Do You Really Need A Website To Succeed
Rosalind wants to share her inspirational poetry with a wider community. Alas, poor Rosalind lives in a remote town.
Jonathan is a graphics artist who settled in a mountain resort community after he left college. He would like to start a graphics business in this new location but office space in local buildings is far too expensive and his meager advertising budget wouldn't attract enough customers to get started.
Merle was a secretary at a college for many years. She retired recently. She misses the interaction with students. And spends her time surfing the Internet. She has an idea for starting a business matching students with other students in her community who are looking to share housing. And thinks the Internet would be a perfect avenue to reach out to them and attract clients.
What do they have in common?
- They need to reach a wider audience.
- They have a product or service to sell.
- They have a talent to promote.
- Their funds are very limited.
If you can relate to a few of the above and answered "Yes" this sounds exactly like me!
Well, you need a website!
Thanks to modern technology, the rapid advancement of the Internet, computers, and peripheral equipment, the Internet offers individuals an avenue to inexpensively market, promote, or sell a product, service, or business. People across the planet will have immediate twenty-four hour access to your website.
In fact, anyone with an Internet connection and a few basic computer skills can easily build a website for free or very inexpensively.
So, what are you waiting for?
Having a website is a convenient and cost effective way to market your business and reach a larger consumer base. Once it was thought having a business on the Internet was out of reach for the average person. That is certainly no longer true! Make it your goal to build a website here and now!
BB Lee is Editor/Publisher of SmallBizBits Home Based Business Newsletter. Subscribe Now and receive a free ebook! Visit http://www.geocities.com/smallbizbits
About The Author
BB Lee is a published free lance writer; smallbizbit@yahoo.com

The 2 Most Common Web Site Mistakes
When we review the sites of potential clients, there are 2 mistakes we see over and over. If you are having problems with your site, make sure these 2 problems aren't killing you.
A Web Site for Your Small Business: How to Set Up a Website
Your web site will be your window to the world. Even if you are not selling any product online still you need your customers to access you 24 hours a day 365 days in a year and you can pass important information to them by hosting frequently asked pages, product descriptions, product improvements etc. Your web site will be your office or interface to the world even when you are away in weekends, sleeping at nights or in an important assignment for your next business expansion. Then how to go about it? We will discuss some basic points here.
Web Development Processes and Technical Environments
The process of Web application development is critical to the success of web-based projects. The proper processes can not be enforced unless technical environments are properly setup. Technical environments are required for development, test and production.
Preventing Repeat Form Submission Using PHP Sessions
We've all seen those messages on some websites warning not to click a button more than once or negative consequences, like paying a bill twice, may result. Sometimes we can cause these problems by hitting the back or refresh buttons. In this article I will explain a methodology whereby a site can ensure each form is submitted only once, thereby demonstrating that such warnings are unnecessary and, depending on the nature of the problems caused, worth repairing immediately. Let's begin by taking a look at the process we are studying: Form Submission. As pedantic as it may seem, it will be worthwhile to detail each of the steps in this process: Visitor requests a page from the server which has a form on it.Server retrieves form and sends to user.User enters data on form and submits to server.Server processes form data and returns resultant page. The scenario we now need to analyze is when the user re-triggers a previous form submission process. What we need to find or create is something which changes during the form submission process which does not depend on the specific form being submitted and which we can tell changed. That was a loaded sentence which fully details our solution, so let's break it down. Find or create something which changes during the form submission process,does not depend on the specific form being submitted, andwe can tell changed.
Achieving Differentiation With Your Website
Internet Marketing is not a miracle marketing strategy ? competition still exists and you need to have a unique approach with regards to:
Earning From Your Website
Before you start building your site, ask yourself "WHY?". Why did you decide to build your own web site. How are you going to earn money? Creating simple homepage will not get you any money at all nor you receive lots of visitors. Your website must be the part of your business. It also must be the part of your business plan.
