Keyword Research Made Simple!
Keyword Research is the first task in optimizing your web site and pay-per-click campaign. Here you need to know what keywords your target group is using.
Your keywords are the words and phrases that people might use to find your products, brands, services, or information, via search engines.
Step 1: Keyword Identification
The first step in your keyword research is to identify keywords. Keyword identification is about finding the keywords that your target group is using. You can probably develop a few ideas very quickly. If you run a pet shop, you may identify keywords such as: "dog food" and "cat food".
Step 2: Find Keywords
The second step in your keyword research is to find keywords what people actually use and to organize your keywords by their popularity.
To find keywords and their popularities use the keyword search box from Aleksika to learn the search behaviour of your audience. Find out what they call things, how they identify subjects, how precisely or broadly they generally search.
You can also get good keyword ideas from the top keywords collection that contains the top 100.000 keywords of the year or the keyword directory where you can find keywords organized by subject.
Step 3: Choose Keywords
Copy the relevant counts and phrases into a spreadsheet. After you've examined all the individual phrases that could apply to your site, your spreadsheet will contain every phrase of importance.
Next, sort the phrases by the "count" column. The resulting display shows the relative importance of each phrase.
You will have to choose keyword phrases that are most relevant to your Web site - two and three-words keyword phrases that best describe your products and services. Many searchers enter one-word queries into the search form but the chance of competing successfully for one-word search engine keywords is fairly remote. The number of competing websites is simple too high.
Instead of wasting your efforts then you choose keywords with one-word, it is suggested that you concentrate on those keywords, which are easily manageable.
You can read more about Keyword Research on Aleksika's web site.
About The Author
Kim Thaysen, Manager for Aleksika. Experts in Search Engine Marketing. Aleksika is all about helping you do smarter business by increasing marketing Return on Investment.

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