7 Steps to Highly Relevant, Search Engine Friendly, and People Useful Web Site Content
The task is to build a Content Rich Search Friendly and People Friendly Web Site Quickly. These 7 Steps will show you how with about 10 Hours work you can build over 50 pages of rich, Search Engine relevant content for your web Site
Step 1 - What is Your Web Site's Main Theme
This is a Fairly easy step. Most people know the main theme of there Web Site. Some Popular Themes are Health, Golf, Home Based Business, Weight Loss and Crafts
Step 2 - Find Sub-Topics for your Theme
Find as Many sub-topics as you can pertaining to Your Theme. One good way to do this is grab a Pen and paper and write as many Sub-Topics as you can in Five Minutes. Write everything down no matter how silly it seems. You may not use every sub-topic Just write it down.
Some Topics for Home Based Business:
Email-Marketing, Ezine-Publishing, Ezine-Marketing,
E-Books, Web-Design, Site-Promotion, Affiliate-Revenue,
Auctions, SEO,Traffic-Building, PPC-Advertising,
Public speaking
Some Topic for Golf
Tiger Woods, PGA, LPGA, Masters, Majors, Michelle Wie,
Golf Clubs, Golf Balls,Drivers, Short Game, Putting,
Best Golf courses, Best Golf Cities,College Golf
The Reason we want to find lot's of sub-topics is we want a good variety of keywords for people to use to find you.
Step 3 Rate Your Sub Topics
Determine the Importance of all your Sub Topics. Rate the Sub Topics from 1 to 10 with 1 Lowest and 10 Highest. It is ok to give the same rating to more then 1 Sub-Topic. Try not to give all the sub Topics the same rating.
(You will Repeat Steps 4 to 7 for as Many sub-topics as you can. Working from highest rated to lowest rated it is a good idea to completely finish 1 Sub Topic Before going on to the next sub topic)
Step 4 Find Articles for Your Sub Topic
Ideally your goal should be to find 10 or more Articles per Sub Topic. For Topics Rated 7 or Higher You may want to find 15-20 Articles. For Topics Rated less then 5 fewer Articles maybe 5-7 are ok. Topics Rated 1 or 2 may have even fewer Articles or none at All.
Select a good mix of articles for your sub-topic. Keep in mind your goal to create web pages that people will find useful and the Search Engine Bots will want to Index Highly
I find most of my Articles Here http://ezinearticles.com
If you can't find what you need there here is a page with over 50 Article Resources http://ewguru.com/hbiz/article-submit.html
Step 5 Create a Web Page with each article.
This is Fairly simple to do just cut the Article into your Template. Fill out the Title and Description Meta Data and publish it to your web Site. This can be done in about 3-5 Minutes per Article with a Little Practice. For Details see this Article on instant content http://ewguru.com/hbiz/instant-content.html
Step 6 Create an Article Table of contents
Create an Article Table of contents for your Each Sub Topic. This Gives you instant Links. Simply Create a Link to each article on a Web Page. Here is a Sample Table of Contents Page (http://ewguru.com/hbiz/df-toc.html).
Step 7 Write a Blog entry
Create a Blog Entry for your Table of contents for this Sub-Topic Be Sure and use Pingomatic to ping your Web Page
The Key is to build a Content Rich Web Page with many Keywords. By Finding 5 or more Sub topics and 10 Articles per Topic you would have 50 Different Web Pages. It is possible to create 10 Articles, a table of contents and do a Blog and a Ping in about 90 Minutes. If You do this 3 Times a Week in a less then weeks you will have over 50 pages of content.
After you have Completed Steps 4-7 for all of your Subtopics add 3 or 4 Articles per week to keep your page Fresh.
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001. Subscribe to Mike's Newsletter here http://www.ewguru.com/hbiz/viraltraffic.html Get some useful Free Downloads Here http://trafficninja.com

Effective Keyword Optimization and Analysis Techniques
Keyword optimization involves vital keyword selection and placement strategy depends on successfully identifying your industry related important keywords and then where you can place those keyword for maximum effectiveness.
LSI and Link Popularity
When Paypal's official Web site no longer ranked #1 in Google on a search for "paypal," it was obvious that Google had become more aggressive in penalizing sites with "unnatural" backlink anchor text. Although the high-profile Paypal example has since been rectified, thousands of webmasters are suffering the consequences of not ranking for even their official company name, let alone their top keywords. It is important for search engine optimizers to understand both how anchor text penalties are being applied and how LSI ensures that anchor text variance will not dilute a link popularity building campaign.
