Search Engines The Masters Of The Internet Universe ? Part 3
This is part three of the article series and deals with the paid inclusion and organic search results from search engines.
We touched on the topic of Kibitzing in the last part, now we will deal with some of the new concepts in search engine submission namely Paid Inclusion and Sponsored Results. Web sites have evolved from being perspective generators into something more commercial. The knowledge warehouses have finally figured out means to generate revenue for the knowledge service they render through multiple mechanisms. Similarly the search engines have evolved from just being the intelligent bots capable of indexing; organizing and serving relevant content pages to "SEusers". Now there is one more new term to get familiarized with, like Caesars now we got the Search Engine Users abbreviated into "seusers" (pronounced: SEW-sirs). Search Engines have figured out that there are many websites who want to sell products to the Internet World. For each of the search terms you type in along with the highly relevant websites selected by the highly sophisticated search Algorithms (Search Algs for short), you get sponsored results.
Webmasters have understood who the masters of the Internet Universe are and have started to recognize the importance of being in the top 20 of the search results. This coveted top spot for various search engines is what makes are breaks web business today. By being in the top 20 they get tons of free traffic to their website and which results in sales and translated into revenue. For folks who lie low in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages), there is one more mechanism to "BUMP UP" their standing and visibility in the SE. Welcome to the world of sponsored results, webmasters buy or bid for higher spots usually in the top bar or side bars of the search results. In some search engines the sponsored results get almost half the SERP. This is known as the sponsored results, as they pay for the impression of the ads shown when seusers type in their search terms. There are two types namely pay for impression similar to the banner advertisement techniques and the next is the currently popular Pay per clicks. Where the SE charges the webmasters for each click they generate for the sponsored results. This is a great business model.
The search engines organize the web pages in ways where by the retrieval based on search terms is easy. The serving of results is based on search terms hence the indexing is based on the search terms. The search engines also give weightage for web pages with worthy back links. The search results returned for each keyword or phrase is based on the content, optimization, back links and outbound links. There are multiple other proprietary techniques employed by each SE to return the best results for the search terms. These are termed are termed as the organic search results as they are not paid for the top spot. The side bar and specially designated zones contain the paid listings. Reaching the top spot in the organic results is what every webmaster is after at currently. Because of the sheer number of websites that are out there the search engines don't want to spend more cycles in their bots for any new websites. They have figured out that there is tons of information on current websites and any new indexing without any payment is not worth it unless proven to be useful. Some websites have gotten to the model of indexing only websites that pay to be indexed and returned in the search results. This is known as paid inclusion. The other way to get included in these search engines are by applying for human edited web categories like the DMOZ.
Author suggests a dosage of atleast two searches before sleep each day for the following search engines: wikipedia.com and this Search Engine paid inclusion website. If you forgot to take the directed dosage you have the liberty to take twice the number of dosage when you get to remember the same. Author is a freelance writer for the webs many great websites and can be contacted at indyan at gmail dot com. Permission is granted to reprint this article with all portions of this article intact including this resource box in its entire form.

Yahoo Listing Still Worth It?
In October 2002, the Yahoo! portal changed the way it delivers search results. In the past, the most prominent results were exclusively culled from websites listed in the Yahoo directory itself. Since October, sites listed in the Yahoo directory no longer enjoy this privileged status.
How To Conceal Your Website?s ?Fingerprint? From The Search Engines
The internet marketing industry is now flooded with various page and portal generators.
Driving Your Website through Google Sandbox
What is Google Sandbox?
Is Reciprocal Linking Dead?
I just read an article at SitePro News that really rings my bell.
Offpage Optimization: Does Article Marketing Cut the Mustard?
For those who haven't heard: article marketing is the new offpage optimization strategy that works like magic and won't cost you a dime. What's the strategy? You create an arsenal of short, well-written keyword articles aimed at your target customer and include your URL at the bottom.
Make The Search Engines Love Your Site
Most webmasters have no idea on how to make a search engine friendly web site. If you are one of them this will all change by following these steps below.
Achieving Better Search Engine Optimization
The search engine giants are locked in an all out power struggle to get your attention and patronage.
