Selecting a Domain Name Registrar - How to Avoid Getting Burned
When it comes to registering your domain name you want to pick a domain name registrar that will work with you, help you choose the best domain name, not overcharge you, and provide you with all of the information you need to make the best possible decisions regarding your registrar account. There are thousands of domain name registrars on the net and most of them offer the service legitimately and at an affordable price. However, there are certain sites you will want to look out for and the following suggestions will give you some information on questions you should ask and answers you should have in writing before doing business with a registrar.
* Make Sure You Own It
First of all, when you register and buy your domain name you want to make sure you are buying it and that it is yours. You don't want to simply register a domain name under someone else's control. This looks unprofessional and does not give you the presence on the web you are looking for. Instead, ask the registrar if you are buying the URL and if you will own it, the answer might surprise you.
* ICANN Accreditation
No matter what domain name registrar you choose make sure they are accredited by ICANN, which stands for the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers. If they are accredited, then they are more than likely a legitimate registrar with which to do business.
* Expiration Date
You also need to ask how long you are buying the URL for and what the expiration date is. There is nothing worse than not knowing how long your registration is good for and then all of a sudden having you URL expire. Don't let this happen to you! Instead, register your domain name for as many years in advance as possible and if the address is about to expire let your registrar know you expect to receive notification.
* Contact Information
Contact information for your domain name registrar should be readily available and they should be available at all times that they say they are. You might want to test this to make sure they are available before you buy from them. There is no particular registrar you must buy from, so if you are uncomfortable with one simply move on to another.
* Hosting
Another important question to ask your domain name registrar is if they offer hosting services as well. Many of them do and frequently a two in one package is an easy and effective way to go. However, make sure you have all the information and answers you need before buying a domain name or signing up for hosting.
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Public Domain Works Are Closer Than They Appear
Searching for public domain works can be a tedious job and take several hours just to find one or two good publications.
ICANN Registrar: jp-Domains for Anybody
Cologne, October 10 2004. ICANN Registrar Secura announces today, that the company is now accepting the registration of jp-domains from companies and individuals outside of Japan.
Liberalization of in-Domains?
Communications and IT Minister Dayanidhi Maran has -as Hindustan Times reports-some advice for Indian patriots: use in-domains for Websites and e-mail IDs to popularise Indian identity in the world.
The Growth of ru-Domains
The registry of ru-domains reports, that the number of domain names registered in Russia's national domain, the ru-domains, has increased 19.82% in the first half of 2004 to 256.356 ru-domains.
Understanding The Value of Expired Domains
I would like to explain a few things related to expired domains in a definition format, which should make it easy to understand.
Five Ways To Profit From Public Domain Information
Ever wondered why Walt Disney never got sued for intellectual property theft?
10 Things to Ponder when Picking Your .com
1. Proper names VS Common Names. First of all there are two different kinds of names, proper names (unique words, person, place), or common names (things like cars or cheese.) The types of names that will have good lasting effect on the internet are proper names. Think of some of the biggest sites on the internet, such as yahoo or google, why are they the most popular search engines in the world and not searchengine.com? Simple, the average consumer will group names of things with there .com names. If the names are too similar they get lost in the mix. That is why no one names there car dealership cars. Sure cars are what they sell, but image the conversation, Frank asks "what dealership did you buy your car from?" Jim replies "cars" as you can image it would get really confusing. A lot of dealerships use proper names such as XYZ Motors. That is why a lot of sites such as cars.com aren't doing as well as say vehix.com.
Making Money with Expired Domains
There are billions of websites and thousands more popping up each day and they all require a name. As competition on the Internet intensifies, more and more people are actively looking for a quality domain for their site. Unfortunately for them there are already over 30 million dotcoms taken, which often times leaves webmasters with two choices. Settle for a long unpleasant looking domain or spend thousands to purchase a quality one from a private owner. Examples of the few most valuable domains ever sold are:
All-time Record of Domain Registrations
The number of registered domains has reached an all-time high of more than 60 million domain names worldwide.
ICANN or I CANNot that is the Question
Well, it seems we should all be very busy registering new domain name extensions as soon as we can, irregardless of whether we feel this is necessary or not. With ICANN bringing on an additional bevy of new domain name extensions, there are more possibilities to celebrate and party.
