The Latest Craze: Local Search, 7 Steps to Being #1 in Your Local Market
Anyone would agree that it is much easier to be number 1 out of 100 or 500 then 1 Million or 200 Million. With these 7 Steps you should have no problem being number 1 in your Local Market or Markets
A Recent Search on the Term Book Store Yielded over 200,000,000 Million Results in the Yahoo Search engine. Using the Same term for the local Yahoo Search engine in the city of St. Louis Yielded only 133 results. The Same local search in the city of New York Yielded only 1233 results. What do you think would be Easier being the First out of 200 Million or Being First out of 133 or maybe 1233.
Step 1 Determine Your Local Market
If you are a Dr. or a Lawyer your local market may be very different then a Restaurant. People will travel further to a Restaurant then they will to see a Dr. Of course if your Restaurant specializes in Take-Out or Delivery that would be a determining Factor.
Step 2 Find all the Zip Codes and/ or Cities in your Local Market.
A Dr in Florissant MO may also be local for people in Hazzlewood, Blackjack or Spanish Lake.
Step 3 Online Yellow Pages
Get Listed in Online Yellow Pages and City Guide Directories
Step 4 Find Your Keywords
What are your target Keywords. If you are a Lawyer. Accident Lawyer or Bankruptcy lawyer are more targeted then just Lawyer.
Step 5 Get Listed in Local Search Engines
All the Major search Engines Yahoo, Google and MSN have Local versions sorted by Zip code or City, State
Step 6 Extend your Local Presence
Some Businesses like Encyclopedia Salesmen may have a much larger Local Area. Consider getting a local phone number in cities and towns within a 100 or 200 Mile Radius.
Step 7 Get an 800 Number
If your Local market spans area codes consider getting an 800 number.
Following the above 7 steps and With very little effort you can get local.
About The Author:
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built
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Copyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe
SEO Facts
The internet is the largest market place on earth. It offers unparalleled access to an international base of consumers ? and referrers. However, the internet is also an extremely overcrowded place. With such an opportunity to make a business presentation to the world, many companies seek to take advantage of this unique chance for global exposure by creating a website. Yet simply having a website is not enough. A website alone will be lost in the crowd ? a crowd of over 4 billion webpages indexed on the Google search engine alone. A website needs to be visible, and in a highly targeted manner, so that a company can connect specifically with potential customers. If any company is serious about generating sales within the largest marketplace on earth, investment is required in one form or other of internet marketing.
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