3.5 Tips To Help You Avoid Becoming The Next Search Engine Outlaw
Tip 1 - Hide And Seek
Do not use hidden text on your website. This means having words and phrases in your pages somewhere that can't be seen to the naked eye. The tactic of having text on your page that is the same colour as the background, and is therefore 'hidden', will almost certainly result in your wanted poster being pinned up by most search engines.
Tip 2 - Your Website Is Not A Turkey
Do not cram your hands full of keywords and phrases and start trying to stuff them into your website's... pages. You need to have some phrases in there, yes, but don't overdo it. The search engine owners spend millions every year on their software so guess what - they know when you're trying to beat the system!
Tip 3 - Man vs. The Machines
Do not build your website for the search engine robots - build it for those squishy pink things - human beings! If you focus too much on having a search engine optimised site you can quickly lose track of why your website is there in the first place - to generate you business by people visiting it and doing what you want them to do. Would you create a new reception area in your office that was tailored specifically to the floor-waxing machine so it could get the best access? No. You would build it for people - do the same with your website.
Tip 3.5 - Don't Be A Bunny Boiler
Do not start pinning up pictures in your dark room of each search engine and then start stalking them by submitting your website every day, week or even month. Search engines hate this - if you over-step the mark you'll be well on the way to that blacklist.. You only need to submit your website to most search engines just one time - ever. Once it's done, it's done. Despite what some 'experts' might tell you - you don't need to constantly re-submit your site.
Learn how to market your website like the professionals in the FREE 7-Part Training Course "Internet Marketing Made Easy": http://www.websitemarketingbible.com/marketing/

Search Engine Optimization - A Do-It-Yourself Guide for the Small Business Owner
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Get Indexed Fast
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Internet Marketing and SEO
Have you ever seen any email offers of getting you to the top of search engines guaranteeing top rankings. Like anything in life there is no quick result without hard work. When it comes to designing a website it is the proper foundation principle. Like any great structure you need the foundation built for search engines.
Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 5: Internal Linking
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Submitting Your Site To The Open Web Directory: Some Dos And Don?ts
One of the most important steps in any site's publicity campaign is the submission to the Open Web Directory (http://www.dmoz.org) as this directory provides search results for many of the most important search engines and online portals. This directory is not a robot driven spider, but a human edited directory and you must observe a few important points if your submission is to be successful.
Have You Heard Of Website Optimization
Have you heard of website optimization ? If you are building a website or have a new one and you have never heard of it, then you had better take note, because if you want to climb the ladder on the search engines it is something you need to learn about. Website optimization means optimising your website so the search engine spiders will love it.
How To Find Good Keywords
Good keywords are frequently searched for (high demand) but not being targeted by many other websites (low competition). There are a number of tools out there that can help you find them.
Search Engines 101 - Search Engines Explained
What Are Search Engines?
Webmaster-Friendly Google Operators
There are a lot of operators (commands you can enter in the Google search box to return specific results) you can plug into Google in order to find what you want. For webmasters and website owners, however, a few particular operators can be especially useful. Operators can be used to locate potential link partners, evaluate current inbound links, and determine what pages of your website still need to be added to the index. Here are the operators we think you should know:
Writing SEO Copy ? 8 Steps to Success
We all know that the lion's share of web traffic comes through the search engines. We also know that keywords and links to your site are the two things that affect your ranking in the search engines. Your keywords tell the search engines what you do, and the inbound links tell them how important you are. This combination is what determines your relevance. And relevance is what the search engines are after.
The Great Search Engine War, Where Content is King
When search engines first appeared, they were simple affairs consisting of a relatively basic database containing small amounts of information about websites. The search engine database allowed web-surfers to search for specific words or phrases. The search engine would then provide a list of hyperlinks to websites containing those words or phrases in several Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS). The basic concepts of a search engine are still the same, but much has changed since those innocent days.
Are Your Keywords Making Money for You?
I built my website, it's perfect. My chosen subject of the website is Computer Support Services. Of course this is an example, but moving along, what should my keywords be?
Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 4: Content Optimization
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Link Popularity Pitfalls
As we all know Google uses their PageRank technology to measure link popularity by counting the number of inbound links to your web pages, and it is one of the many factors influencing your ranking. Most website owners do not utilize properly what PageRank they already have. Their linking campaigns could be in vain if they let a large number of outbound links drain their existing PageRank. If their site were a bucket it would be full of holes, to illustrate this point, if you had a large number of outbound links, which are not reciprocated it would reduce your overall PageRank. Be diligent in identifying sites that are no longer linking back to you anymore. Also keep in mind putting more than 50 outbound links on any page is not advisable. Also be wary of sites that link to you from pages with more than 50 outbound links. Google's PagerRank is based on incoming links, but not only on the number of them. Instead PageRank is also based on the PageRank of the page on which your link is placed. For example a link to your site could be more valuable from a PR4 page with no other links than a link from a page with PR5 and 60 other links.
The Life Blood of Internet-Based Home Businesses...Search Engines
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Submitting to the Search Engines and WebCrawlers
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Link Building Services
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Not Ranking High Enough on Search Engines? Here?s Some Help!
Search engines are frugal things. (Froogle, too, haha! Sorry, lame joke) They take many, many things into consideration when ranking your pages. Below are some things you should do to be sure you're ranked as high as possible.
Meta Tags Help Optimize Your Web Site Rankings
Are you working on getting your web site up onto the internet?