Selling a .co.uk Domain Name via Sedo
Selling a .co.uk Domain Name via Sedo
Cheap and Easy Domain Name Registration
Just like any business, your identity is very important. On the World Wide Web, your domain name is your identity. Of course, you can opt for a subdomain name that comes with many free web hosting like http://yourdomain.netfirms.com. But if you are serious about being successful on the Internet, you have to get your own domain name, like http://www.yourdomain.com. Top 10 reasons to have your own domain name Please note that all domain names listed in italic are ficticious: It is cheap and easy to get your own domain name (less than $15/year in most cases) You own the name (as long as you pay the annual fee) You are not dependent on one web hosting company to let you use a subdomain, or worse, a subdirectory Your web site promotion effort does not go to waste if you change your web hosting company (because the domain name remains the same regardless of what host you use) The domain name can be optimized to your business, like www.best-used-cars.com Your web site is more professional The domain name is easier to remember. For instance, www.best-used-cars.com rather than www.geocities.com/web/public/business/auto/best-used-cars/ It is much easier to sell a web site with its own domain name A good domain name can be an asset It is cheap and easy to get your own domain name (this one is worth repeating) How to register for a domain name Please note that all domain names listed in italic are ficticious: Think of appropriate name for that suit the theme of your web site. For instance, an online dating service may find domain name like www.loveconnection.com, more desirable than say www.best-used-cars.com Search for domain name availability. Every domain name registrar will provide you with a search tool; although some search tools are better than other. You will have to do a lot of searches because a lot of domain name that you wish to have is probably already owned by someone else (very common). As you come across available domain names that you like, jot them down. Keep searching until you have about 3-5 different domain names to choose from. Choose a domain name and register it at a domain name ICANN Accredited registrar. Other factors to consider Initially, you will want the .com version of your domain name. If your internet business takes off, you may want to consider registering other first-level domains (i.e., .net) of your domain name and perhaps even similar domain names to prevent mistaken identity Use domain name registrar that will register the domain under your name under all contacts information (perhaps with the exception of technical contact). It should be clear that you own the domain name. Use domain name registrar that provide good online account support. Use automatic domain name renewal if you are planning to own the domain name long-term
How to Win Expired Domains
Every day thousands of expired domain names come back onto the market. This is due to the owner not extending their registration. The reason for non registration of domains can be for a simple a reason that the owner forgot of no longer has any interest of funds to continue with the registration of their domain.
Your Domain Name, Your Business Address
Would you purchase anything from someone with a "@yahoo.com" or "@hotmail.com" e-mail address? I certainly wouldn't! For starters, people using these e-mail addresses give others the impression that they're not taking their business seriously.
What is a Domain Name and Where to Register?
A domain name is an alias for an IP address. Now what is an IP address? An IP address is a numeric code that signifies where to look through the Internet for content. An example of an IP address would be Rather than typing in a long and easily forgotten IP address, a domain name helps you by typing an easily remembered name to access the same site.
8 Million de-Domains
DENIC, the registry of the German Top Level Domain (TLD) has announced, that it has received the eight millionth application for the registration of a de-domain. The de-domain has the position as the world's favourite Country Code TLD, ahead of .uk, which has about 3.7 million registrations. The de-domains are also numerically stronger than nearly all the generic Top Level Domains that are used throughout the world, such as .org, .net, .info and .biz. Only one the com-domain with more than 30 million domains is more often registered than the de-domain.
Got a Small Business? Choose the Right Domain Name
Choosing a domain name can be daunting. Research the subject (after all, you're the type of marketer who researches, right?) and you'll be hit with a landslide of opinions, most contradictory. There is, however, two points that everyone agrees on:
How Do I Get My Domain Name Appraised?
What's your domain name worth?
Domain Names and Longevity
It begins as an idea -- a company name, a business venture, a personal project. You research available domain name options, choose the one you want, and finally register it. Or perhaps the perfect domain was in use before, and you register it after it completes the domain deletion cycle.
Domain Name Registration - Key Tips
Domain name registration is a necessary, easy, and strategically important first step in establishing an online presence, whether for business or otherwise. A well-chosen domain name registration can set you up for success with your new site in so many ways, the most prominent of these being increased search engine traffic. Here's some vital elements to consider when executing your domain name registration.