All-time Record of Domain Registrations
The number of registered domains has reached an all-time high of more than 60 million domain names worldwide.
Figures show that country code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) are the fastest growing market, while general demand for new domains remains strong. The most popular domains are still the com-domains. The growth of com-domains is tremendous.
Experts think, that the growing sale of com-domains reveal a revival of the "New Economy". Some experts even argue, that this growth of domain names is an early indicator of persisting economic growth in the USA and the whole world.
The com-domains remain the most popular domain with about a 45 percent market share.
New generic Top Level Domains outside of .com, .net and .org, become increasingly popular, including aero-domains, biz-domains, coop-domains, info-domains, museum-domains, .name-domains and pro-domains.
Oktober 2004
.de 7.981.014 (Increment compared to one month ago: 89.793)
.at 367.987 (Increment compared to one month ago: 4.766)
.com 31.017.772 (Increment compared to one month ago: 750.631)
.net 4.999.073 (Increment compared to one month ago: 88.952)
.org 3.138.385 (Increment compared to one month ago: 37.607)
.info 1.919.331 (Increment compared to one month ago: 683.846)
.biz 1.041.432 (Increment compared to one month ago: 13.118)
.us 881.411 (Increment compared to one month ago: 6.395) http://www.com-domains.com
About The Author
Hans-Peter Oswald
ICANN Registrar Secura
http://www.com-domain.com; secura@domainregistry.de

How to Profit from Expired Domain Name Registration
After the dot com crash, expired domain names and expired domain name traffic have been a source of potential income. It is important to inexpensively obtain the automated tools required to track the thousands of domain name registration and abandoned websites that are removed from the domain registry and become available for purchase.
Domain Names Explained
If you are totally new to the internet then you may not realize that the web address you type into your browser is known as a domain name. A domain name is an easy way for humans to understand and navigate the internet.
5 Tips For the Perfect Domain Name
What is a domain name? A domain name is the location of your website on the Internet. Your domain name will be what you become known by online so it's important to get it right.
Internet Domain Registration ? Top 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions on Domain Name Registration
Here are the top ten most frequently asked questions regarding on Internet domain name registration:
Sub Domains - An Inexpensive Solution to Grow Traffic
Read this brief article that reflects what we learned about subdomains and their important role in effective internet marketing.
The Sub-Domain - An Affiliates Friend
It's surprising, at least to me, the amount of Affiliates who aren't aware of the value and flexibility that the 'sub-domain' can give their promotional website activities. Set up in the right way, a single domain through a host who includes multiple 'sub-domains' in their hosting package can fill ALL the online needs of even the busiest and most diversified Affiliate.
How to Conduct a Domain Name Search and Why Your Domain Name Matters for Long Term Branding
Creating a website is not just about designing your pages and including all the important information, it is also about creating a domain name that relates to your products and services and that is also easy to remember and spell for your customers. A domain name that is easy to remember will have more return customers and more word of mouth advertising than domain names which are hard to spell, remember, or both.
What You Need to Know About Choosing A Domain Name
Aside from the nuts and bolts of where to register your domain name and purchasing a good economical hosting service, there are a few things to know about buying a good domain name, that only experience can teach. Here are a few tips to get you started on the right foot:
Domain Name Goldmines: Expired Traffic Investing In The 21st Century
I get pretty frustrated when thinking back to the days of seven-figure domain name sales. However, I was only a little kid, but still, I spent hours on the computer playing Descent II with my friends. Oh yes, those hours could have been spent convincing my parents to help me buy domain names like cd.com, tv.com, local.com, interact.net, isp.net, and other incredibly valuable domains. Sadly, other people got to them first, making millions very fast.
Selecting a Domain Name Registrar - How to Avoid Getting Burned
When it comes to registering your domain name you want to pick a domain name registrar that will work with you, help you choose the best domain name, not overcharge you, and provide you with all of the information you need to make the best possible decisions regarding your registrar account. There are thousands of domain name registrars on the net and most of them offer the service legitimately and at an affordable price. However, there are certain sites you will want to look out for and the following suggestions will give you some information on questions you should ask and answers you should have in writing before doing business with a registrar.
Domain Name Registration Explained
Registering a domain name is a pretty straight forward process. In fact the hardest part of registering a domain name is coming up with a name that has not already been registered. There are some people who have never registered a domain name, they have left it up to a third party or have always used free hosting. Here is simple explanation of how to register a domain.
What?s In A Domain Name?
Choosing a domain name is a very important first step for anyone starting a business on the Internet. This name is the first impression that strangers are going to have about you and your business. You are going to need to give this decision some real thought.
8 Million de-Domains
DENIC, the registry of the German Top Level Domain (TLD) has announced, that it has received the eight millionth application for the registration of a de-domain. The de-domain has the position as the world's favourite Country Code TLD, ahead of .uk, which has about 3.7 million registrations. The de-domains are also numerically stronger than nearly all the generic Top Level Domains that are used throughout the world, such as .org, .net, .info and .biz. Only one the com-domain with more than 30 million domains is more often registered than the de-domain.
How to Get Rich Playing With WORDS!
How many times have you read or heard on the news that someone hit a state lottery? Winning Millions of Dollars.
Free eBook: Business Domain Names
Since every website needs a name, Dr. Steve Baba has written a free ebook that will help you obtain a brandable, memorable domain name at a reasonable cost, which will contribute to your brand equity and profits. The ebook, downloadable from Seemly.com, explains how to select and buy an elite domain name. You will be able to obtain a better name than your competitors have.
Domain Names 101 - A Dummies Guide to Choosing Great Domain Names
When it comes to choosing your domain name, do not allow yourself to get stressed out or worry over choosing the perfect domain name that will make your website a success. When it comes down to it, there are several things you can do to ensure you choose the best type of domain for your business, and after that any number of domain names will work effectively for you. However, you need to read the following suggestions and follow them in order to avoid any costly mistakes to your traffic and business due to a bad domain name.
How Do I Buy a Domain Name?
Q: I'd like to buy a domain, but I discovered that it's already registered by a bulk domain buying company (just check negres.com). I tried to contact them but I have received no answer.
Why El Cheapo Domains Will Cost You Money
You want your own online business? Good because it's one of the most fun things you can do with your spare time and can be very profitable.
Is Your Domain Name On Someones Wanted List?
A good domain name is, and will always be, essential for any online business. If you ask me, the internet is still only just evolving from infancy. It's a long way to maturity.
How to Register an Expiring Domain
Understanding the process and options involved with registering an expiring domain can be a confusing task. How, Where, When?