How You Can Easily Compile A Gigantic Keyword List
It doesn't matter what kind of marketing you are involved in.
SEO #4: Off-page Optimization
Yesterday you should have read the third course out of 6 courses that will help you get a TOP rank in the search engines and get EXPLOSIVE LASER TARGETED TRAFFIC for Free. Today we move on to course #4 and study off-page Optimization. Please read today's course very carefully and take some time to test what I'm about to tell you on your own webpage. Alright let's start!
Over Optimization and the OOP - Does a Penalty Exist?
If you have questions about whether or not the Over-Optimization Penalty (OOP) exists or not, then you obviously haven't pushed the limits enough with your own website optimization or organic SEO efforts to have experienced the joys of running into the OOP (Over-Optimization Penalty).
What Constitutes a Complete and Effective SEO Campaign?
Unfortunately, not many Search Engine Optimization companies know what this involves. You may see a "one size fits all" package, link popularity development in the form of submitting to link farms, or even the dreaded "Submit Your Site to 1000's of Search Engines" scam. While the basic premise of each of these ideas is true, the execution of them is extremely important.
Linking for Traffic not Positioning!
With more and more experts and search engine enthusiastsclaiming the right way and the wrong way to handle linkswapping, link exchanging or reciprocal linking!
Is Page Not Found Making Google Tell The World Site Not Found?
Search Engines are hard to tame, that's for sure. But if you can get on their good side, search can be your biggest ally when it comes to generating tons of free traffic to your business web site. Not many people understand how search engines think. So, search engine "optimization" ends up either ignored or left up to highly paid experts.
Google Rank Cake
6 cups thick content mix 1 jar word of mouth, whipped 2 tablespoons meta tags 1 cup creativity
How To Soar In Your Search Engine Marketing, In The Post Google Era Part 2
'Are Google's Days in the Dominant Position in Search Technology Numbered?'
SEO Basics - 8 Key Strategies For Online Business Success
The world of search engine optimization (SEO) can be a big scary place for newbies. Most SEO professional companies charge astronomical prices that may or may not guarantee success.
Search Engine Essentials
What are Search Engines?
How to Avoid Getting OOPed On by Google?
Earlier this year, I was having trouble getting good search engine placement for one of our sites. I was trading links like crazy, spending many hours a week trying to optimize the site properly, checking my linking structures, keyword density, etc., but still I was not climbing the ranks in Google.
Top Search Engine Ranks, Part 2- Mastering the Secret- Explained
In the first part of this series on ranking at the top of the search engines, we discussed diversifying your Internet marketing efforts. We introduced several methods including RSS feeds, Link Popularity, Article Marketing, Blogs, and physically altering your pages to make them more target-able for select keywords. All of these share the key of great content in order to unlock success.
5 Extremely Valuable Search Engine Optimization Tips
Search engine optimization is THE most cost effective way for a company to market their products and services. Below are 5 extremely valuable search engine optimization tips:
The Search Engine Optimization Game Is Getting Tricky
For more than 4 years now I have been modifying my work from home based web sites trying to optimize for the major search engines, Especially Goggle. Today with much disappointment I have come to the realization that search engine traffic alone will not make me rich. Yes my search engine rankings are now worse today than when I started 4 years ago.
Googles Trap, DMOZs Nap, And Yahoo!s Crap
On November 16th, 2003, Google commenced an update (the Florida update) which had a catastrophic effect for a very large number of websites and, in the process, turned search engine optimization upside down. It is common to give alphabetical names to Google's updates in the very same way that names are given to hurricanes, and this one became known as "Florida".
Google Search Algorithm Patent Application Creates Spring Buzz!
Google applied for a patent on their ranking algorithm as of 15 months ago on December 31, 2003 and that application was posted on March 31st at the US Patent Office. It got the discussion forums buzzing this weekend. Even though I had substantial work to do and was behind on a project, I couldn't resist the temptation to read the very long 14,000 word, 45 page application and see what it could mean to the volatile world of search.
Googles Next Big Move
November 2003 might go down in history as the month that Google shook a lot of smug webmasters and search engine optimization (SEO) specialists from the apple tree. But more than likely, it was just a precursor of the BIG shakeup to come.
Google has an Achilles Heal - Will Their Competitors Notice?
Even though Google Revenues continue to soar, the hidden problem that may stifle growth and may even allow Yahoo or MSN to overtake the paid search market in the future lies in two critical phrases: Customer Support, and Customer Training