physical Therapy Web Site
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Seven Habits of Highly Effective Webmasters
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How to Test Your Web Headlines and Web Site Home Page to Sell More Products and Services
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Website Sales: 10 Strategic Tips To Maximize Your Profits
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Usability and Considerate Design
I hate to imagine that in your web development project team meetings, the one thing that will be overlooked is consideration for the end user. Yet, how many white boards have you seen lately that have "ease of use", or "be polite to customers" scribbled anywhere on them? Rather, the discussion hits on revenue generation, business requirements, colored backgrounds and information architecture. All good things, of course, but I'm quite sure you all want somebody to use it too, correct?
Get Rid of Your Frames
A few years ago a lot of websites utilized frame technology.
How to Choose a Website Design Company
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Effective Website Design For Massive Traffic
STEP 1:Do your homework
The Top Ten Checklist For Low Web Site Sales
You have good traffic, but low client sign ups and other sales. Web sites are only as good as their copy. If your Web sales are down, check your copywriting.
Keep Your Navigation Highly Visible
Effective navigation stands out. It's clear, obvious, and highly visible.
Why Long Web Pages are Better than Short Ones
Many Internet sites that try to sell you something have very long pages. Why is that do you think? Well, it appears that long, scrolling, web pages lead to more sales than short pages. This article explains why you need long web pages.
Web Templates: Replacing Designers?
I've seen articles (and websites) that suggest you can buy a website template and skip the expense of hiring a professional website designer. Recently, I read several testimonials from the very satisfied customers of a website template vendor that mentioned how quickly they were able to get their sites done. The template vendor commented that he/she had known people to complete their websites in around two hours.
A Landing Page is Not an Order Page (and why it matters)
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What Does Your Website Say About Your Business?
QUESTION: My business is very small, just me and two employees, and our product really can't be sold online. Do I really need a website? -- Robin C.
The Technology May Change, But Human Nature Remains The Same
Let me repeat that..