SEO Facts
The internet is the largest market place on earth. It offers unparalleled access to an international base of consumers ? and referrers. However, the internet is also an extremely overcrowded place. With such an opportunity to make a business presentation to the world, many companies seek to take advantage of this unique chance for global exposure by creating a website. Yet simply having a website is not enough. A website alone will be lost in the crowd ? a crowd of over 4 billion webpages indexed on the Google search engine alone. A website needs to be visible, and in a highly targeted manner, so that a company can connect specifically with potential customers. If any company is serious about generating sales within the largest marketplace on earth, investment is required in one form or other of internet marketing.
SEO #5: Analyzing the Top Ranked Website on Google
Yesterday you should have read the forth course out of 6 courses that will help you get a TOP rank in the search engines and get EXPLOSIVE LASER TARGETED TRAFFIC for Free. Today we move on to course #5 and study analyzing the Top Ranked Website on Google. Please read today's course very carefully and take some time to test what I'm about to tell you on your own webpage. Alright let's start!
Soliciting Search Engines
As your guide operator through the web, search engines are invaluable when used effectively.
The Modern Day Search Engine
The first task most netizens do when they log on to the internet is to visit their favorite search engine to find information on various topics. Over the past few years the search engine has evolved to do more than list available websites on an entered subject. The modern day search engine has tools to help the user accomplish a vast array of everyday task.
SEO and Google Indexing - Why It Requires A Complex Blend of Skills
If it was easy, everybody would be doing it. Getting a company's name and products, or services, onto the first page of a genuine Google search isn't a trivial piece of work. In fact, there are four distinct skills that a search engine optimiser needs to possess. Most people possess one or maybe two of these skills, very rarely do people posses all four. In truth, to get to all four, people who are good at two of these need to actively develop the other skills. Now, if you are running your own business, do you really have the time to do this? Is this the best use of your time?
Search Engine Musical Chairs
News broke this week that Yahoo has purchased the Inktomi search engine for around US$235 million. This is an interesting development in the search engine industry that may impact greatly on exactly where sites get their traffic from. Another new development in the past few weeks is the change to the HotBot service but first, I'd like to look at the ramifications of the Yahoo/Inktomi deal.
Can Google Really Deliver Country Specific Searching?
This is a serious matter, can Google really deliver top quality search results for other countries? The answer so far is "sort of". In this article I will use Canada as an example of the quality or lack of thereof, that is delivered by Google's search results.
How To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking
With search engines like Google currently indexing over 8 billion pages, it is becoming more and more difficult to get a top search engine ranking. Type in a popular search phrase such as "Internet Marketing" into Yahoo or Google and you will be returned over 8 million results!
The Best and Easiest Google-Friendly Change to Your Web Site
No matter who you are or how much you pay for web site advertising, free search engine traffic is probably responsible for a big part of your business. So why make your web site so hard for search engines to figure out?
Website Copy-writing for Higher Sales and Higher Search Engine Ranking
Why, you ask? Mainly, because search engines want to provide their users with good content. How do they find it? By surfing the web for it. However, search engines don't view websites with human eyes, instead they use "spiders" (also known as crawlers, or robots), a "spider" is an automated program used to browse the web in a methodical manner.
Ranked #1 at Google for Invisible Entrepreneurs But No Traffic?
I am ranked #1 for that silly phrase at Google. So What?
How To Avoid These Ten Costly Search Engine Mistakes
If you have a website then you already know the importance of traffic. Traffic is to Internet marketing as location is to real estate. It's the only thing that really matters. If you cannot generate targeted visitors to your site, you will not make any sales.
Does The Number Of Links On A Page Affect Ranking?
Lots of research has focused on inbound links to a site, but little has focused on the number of links actually on a page (outbound or to other parts of a site). Many SEO gurus have recently been talking about something they call "PR Leak" which seems to be a theory that the more outbound links you have, the more your page rank on Google "leaks" away. That concept isn't found in the academic papers published by the founders of Google, but does seem to be accepted by a majority of SEOs. I decided it was time to take a look at the number of links present on a page and how that number correlates with ranking.