How To Boost Affiliate Profits Using Secret Domain Tricks
Want to increase your affiliate link click-through rates and profits?
Then you'll need to learn how to master your domain.
One of my favorite episodes of Seinfeld was the "master of your domain" show where the gang bet each other as to who could hold out the longest without giving in to self gratification. Whoever 'caved in' would have to lay down the cash.
The question - will the domain master you, or will you master the domain? There is a price to pay if it master's you.
In today's power tip, of course, I'm talking about an Internet domain. One that describes your piece of Internet real estate. If your mother catches you mastering this domain, she may actually be proud of you! ;-)
If you're not using this technique, you may be paying the price of lost customers. So let's get right to it.
Affiliate programs are the most popular choice of making money online. However, they're so common that most people recognize an affiliate link and are less likely to click on one because of the selfish notion that they might be contributing to someone else's success. But that's another Oprah ...
I want to show you how to conquer this issue while looking like a pro.
Take a look at the following examples. Each are affiliate URL's. But 2 of 3 are 'masked'; you don't know that they're affiliate addresses.
In should not matter which link to click if you are compelled to click to find out more information. However, human nature says that we are guided by our emotions. Therefore, each link may portray a different image to you.
Here's how to make your affiliate link stand out in the crowd.
Typically #2 is the most widely used and is very easy to put into place using a redirect script on your own domain.
You simply create a new file on your domain server, name it (ie:"greatproduct.html"), copy and paste the script code. Then enter the affiliate url address (where specified) that you want to forward to.
Now when someone clicks on the new sub-domain you created (ie: www.mysite.com/greatproduct.html), their browser will redirect to the affiliate site but appears to the prospect that it is your site.
A simple redirect script can be obtained by sending any email to the following address mailto:script@6figuremarketing.com
Now here's a really cool technique as seen in example #3.
Get your own domain! It's the most professional strategy and will gain instant credibility and trust which can increase your rate of click-throughs. More click-throughs equals more traffic which means more eyes on your product or service, which means more cashflow in your pocket. Just be sure to sew up that pocket hole you've been neglecting since 1977!
Ok, here's the cool part and you don't even need your own website to pull this off.
Go to godaddy.com and search for the availability of your desired domain. Register the name, but be sure to choose the 'redirect' and the 'mask' option. Cost? About $9 for one year. In about 48 hours, your domain will be live and kicking.
In example #3, if you chose www.thegreatestproduct.com and someone types that address in their browser, it not only redirects to the site you chose, but will show up in the prospects browser window instead of the site's real URL www.greatproduct.com/98765/aff?=dude
Did someone break out the pixie dust? It's marketing magic at it's finest!
Use this powerful technique to add credibility and professionalism to sub-domains and affiliate urls or any url where you want to increase your conversion rates.
Tip: Use your domain solely for tracking reponse rates to specific advertising campaigns such as pay per click, etc.
Follow these techniques and you'll soon be the master of your affiliate domain!
Copyright 2005 David Lovelace
About The Author
Dave Lovelace an experienced Internet marketer, publisher, and product creator who holds the self-proclaimed title, "Third Laziest Man on The Internet". Subscribe to Dave's free course, How To Generate Free Traffic, Prospects, and Profits On a Zero Dollar Budget in 4 Easy Steps! Click here http://www.6figuremarketing.com.

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