10 Things You Should Be Monitoring On Your Website
Every business needs to know how it is doing. That's the idea behind exit surveys, customer feedback forms, suggestion boxes and other devices. Without feedback from the customer, monitoring inventory, expenses, revenue and other benchmarks, a business can take a quick slide down a slippery slope, without the owner ever seeing it coming ? or being able to stop the slide.
7 Ways to Gain a Professional Online Reputation
A professional online reputation is essential to the flourishing of any business big or small. Many business owners spend countless hours on the core operations of their business forgetting the importance their website has. Having an up-to-date website with a professional appearance and easy navigation can make or break a lot of potential business deals. Below are 7 ways you can gain a professional online reputation.
HTML Editors 101 - Smaller Is Better
You Dont Know Which One
I still remember it very clear ... It was almost a decade ago that I wrote it in my notebook as an interesting quotation from a famous man at that time and even now and ever. Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet president, shared this so-called joke with some reporters: "Mitterand has 100 lovers. One has AIDS, but he doesn't know which one. Bush has 100 bodyguards. One is a terrorist, but he doesn't know which one. Gorbachev has 100 economic advisers. One is smart, but he doesn't know which one!"
Making The Business Case For Web Standards
Through the explosive growth of the Web, companies have realized the benefit of building a strong online presence. By publishing a website to the Internet, companies are able to build their brand, market their products, support existing customers, release publicity pieces, and even take orders. Lost in the feverish pace of growth however, has been an eye on the effect that their current web-building practices have on the bottom line and the future of their online presence. Not only does the website content itself have an impact on the company's income but so does the way the site itself is created.
Thinking Of Taking Money Online? Whats Best For Merchants? PayPal, WorldPay or Something Else?
It's now easier than ever to take payments on the web. As people selling their wares take pot shots at eCommerce providers in an ever-increasing battle to sabotage their "competitors'" success it gets harder and harder to find an honest unbiased opinion.
Why You Need A Web Site
"I have a small business with just a couple of employees and I don't think my product can really be sold online. Do I need a web site?"
Get Your Business on the Web
I can't think of any business alive today that couldn't benefit from at least a minor presence on the web. Now that I've made that statement, I'm sure someone will point out one. My point is, however, that having a web presence today is about as cheap as anything going and if you ever get one client or sale from the web you are way ahead.
How to Make Your Own Free Website in 8.5 Minutes or Less
Designing and creating your own website does not have to be a laborious effort that takes weeks to complete. Instead, in less than 9 minutes you can have your web site designed and up and running as long as you have a host located and know what you want to upload to your web page. Just follow these tips to get your web page online and attracting customers today.
Entangled in the World Wide Web
I am just a learner who likes to delve in websites as a hobby. Hobbies are what make life so enjoyable for me. I have tried many other things - watercolor and pastel painting, organic gardening, kayak making, dinghy sailing, kite making, origami, stock photography, cartooning, carpentry, rock collecting, snake rearing and many other unusual pursuits. Somehow, as time goes on, and for some particular reason, they gradually become just bits of historical and passing interests for me. Amidst these passing interests, the Internet comes along.
Is Your Website Doomed for Failure Before Youve Built It?
One of the things that many people overlook when building a new website is keywords. I have to admit, I did exactly the same thing myself when I started out. You can build the flashiest, most professional looking website, with lots of great content, but if you don't think about keywords first your website is most likely to be doomed for failure - at least as far as search engines are concerned.
WYSIWYG Versus Coding: HTML With A Purpose
After years of working with entrepreneurs who developed their first web site using an image-based editor, the new world of internet marketing has placed a stronger emphasis on web development that conforms to technical concerns such as search engine optimization and multi-browser compatibility.
What Your Customers Say About YOUR Site! Part 1
The following is a list of patterns that many visitors follow, and you can use these suggestions to better your site.
Free Websites & Why You Should Avoid Them
It amazes me how many people try to build serious websites with free web host providers. Granted, we all love things in life that are marked "free", but it doesn't always make sense to go that route if it will cost you more in the long run.