How to Get a Website Indexed Fast
Get Indexed Fast
What does getting indexed mean?
The search engines keep a cache of every web page in their index.
In English, this means: The search engines make a copy of every web page they visit and put in their records? ummm, I think that's what I mean.
When you use a search engine the results list relevant pages to your search, usually ten results per page.
Each result includes a live "link" to the page, and a "cache" or "snap-shot" of the page, recorded the last time the spider visited that page, at some time in the past.
If you wish to get a website indexed, first you must have a website? preferably a real one that you own, not a "free" website a' la Geocities etc.
It only costs about $8 to register a domain name, and about $5 a month for cheap hosting, while $10 a month will get you very good quality hosting.
To get indexed fast, I recommend you start a blog on your site. This can be with any blog software, but I think that WordPress is the best?
If you get good quality hosting, it will include cPanel and Fantastico scripts. In fantastico scripts are about 50 scripts you can automatically install on your server with one click? and WordPress is one of them. The alternative is to manually install wordpress yourself.
Once you have built the basic barebones website (Main page, ½ a dozen content pages, and a sitemap linking them together, it's time to get indexed in the search engines.
You can "submit" your site to the search engines if you wish, but that is too slow.
Here's where the blog comes into play? post articles or messages to your blog on a daily basis, and don't miss a day for the first few weeks at least. The posts must be interesting, and relevant to your site.
Configure your blog to automaticlly "ping" the blog directories every time you publish a new post.
Here's what happens? Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other search engines are always looking for fresh content to serve up to their search visitors or clients, and one place they look for fresh content is in blogs. Search engines absolutely love blogs, because they are dynamic - updated on a regular basis by their owners ? as apposed to normal website pages which largely remain static ? unchanged for months on end.
If you update your blog every day by adding fresh articles or other content, the search engines will notice, and they will soon be visiting your blog every day like clockwork.
I include a link to my regular website pages by adding a link to either my homepage or sitemap, in the sidebar (menu) of my blog.
The second best thing Search Engines love after fresh content is "links"? they will literally die for links, and if they find a link anywhere that they've not seen before, they make a record of it, then follow to to where ever it may lead? and if the link they find is on your blog, you better make sure it leads to the sitemap of your website. Double check that it does, by clicking on it after you make it.
Yahoo and MSN will list your website pages as soon as they visit them, and will usually index them within a few days. As soon as they are indexed, people can find them in search results.
And that's how easy it is to get indexed fast.
To learn how to get a website indexed fast, visit our SEO website, where you'll find over 50 articles on search engine optimization and software reviews.

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