Instant Relevant Web Site Content - No Its Not a Bot
In about the Time it takes to Watch a Reality TV Show (About 1 Hour) I added 10 Pages of Relevant Content to my Web Page without a Bot.
Adding content to your Page Fast is Easy with the Use of Free Articles you Can Reprint. The Advantages of using Reprinted Articles
1. Dynamic Relevant Content Fast (Search Engines Love Content)
2. Reciprocal Links To You (See Step 6 Thank the Author)
3. Great Way to Promote an On or Off Line Business
4. People Friendly Content
5. Well Written Professional Content
1 - What Do You Want to Promote
The First thing you need to Do is Decide what you Want to
Promote. In this Example we are Promoting a Pre Launch of a
Home Based Business Web Site that will allow you to earn
Multiple Streams of Income and at the Same Time be entered
to win a $200,000 Dream Home over and over again.
2- Find a Reprintable Article
Do A Google Search on your Topic in this Case "Home
Improvement Articles". Most Places that accept Article
Submissions have free Reprint Articles. Or you can Refer to
an Article Submission Directory.
3- Use Your Template
Create an Article Template or Find one one the Web. Now
Just Cut and Past the Article into your Template. Don't
Forget to add your Promotional Material to your Template.
Be Sure and have a Resource Box or Related Content Box in
your Template with Links to what you are Promoting.
4 - Add Title Meta Data
Now Add the Article Title to your Title /Title Meta Data.
Simply cut and paste the Article Title and Place in the
Title block of the head /head part of your web Page. Also
it is a Good Idea to surrond your Title with h1 /h1 Tags
5- Add Description Meta Tag
Add a Description of Your Article in Description Meta Tag
Just scan the article and somewhere near the top if it's a
well written article you should some a sentence or 2 that
describes the article. Cut and Paste this Sentence and
place them in your Description Meta Tag Block.
6 - Thank The Author
Send a Thank you letter to the Author. Be sure and Let the
Author know where there article is Published. You may even
want to invite the Author to feel free to use one of your
Articles and maybe give him/her a suggestion or 2 of an
article they maybe interested in. If the Author uses one
of your Articles - Guess What you now have a Link Back to
your Web Page.
7 - Blog and Ping
You Do have a Blog if not read an article on how to create
a Blog Table of Contents Don't forget to use Pingomatic to
Ping all the Block Search Engines.
Expert User Tip
If you plan on adding more then 1 Article It is best to
create one Blog Entry for all the Articles and then Ping.
In This Example an Article Compilation List was
created and then the Blog Entry simply Refereed to the
Article Compilation
Once you have your article template set up there is no reason you can't add 5-10 articles in an hour or less. Repeat this process 2 or 3 times a week and drive massive exposure to yourself and whatever you are promoting.
Mike Makler has added over 100,000 Members to his organization. For more Tips and Articles from Mike on how to Start, Promote and Earn Money with an Online Business Visit - http://www.ewguru.com/hbiz/table-of-contents.html

Where?s Your Web Site?
This simple question can take on several different forms, but if you have your own web site, all are equally important. Don't worry, this isn't a sales letter, and it's well worth a read.
Optimal Website Design
Optimal website design is the art of logical navigation.
Free Isnt Always Good - 5 Reasons Why You Need Your Own Website
Often time I've browsed sites and seen the same thing - general rep websites or free hosted sites. Pop ups irritate me from the free sites as does the blatant ads getting in the way of the text, and if you have seen one rep site you literally have seen them all. Boring, unoriginal, and unprofessional.
How To Start Your Own Website
I'm one of those people that always wanted a website, but had no clue as to using the internet. I could check my email and that was about it. I never heard of ISP, FTP or all those other "words".
7 Ways to Gain a Professional Online Reputation
A professional online reputation is essential to the flourishing of any business big or small. Many business owners spend countless hours on the core operations of their business forgetting the importance their website has. Having an up-to-date website with a professional appearance and easy navigation can make or break a lot of potential business deals. Below are 7 ways you can gain a professional online reputation.
