Link Popularity
In today scenario when we talk about Search Engine Optimization, we also talk about one of the most important aspect of SEO, which is Link Building. But there are different types, aspects and limitations of Link Building, which would be discussed now under
1.Types of Link Building: I would be explaining this factor in a more understandable manner with giving some examples with Site1, Site2 and Site3.
a)One Way Linking: One Way Linking is a type of Link Building where a site links to another site without getting a link back
Example: Site1 links to Site2 One of the best ways of generating One Way Links is Directory Submissions
You can submit your site in different free directories like Dmoz, Yahoo Directory (Paid Also) and many others
Limitations of One-Way Linking
One of the most desired limitations of One-Way linking is time Consuming process and the confirmation of getting listed in Directories is not fixed
b)Two Way Linking: Mostly known as Reciprocal Linking, this is one of the most effective and fast method of creating quality incoming links towards your site. Two Way Linking is process of exchanging links between 2 sites of similar theme. (As per latest Google Semantic Indexing)
Example: Site1 Links to Site2 and in return Site2 Links back to Site1 The best method to create Reciprocal Links is to contact theme based sites, which you can think can be involved in your Linking Parameters and ask them for a Link Exchange with your site
There are no limitations in this type of Linking as this is one of the most effective and fastest methods of creating incoming traffic to your site.
c)Three Way Linking: This can also be termed as a better way of obtaining One-Way Links to your site, as in this process there is One-Way and Reciprocal Linking Involved
Example: Site1 Links to Site2, But in place Site2 Links Site1 on Site3
Aspects to be Looked Before While creating Links
1.The partner's site Page Rank of the page where he has placed your link
2.Whether the page where your link has been placed is indexed in Search Engines or not
3.One most important factor is the theme of the site. Eg: If you have a site related to Web Design you can exchange links with site related to shoes or gifts, you should link with sites related to Web only
For More information on Link Building Services Contact Sunny Kathuria at skathuria@gmail.com or sunny_indian@touchtelindia.net
Sandy Kathuria
Link Building Freelancer
Search Engine Marketing Services

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