Stuck on Keywords
Keywords have turned into big business on the internet. If you pick the keywords that your customers are typing in, then your product is finally exposed to your perfect customer. That keyword is gold. Either you have run out of keyword ideas, you don't know where to look, you haven't had time, you need an easy to use tool, whatever the reason, I'm here to help.
Let me give you THREE awesome sources that will help you pick the PERFECT Keyword.
1. Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool (http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/) - This is a keyword suggestion tool from Overture. I use it all the time. You can type almost any keyword and it will suggest 30 or more related keywords.
2. WordTracker (www.wordtracker.com) ? Wordtracker is probably the leader in keyword selection, but it will cost a low monthly fee. It's worth it if you make ONE sale that covers the cost of Wordtracker.
3. Google Suggestion ? (http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1&hl=en) This is Google's Beta Version that will actually give you the TOTAL number of searches for a particular keyword and give you the total number of searches for related keywords. If you keep losing the related keywords, just hit PRINT SCREEN when those words pop up. Then paste it in Paint.
I always strive to save you tons of money when generating traffic to your website. My eBook, The Traffic Toolchest, delivers over 70 valuable traffic generating ideas. You can grab a copy at www.thetraffictoolchest.com .
Kit Elliott is the author of The Traffic Toolchest. His ethical approach to marketing makes him one of the top experts in his field. His highly anticipated book Super Affiliates Guide to Riches is expected to launch by mid-August 2005 at http://www.superaffiliate.com . Check out The Traffic Toolchest at http://www.thetraffictoolchest.com to get over 70 valuable marketing tools.

The 7 Best Stealth Techniques to Improve Your Google Rankings
Stealth as in Spying. But Knowing What your Top Competitors are Doing and how they are doing it you can greatly improve your very own search Engine Rankings.
Link Popularity
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SEO - Get Your Site Out of the Google Sandbox Fast!
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Abandoned by Google! Googlebot, Wherefore Art Thou Googlebot?
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The Benefits of Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
If you're going to sell any type of product or service online, you're eventually going to have to optimize your Web site for the Search Engines, in order to boost traffic and sales.
Keyword Research Made Simple!
Keyword Research is the first task in optimizing your web site and pay-per-click campaign. Here you need to know what keywords your target group is using.
Are Your Keywords Making Money for You?
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3 Deadly Search Engine Marketing Sins
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The Search Engine Secret That Is No Secret At All
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The Myth of Rankings - Beyond Search Engine Optimization
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How To Get Number 1 Spot In Google, Every Time, Guaranteed
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Search Engine Optimization: Get the Low-down
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Attack Smaller Searches To Get The Big Ones!
Searching online can not only be fun, but you sometimes need to be downright inventive.
Have You Heard Of Website Optimization
Have you heard of website optimization ? If you are building a website or have a new one and you have never heard of it, then you had better take note, because if you want to climb the ladder on the search engines it is something you need to learn about. Website optimization means optimising your website so the search engine spiders will love it.
Why Pay-Per-Inclusion Search Engines are Dying
A Pay-Per-Inclusion search engine is a service in which a search engine charges you a certain amount to spider and include your website in its database. For this fee, regular repeated spiderings are guaranteed, so you are sure to be indexed.
8 ways to build a really bad web site for Search Engines
Some web sites receive hundreds or thousands of unique visitors a day, whilst others only get a handful or none. The reason is often because the web designers or Webmaster has built the site in one 'really bad way' or other. This can end up hindering the potential success of the web site. If you want to make sure your site is not a 'traffic flop' then here are some simple rules to follow.
Five Ways To Win The Favor Of Search Engines
You've got a cool new website with all the works: cool Flash presentations, eye-catching colors, informative text, easy-to-use layout, and an interesting topic. You think your site is amazing, and you know that others will agree with you. If only they know it exists.
Your Online Home-Based Business Can Lead To Search Engine Stress
As a member of several search engine optimization forums, I have recently noticed (especially since Yahoo recently decided to try their hand at competing with Google) that the stress level of many webmasters has gone way up. This applies not only to webmasters involved in Internet-based home businesses, but to webmasters in general.
Dealing With Search Engine Stress In A Home-Based Business
As a member of several search engine optimization forums, I have recently noticed (especially since Yahoo recently decided to try their hand at competing with Google) that the stress level of many webmasters has gone way up. This applies not only to webmasters involved in Internet-based home businesses, but to webmasters in general.
Search Engine Strategies for Affiliate Websites
The major search engines are always on the lookout to improve their search results and to weed out websites with duplicate content. They are also weeding out websites that mainly contain affiliate links. This is going to affect quite a few businesses on the Internet that depend on affiliate links to generate revenue.