Website Imperatives and Solutions
When you take a look at the most visited sites on the internet, what hits you in the face? Change, growth, new content. In a sense, a search engine is the perfect web site. By it's very nature, it grows and changes continuously and moment by moment adds new content. But, most of us are never going to build a Yahoo or a Google. The competition at that level is horrific.
You Cant Just Build A Website And Hope It Works!
Like any area of business your website needs some effort from you if its going to be successful. You'd be foolish to just build any old website and hope it works. Yet this approach, or rather lack of approach, is still widespread on the internet. Businesses still dont seem to understand what the internet can do to benefit them and their customers. They just dont get it.
Newsletter Management Using PHP w/o mySQL for Beginners
Let's begin by setting some limits. If you're like me, you like to keep it simple. All we're doing is collecting email addresses together for our mailing list, so biochemical engineering is out the window. If you're using Thunderbird (or that MS product), you can send nicely formatted newsletters out and retain all of the other awesome features of your email program so there's really no need for databases, logins, or pretty much anything else. We're going to stay far away from anything non-essential.
Learn What 98% of Targeted Visitors Do On Your Website
Getting a Targeted Visitor to a website is a waste of time and money if you've got no idea what 98% of them do when they get there.
The Number 1 Reason Most Websites Fail
Failure, just like success, is measured differently by each and every one of us. What one man treats as success another may view as failure. For the purposes of this article a website that fails is one that fails to attract and convert enough targeted visitors into paying customers.
Increase Hits to Help Increase Your Business
In this day and age most businesses consider having their own website; from informational based to the most advanced and complex e-commerce site. For the large enterprise, this become a vital part of their day to day operation, their web site embeds complex applications that exchanges critical information between their partners and clients. Web services are sometime employed in order to simplify their transactions and easily exchange critical information across their suppliers, clients and partners.
I Want To Be A Freelancer
So you have decided that you want to do freelance work. You have done your homework and have developed your skills in HTML, PHP, CMS, and a slew of other applications. Now you are ready to start your new career. So how do you get started? Without clients your business is non existent. So how exactly do you build your business and find clients. Below are just a few key elements to help you get started.
Ever Wondered What Challenges Other People With Their Web Site?
Have you ever wondered what challenges are faced by other webmasters and owners in the design and promotion of their websites, well I certainly have and so I decided to try and find out.
Streamline your Business Website with a Content Management System
I talk with so many people who have small businesses and would like to have a web presence but don't know the first thing about how to even get started. Some of the reasons I hear are:
Website Content & Usability
Writing for the web is totally different to writing for printed matter. We tend to scan content on the web hunting for the information we're after, as opposed to reading word-for-word. As a result of this, there are certain guidelines you should be sure to follow when writing copy for your website:
My Yahoo Search - Beyond Bookmarks
Yahoo has long offered email, an online calendar, notes, bookmarks, and more through their free My Yahoo service. Now Yahoo has expanded this service even more by adding My Yahoo Personal Search to the mix.
Improve Conversion Rates ? Load Times
Your site is getting traffic, but conversion rates are horrible. Everything seems to be working, so what's wrong? Your site may simply be to slow.
The Power Of CPanel
cPanel is a control panel for your website and allows you to set up and manage your web account through a graphical interface instead of having to use command line. This means that you can make changes to your website without having to learn to use a command line environment. There are a variety of control panels out there, most offering a graphical interface and granting access to email management, FTP, subdomain administration, website statistics, etc. With a control panel, you can add/remove email accounts or view disk usage and statistics for your site by clicking on a shortcut and entering the appropriate information.
How to Maximize the Value of Every Visitor to Your Website
While most marketers are beginning to understand the critical importance of maximizing conversion rates, few are tracking or working to maximize another critical measurement of website effectiveness.
High Quality Website at Low Cost
Although designing a great web site is an important part of developing a successful online business, it is often becomes a problem for newcomers to the internet business.