Selling Your Site: Outsource or Homemade?
To the starting internet entrepreneur, there is nothing more discouraging then the erroneous realization that your dream for a self sufficient business cannot be realized without a heavy investment. This may be why so many people shy away from the internet; seeing all the flashy sites, many of which are $50 templates, people are afraid to enter the world of internet sales and marketing.
One obvious, but perhaps frightening option is to build your own. You may do this in a variety of ways from purchasing a hosting package that comes with templates, to designing your own. Many templates are of excellent quality and can serve as a great starting point for your ancient website. A great site for getting templates is Templatemonster, here you will find many templates that cater to your general business interest. You may easily integrate them into your site and start promoting your site in this manner.
Another solution is outsourcing. If you do not have a corporate venture backed budget you may want to consider getting a freelance firm from India, Pakistan, or Russia or any other country where the dollar still carries weight to do your design. Russian companies tend to be more on the technical database development side, while Indian companies are all around excellent designers. One of the best sites for this freelance recruitment is Freelancer.com. They provide a forum where the companies bid on your project, any budget, any website you will get dozens of eager freelancers ready to make you your dream site. Freelancer.com is an excellent way to get your site up and running or even update your existing site within a reasonable budget.
The choice between making your own site and outsourcing it is hinged on a very simple concept known as CMS: content management system. In other words, how much freedom do you have to manipulate your site? How much will every update cost? The same company that quoted $400 per page also quoted $20 per 15 min of upgrade time, the reasoning that it is faster for the company to do an upgrade, meaning that a 30 second link exchange would cost you $20. For this reason EnkiTel looks home grown, however I can manage its content instantly, design and redesign at a click as inspiration strikes and I am not dependent on anyone.
Hence, freedom becomes a central issue; if your site is a static site and you do not plan to actively ad links or change content day in and day out, then you do not need the flexibility, otherwise be very careful when choosing your web design company. There are many options, make sure you do your research. Then again you can put your heart into it and do it all yourself, it's the content, SEO, and link exchange approach that will get your site ranked and showing in the top organic results in the end, the site appearance becomes more important once you start getting the heavy traffic, then eye appeal becomes more important.
Gene Leshinsky
EnkiTel Communications provides a cheap alternative to traditional long distance and international calling plans. EnkiTel strives to identify the best deals on the market and present them to our customers. EnkiTel also runs a blog for starting business, sharing ideas, resources, and commentary.

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Nonsense! Why Do I Need a Website?
"I don't sell anything online, I don't advertise online, in fact I don't really even know how to use a computer... why should I pay for a website?"
Growing Your Meetings In CyberSpace
As increasing numbers of people search for information on the Internet, it becomes more imperative to have a compelling Website to promote and support your meetings.
You Need a Website!
No matter the size of your business, having a web site is a low cost way to market your services and products twenty-four hours a day. Web sites are a constant advertisement for your business and will help you reach your targeted customers effectively. Your business will not be able to compete without a well-designed web site. There are several key elements to consider when you make the decision to start a new web site:
Build It and They Will Come
Build it and they will come is not always true; you have to form a relationship with the company before you will get quality attendees or participants for a free service.
Be Creative Before You Purchase Or Create A Website
Before you jump into spending coutnless hours on designing and publishing your website, or spending hundreds on having it done by anyone else you should plan out your full design (or structure). This is very important so that when it comes time to do this long-lasting project you will be well prepared.
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The Birth of a Professional Web Site
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How Your Own Website Helps Your Small Business Grow
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Server Side Includes (SSI) with ASP
People often have identical sections of code spread throughout many ASP pages, typically code at the top of the page (usually referred to as the header) and the lower part of the page (the footer). Similarly, you may have code that performs a certain set of instructions that you are repeating across multiple pages. Consider an example:-
Improve Web Sales Figures Forever And Ever Amen!
"How do I improve web site sales figures?" The CEO roared at the web developer. The web developer looked at his boss a little confused and mumbled something about it not being his core competence with him being a programmer and all. So next the CEO went to his marketing department and bellowed "How do I improve our web site sales conversion rates?" A few mouths opened as if to speak but nothing came out until finally exasperated the CEO tearing at his hair in frustration turned to a guy painting the wall and said, "Can you answer this question? How do I increase my web site sales figures?"
KISS Your Website!
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Top 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website
A website provides invaluable advantages for businesses who have one.
Tell me what your website does!
You know exactly what your organisation does and what your website offers its users. This information has probably become second nature to you, but first-time visitors to your site won't know this. As such, make sure you don't forget to tell them what you do.
10 Tips For Running A Profitable Web Site
1. Address your targeted audience on your business site. Example: "Welcome Internet Marketers". If you have more than one, address them all.
Web Design for the Professional Magician Part I - Selecting the Perfect Domain Name
Selecting the Perfect Domain Name
A Web Site for Your Small Business: How to Set Up a Website
Your web site will be your window to the world. Even if you are not selling any product online still you need your customers to access you 24 hours a day 365 days in a year and you can pass important information to them by hosting frequently asked pages, product descriptions, product improvements etc. Your web site will be your office or interface to the world even when you are away in weekends, sleeping at nights or in an important assignment for your next business expansion. Then how to go about it? We will discuss some basic points here.
Planning A Usable Website: A Three-step Guide
A website is like an information flow, with you as the provider and your site visitors as the receivers of the information. If you don't plan your website with this in mind right from the start, you could find yourself with a brand new website that solves all your immediate needs... but not those of your site visitors.
Ten Ways NOT to Set Up a Website-based Service Business
1. As the first step, "Hire a web designer."