Google Rank Cake
6 cups thick content mix
1 jar word of mouth, whipped
2 tablespoons meta tags
1 cup creativity
1) In a bowl, stir content mix with 1 cup creativity. Stir. If hard, let sit overnight
2) Stir in meta tags.
3) Heat server to 100 degrees. In a 1024x768 pan or two 800x600 pans, pour mix. Beat in meta tags.
4) Let bake for one year.
5) While baking, prepare word of mouth.
6) Pagerank and Linkback will start to form on cake. Spread with a spoon of new content batter every 1-3 weeks.
7) Bake until done.
Q. Should I buy content batter from the box or attempt to make it myself? A. Content batter usually tastes best homemade. Although some people might want to get it over with and buy the mix from a box, it's all according to your taste. I, personally, believe homemade is more rich and adds your own personal touch.
Q. What if I'm out of creativity?
A. There are many, many people making these cakes and I'm sure they won't mind if you took a taste for inspiration. Sometimes the batter just needs a little beating.
Q. I have baked for a year and pagerank nor linkback will grow!
A. Is the server set to the right temperature? Did you check it frequently? Several factors can contribute to lack of pagerank and linkback growth. Make sure you didn't do anything to make your cake stale.
Q. What brand of meta tags do you recommend?
A. Honestly, it doesn't matter. The generic ones are just as good as the expensive ones. So I wouldn't worry too much about spending tons of money on them. Actually, the best way is to make them yourself.
Q. I heard word of mouth was hard to come by. So how am I supposed to get 1 jar!
A. Easy. Give 'em something to talk about. You'll have the whole jar in no time.
Q. I do not have the patience to wait a whole year for Google Rank Cake! I have money and I will buy the biggest one there is!
A. Good luck and see you at the unemployment line. Google Rank Cake cannot be bought. Ever! While it's true you can purchase the ____________ which appears next to the Google Rank Cake, however you can never purchase the cake itself.
Q. Is it okay to let my Google Rank Cake bake longer than a year?
A. Yes. In fact, the more you let it bake, the richer it will get. Just as long as you remember to spoon on fresh content batter every so often to prevent dryness.
Q. My friend's cake is the biggest I've seen and mine is the second biggest. But I've used more content batter and meta tags than him!
A. Boy, I remember the day when having a cake that was one layer too small was something to truly fuse about. You'll have your day too, just remember to keep adding content batter and creativity.
I'd love to hear how your Google Cake Rank turned out! And remember, it's not the size of the server that matters, but the person behind it!
"Ignore what other people think you like and listen to your heart, it's your passions in life no one can rightfully criticize."
Tia is CEO of Client Centers, LLC, an internet and graphic service business based in Florida since 2000.
She is also the editor and founder of http://www.NerdByte.com
Tia Scott
Client Centers, LLC

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