Google Patent Application - SEO Highlights
The recent patent application filed by Google details numerous items the search engine uses to rank web pages. The specific application is summarized as:
"A method for scoring a document, comprising: identifying a document; obtaining one or more types of history data associated with the document; and generating a score for the document based on the one or more types of history data."
The patent application sheds significant light for those pursuing search engine optimization with Google. Patent applications can be difficult to understand, so following are highlights that you should consider for your SEO efforts.
Update Your Site
Updating your site is important when it comes to maximizing your rankings on Google. In addition to the manipulation of keyword density and meta tags, the patent application reveals that Google places significant value on how often your content is updated. The more often you update, the timely and relevant your site will appear to Google. In turn, this leads to higher rankings.
To appease mighty Google, consider the following plan of action:
1. Update pages frequently,
2. Add new pages to your site,
3. Interlink the new pages with others on your site, and
4. Add new pages on a weekly basis instead of all at once.
When Google returns to the site, you want to make sure that there is new content. The high rankings of blog sites are evidence of this approach.
Google's Looking at Your Domain
In a new twist, Google claims that it analyzes the number of years of domain registration as part of the ranking process. The application suggests that domains that are registered for longer periods of time are given more value because such a commitment shows the site is not a fly-by-night jump page. It is recommended that you extend all domain registrations for as long as possible as part of your search engine optimization efforts. It is difficult to tell how much the registration process impacts the ranking process, but every little bit helps.
Google claims that it also digs deeper into domain names to evaluate the legitimacy of the site. Factors in the evaluation include the web host and the "who is" information. According to the patent application, Google maintains a database of hosts that facilitate spamming of the Google search engine. While such hosts are not detailed in the application, pray to God that you are not using one. You should evaluate your host if your optimization efforts are not producing results.
If your search engine optimization efforts for Google are failing, the patent application may provide answers. Talk about a perfect E-book!
Halstatt Pires is with http://www.marketingtitan.com - an Internet marketing and advertising company comprised of a search engine optimization specialist providing meta tag optimization services and Internet marketing consultant providing internet marketing solutions through integrated design and programming services.

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