Get Traffic You Need - Make Your Links Work
So you have built a nice web site with good solid content and now want to start selling your products or services.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is rapidly becoming a dying art. You know that traffic is important in order for a web business to survive. But, how do you get the type of traffic you desire?
Links?Lot's of valid inbound links.
Solid inbound links are vital for good search engine ranking. After all, the search engines are in business to make money. They need to deliver quality sites to their searching audience. The advertisers won't pay for space with the search engines if people don't use them.You wouldn't use a search engine for long if it delivered a host of web sites that were not related to your search terms, would you?
How do you go about getting these links?
Directories are a great start.
It is easy to locate directories that will be consistent with the content of your site.
One great resource is SearchIt. This free tool will enable you to search for directories on both Google and Yahoo and return fantastic results. Once you have found directories that meet your criteria, submit your information.
Many directories allow you to add your site for free but some do charge an annual fee. These fees are generally very reasonable and, in my opinion, far outweigh the pay per click returns. Try SearchIit for yourself.
Still hungry for more insight into the traffic game? There is a FREE ebook by Site Build It called "Make Your Links Work".
This FREE download will help you locate quality, high-value web sites that are similar to yours and offer services or products that would be of benefit to your site visitors.
Once you have selected a few sites, simply proceed to exchange links which will TRULY increase your link popularity in a way that the search engines adore.
You can find links to both of these valuable resources by visiting my marketing guide here
Judith A. Wentzel ? Image Smarter Web Site Design, Marketing & Business Services. Assisting small business owners with their business and marketing needs since 1993.
To learn more about becoming Image Smarter visit my web sites:
http://www.imagesmarterwebsitedesign.com .

Make Quality Content Your #1 Priority
It is by now a proven fact that content is the most important element for getting better pagerank and, consequently, more traffic.
Site Maps: Let Search Engines Find Your Pages
With 40 million websites in existence, and more than 3 billion web pages indexed by Google at the time of this writing (July 2003), it's no wonder that more and more people are relying on search engines to find their way through the unruly world that the web has become.
SEO #3: Getting Listed In Google in Under 24-Hours!
Yesterday you should have read the second course out of 6 courses that will help you get a TOP rank in the search engines and get EXPLOSIVE LASER TARGETED TRAFFIC for Free. Today we move on to course #3 and reveal how to Get Listed In Google in Under 24-Hours! Today is a short course but it's one that you must have been waiting for. This information sells for $100+ elsewhere but its just info and I'm willing to tell you for free. Now let's get started.
Without Conversion Rates You Don’t Know If You’re Mickey Mouse Or Mickey Mantle
I couldn’t agree more with the headline of this article and it’s one I’m afraid I can’t take credit for. I found this line in Paco Underhill’s book, Why We Buy – The Science Of Shopping, and found myself comparing many of the things he has measured in the retail world to the tests I’ve done with online, visitor-based activity. The conversion rate on a website is easy to measure. Unfortunately, businesses too busy concentrating on their bottom line most often overlook it. The point of this article is to define what a conversion rate is and show you how you can begin to start improving your own website’s conversion rate and therefore your bottom line. At the same time, I will relate my observations to Paco’s on offline retailing.
All You Need to Know About Your Website Traffic is Contained in 5 Key Stats
You built that content rich web page optimized for your Keyword phrases but is it really working? By looking at these 5 Stats readily available from your CPanel you will quickly learn what you are doing well and what you need to improve on.
Stuck on Keywords
Keywords have turned into big business on the internet. If you pick the keywords that your customers are typing in, then your product is finally exposed to your perfect customer. That keyword is gold. Either you have run out of keyword ideas, you don't know where to look, you haven't had time, you need an easy to use tool, whatever the reason, I'm here to help.
Alert Marketing - Get Google Search Results By E-mail
Sometimes our jobs as marketers means we need to look beyond the obvious. Google, for example, offers their Google Alerts service. At first glance, this may seem most useful to companies who want to track certain searches within their industry, or to hobbyists who want to stay on top of changes in their topics of interest.
Non-Reciprocal Link Building For Higher Search Engine Positioning
Non-Reciprocal Link Building For Higher Search Engine Positioning By Dave Davies, Beanstalk Search Engine Positioning, Inc.
Why Articles Are Not The Route To High Search Engine Rankings
If you have any interest in getting high search engine rankings for your website (and who doesn't) you've probably been sold the idea that writing and publishing your own articles will do it for you.
Google Sitemaps Explained - How To Use Google Sitemaps
Three Ways To Index Your Site With Google Sitemaps [Difficult, Hard, And Easy]
Youve Got The Power, Why Arent You Promoting It?
Like all things, theft is theft, misery loves company, negative people are everywhere, business is sometimes bad, things go up and others go down.
Web Site Copy is about More Than Keywords
Let's say you are writing a web site to sell beach homes on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.
Is New MSN Search More Precise? Just Ask Google
MSN finally unleashed its new search technology to the world on Monday. The official announcement coming from Bill Gates introduced the New MSN Search engine, ending with a personal invitation to visit www.msn.com and â??type in your question.â??
What is The Google Sandbox Effect?
In the age of fair competition you may find it hard to believe that a search engine may hinder the appearance of a new website. This is what is currently believed to be happening on more web servers today. Some programmers have viewed Google as uncomfortable to rank newer websites until they have proven their viability to exist for more than a period of "x" months. Thus the term "Sandbox Effect" applies to the idea that all new websites have their ratings placed in a holding tank until such time is deemed appropriate before a ranking can commence.
Niche Marketing - Why Keyword Research Come First
A good portion of my business involves spending hours and hours using incredibly powerful but difficult to master software to uncover thousands of the exact, targeted keyword phrases people in any given niche market are typing into the search engines.
SEO and the Outsourcing of Inbound Link Building
Search Engine Optimization nowadays has a lot to do with building inbound links to your website. Building inbound links is a cumbersome tasks and webmasters have always been looking for shortcuts to do this. Webmasters buy links (as advertising as an example) or contact other webmasters to exchange links with them. The need for inbound links has created a new business opportunity in the search engine optimization industry. The outsourcing of link building emerged from the fact that many inbound links mean a high search engine ranking and/or a high Google PageRank.
High Google Rankings: Frequency vs. Positioning
There's an assumption that the higher a ranking or positioning you have with major search engines; the more people will beat a path to your web doorstep. But based on my experience, that's simply not true! There's another factor that is just as important and may actually drive more traffic to your site.
Five Tips for Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization sounds so daunting for most young companies. Who has time for dealing with metatags and keyword density when you're trying to get a company off the ground? Below is a simple list of five things you can easily do to improve your visibility on search engines.
Do Search Engines Scare You?
What do the words "Search Engine" make you think of? I get immediate mind-pictures which vary but all have similar themes. Sometimes I see one of those tiny submarines which are used to explore the deepest parts of the ocean bed. I have this picture in my mind of the tiny submarine underwater in complete darkness apart from the beam of its searchlight which is probing the gloom. Other times I see a horse-drawn carriage driving through dense fog with only its weak lamp relieving the darkness. This scene is from a movie where the police are racing through London in search of Jack The Ripper. The final picture is of a line of policemen in old-fashioned uniforms advancing across a moor in darkness through rising mist with only their flashlight-beams to light their way.
How To Get Listed In Google For Free
Google does not accept payment for inclusion in their main index ? so anyone that's at the top is there through hard work and perseverance, or through paying a company such as NikkiPilkington.com to do the hard work for you. Below I show you 7 great ways to increase your chances of a Google ranking.