DIY SEO - Part 2 Tags n Things
Part 2 Tips 4 tags
Meta tags are the descriptive tags used by website designers to explain to the search engines exactly what your website is all about. They look like this,
title Put title of your page here, include important keywords /title
meta name="Description" content="Put a short keyword rich description of your site here" /
meta name="Keywords" content="Put your keywords in here" /
meta name="AUTHOR" content="Your name or company name here" /
meta name="COPYRIGHT" content=" Your name or company name here " /
meta name="DISTRIBUTION" content="Global" /
meta name="RATING" content="General" /
meta name="robots" content="index, follow" /
meta name="revisit-after" content="1 Week" /
meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /
Note: the opening and closing brackets have been missed off to make this article compatable for publication.
These tags should be placed inside the HEAD and /HEAD of your page. You don't really need to worry to much about what each one means, just be sure to include lots of keyword rich phrases in the " description" tag and all the carefully chosen keywords in the "keywords" tag. The rest is self-explanatory. Although not all search engines bother with these tags it is important that you include them for the engines that do use them.
You can always get them done free online at http://www.submitcorner.com/Tools/Meta/
The title tag is the important one, it's your shop window if you like. Target the right keywords or phrase as I showed you in part one, (you can still view it http://www.small-website-advice.com/wordpress/) and be sure to include it in your title tag for maximum effect. If every page has a different description in the title tag at the top of the page you can expand the number of searches you can compete for
More tips with tags
Another title tag is the tag you can use after a url such as this
a href="http://made-up-name.com" title="here is the result" target="_blank" The title tag (in between opening and closing tags)
If you hover over the resulting link you will see "here is the result", if this phrase were in your keywords list then this would also count with the search engines. Make the page loads up in a new window by using the "target="_blank" command, that way your visitor stays with you.
Use the "alt" tag that you can use when adding links to pictures, for example;
img src="yourpicture.gif" width="150" height="100" alt="another keyword here"(in between opening and closing tags)
Adding your keywords in these places will add more weight to your site, you should hopefully see an improvement in your position.
Basic Page Design
The first thing about page design is that search engines read web pages from the top left-hand corner down. Why is this important? Well, the placing of your keywords (yep! Them again) is vital, you should have at least one in-between h1 /h1 tags and if possible at the top of the page. As well as this you should have any ads such as google on the right hand side of the page, keeping your content on the left-hand side. An even scattering of keywords in your page text should help and you should have a keyword near the end of the page.
Don't have to many pictures if you can help it, most browsers' only load 4 pictures at a time and this can seriously slow down the page load time and put people off your site. You are better off having pictures on inside pages where your visitors are happier to wait; they do after all want to see your products.
Avoid garish colours, flashing banners and masses of text that you don't need, you don't want to scare your potential customers away or lead them to another person's website via an ad before you get them to view your site.
Most of all you should get you page scrutinised by a friend who is going to be honest with you, or find a forum that will do a constructive site review for you, you can find a forum like this here. The eyes of another person will not be tainted with the same "this is my baby" eyes that you have as the designer.
That's it for now, next time we move on to talk about advertising.
Mark white has been involved in IT for 16 years and has been active in internet marketing and web design for 5 years.
For help and advice please visit small-website-advice.com

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For example, I recently read an e-book that said to imbed a few of your primary keywords in the "alt" tag of your logo graphic. The same day, I was reading an online article of equal quality and this author cautioned against such a tactic due to possible penalties by the search engines. So which did I do? See for yourself by hovering your mouse over the logo. I don't mind a little risk as long as the risk is low and there may be nice benefits, but don't get carried away. We certainly don't want to get banned by any search engines. I get the heebie-jeebies just saying it. That would simply end many of us. Because Google's PageRank? and Alexa's Traffic Rank systems are really two different animals, I will focus primarily on Google's PageRank? system for now. So lets get started in no particular order. Link Popularity: I guess we can start with the hardest part of search engine optimization. Link popularity. The ultimate goal here is to gain the respect of the search engines. And how we do that is by who we know or at least associate with in the spiders eyes. We want as many quality incoming links as possible with as few low-ranked outbound links as possible. We need to consider several factors when we approach any site to request a link exchange. 1. First of all, we want to focus only on sites that compliment ours. By that I mean directly on indirectly are in the same category or field or relating field as our site without necessarily competing with our site. I say not-necessarily because personally I have no problem linking to competitors site as long as we both mutually agree benefits. Some fear they'll lose some of their site visitors but I feel the best way to keep visitors on your site and get them to return is by providing a high quality site with great original content. 2. Second we want to pay attention to their Google page rank. To do this if you haven't already done so, download Google free toolbar http://toolbar.google.com/ Once installed, you can see the PageRank? of any site you go to. You want as many sites as possible with high PR's. Set a goal of getting a few PR6 or PR7 sites. This will do wonders to your rank. In fact one PR7 might do more for you than hundreds on no or very low PR sites. 3. Third, the engines like to see incoming links from what they consider on authoritative site. So aggressively go after well established, high ranking sites that share the some focus as your site. 4. Fourth on our list are the sites to stay away from. Sites that generate artificially created links. Link farms and even huge link exchange sites can even get your site banned. I don't mean to make anyone nervous here. The fact is, if you are generally doing the right thing for the right reasons, you probably have nothing to worry about. If you find yourself trying to hide something or hoping an search engine doesn't catch something, then you may want to re-evaluate your strategies. Requesting a link. The first thing you should do when requesting a link exchange is little research. Glance over the site in question and consider where your site link might hold the most relevance one their site. This will benefit both parties. And then don't be afraid to offer the suggestions when you contact the site administrator. I have had sites accept my link on a suggested page even though they have a section designed just for outside links. I have even accepted links that I would have normally rejected because the fit would have seemed wrong if they hadn't shown a better fit. Always add their link to your site before you make the request and include the page url of the link when making contact. Keep track of the contacts you've made and if you haven't received a reply. Do a simple search on there site to see if they added your link and forgot to reply. At most, send one more request and be sure to include the words link exchange in the subject line so they don't delete your mail as spam. Then if you still don't get a reply within a week simply remove theirs from your site and move on. Don't send any more mail. Consider the lack of response as a rejection and accept it. Don't take things personal and send a negative e-mail. I have actually received a couple of these and there's really no point. If you do get a reply and a link send a short thank you note. Always include the exact text of the link you want on their site. Again, before you do this it helps if you look at other links on their site. If they have a 3 or 4 word description with each link, you don't want to send a whole paragraph in your links description. What you do want to do is include your best key words. In fact, a short description with the right key words can benefit you far better than a watered down version. Keep it short and sweet. Make things as easy as possible for the webmaster. Include the html code of your link so he/she can just copy and paste if they decide to.
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