Increase Your Page Rank Through SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) must be considered a process and over time you can build your ranking and traffic.
Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day."
This article provides 10 SEO tips that will build your search engine rank.
1. Title
The Title is (usually) the hyperlink provided in the search results so make sure it's people friendly. Put the most important keyword first, followed by the 2nd?If you need to have your Company name there (branding), put it at the end.
2. Meta descriptions
Use the keywords once or twice in your Meta description. It can be the text that shows up in the description area of the search engine results.
3. H Tags (and proper use)
Have your keywords in an H1 tag at the top of your page embedded in a good description. Not only will it help your rankings but many times the search engines will actually display it in their results.
4. Keyword positioning (on the page)
Have your main keywords high up in the page (the higher the better). The most valuable real estate on a web page is top left corner ? people (& engines) read left to right starting from the top.
5. Number and Quality of inbound links
Each link from another web site acts like a vote of confidence ? A link implies that the site believes your site has value.
However, all links are not equal. You must get links from sites that have a similar theme to yours ONLY! Anything else may actually hurt your page rank.
6. Linking Text/Description
When building a link campaign, make sure to use keywords in the link. For example, a link with "click here" doesn't help you with search engines. A link such as "Internet Marketing" is much more effective (if that's your keyword).
Also, don't forget to use keywords in your linking description as well.
For the most thorough ebook on developing a strong linking campaign read Jack Humphrey's "Power Linking 2: Evolution!" (http://www.money-teacher.com/PL2.htm)
7. Content is "King"
Not only is quality content what people are looking for, but content is also what the search engines are looking for. Content is basically "food" for the search engines.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT try to "trick" search engines with useless content. Not only won't this work, but it will bother potential customers. Also, while you want to mention your keyword, DO NOT "keyword stuff". A too high word density will penalize you ? make it natural.
8. File size
Keep file size as small as possible. It will make for faster loading pages, happier visitors and the search engines like them.
9. Bold & Italic
It's good practice to highlight your keywords in your copy a few times, but don't overdo it.
10. Alt tags in image links
Search engines can read text but they can't see a pictures. Putting in Alt text for a graphic tells the search engine what it is about and also helps people who have their graphics turned off. Make sure to put your keywords in your Alt tags.
Here is an example:
Once your site is optimized for the search engines, you can then start submitting your site. Practice these tips and over time you will see your search engine rank increase.
Copyright 2004 Adam Waxler
About The Author
Adam Waxler owns and operates The Money Teacher web site and publishes The Money Teacher's Home Business Tips Newsletter teaching others how to reach online success. To get your free newsletter subscription send a blank email to: newsletter@money-teacher.com or visit our web site at http://www.money-teacher.com.

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