Search Engine Optimization Strategies To Drive More Targeted Traffic To Your Website
Want to drive more targeted traffic to your web site?
Want to do it for free?
If you answered "yes" you're in for a treat. Use the search engine optimization and ranking techniques in this article and you will be well on your way to a front page listing in the major search engines.
Up until now, you've been led to believe that search engine optimization and search engine ranking strategies were something better left to an expert. But that's not true. Any serious marketer can and should learn the simple search engine optimization and ranking techniques that can get his site listed on the first page of the search engines.
Before I begin I want to point out that search engine optimization and ranking strategies fall into two catagories. On page factors and off page factors.
On page factors you have a lot of control over. Things like content, good keywords, and the proper use of anchor text.
Off page factors, like page rank, you'll have less control over. But it's important that you exercise as much control as you can over the off page factors as well. These will be discussed in another article.
To get your search engine optimization and ranking strategies right you will need some tools. Some free, some payed. But regardless, if you want your site listed in the top ten results you need these tools.
Search Engine Optimization and Ranking - Tools of the Trade
To begin with, I'm not a big believer in throwing money after unnecessary tools or ebooks. After all, if you bought all the tools some gurus recommend it could easily run into hundreds and even thousands of dollars. So rest assurred, what I recommend are the bare essentials of what you will need to get it right.
The first tool you need is free. At least for now. It's the Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool. You can find it at http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/
You will use this tool for your keyword research. Let's say you plan to build a site on dog grooming. Type dog grooming in the suggestion box, click the arrow, and a list of related keywords come up. It also tells you how many searches were conducted on Overture and it's related sites for the past month. This is valuable information as it tells you which keywords are worth persuing and which don't get enough searches to be worthwhile. You will want to print out or create a file to store these keywords on your computer because you're not finished with them yet.
The next tool you need is Wordtracker. Although it's not free, it is one of the most valuable tools in your arsenal. This tool is not expensive as you can order it for short time frames. Twenty four hours usually runs about $7.00 U.S.
Wordtracker takes your keyword research to the next level. For instance:
find all keywords that bear any relation to your business
tells you how popular the keywords really are in multiple search engines
shows you your chance of making the top ten
shows you the number of times the keyword or phrase has appeared in the data base
shows mispellings on searches that you can capitalize on
shows the number of competing sites
prints out a complete list of selected keywords with KEI analysis, count, hits in 24 hours, and number of competing sites.
This valuable tool will save you countless hours of trial and error trying to find the best keywords and phrases to land you in the top ten.
I once built a site based solely on results from the Overture suggestion tool. To my dismay I had few visitors. When I checked the keywords and phrases with Wordtracker, I found a completly differnt story. Wordtracker showed much lower figures for the keywords I was using from Overture. When I revamped the site using Wordtrackers results I found the search results to be much more accurate.
So use the Overture suggestion tool to get a preliminary set of keywords, then, check them with Wordtracker to identify the best keywords and phrases to build your site around.
Build Your Site Around Search Engine Optimization and Ranking Techniques
When I built my first site I used a cheap software program I purchased from my local office supply store. Needless to say, it was never listed in the search engines. I had little control over the appearance and more than likely it did what it wanted, not what I wanted. So if you intend to build a serious web site to get traffic and make money, stay away from them. I currently use NoteTab Pro. it's relatively easy to use and gives you a lot of flexibility. Plus it's relatively inexpensive.
If you are looking for a less expensive way to go I recommend Notetab light. Download a free copy here http://www.notetab.com. Although not as flexible and easy to use as NoteTab Pro, it will get the job done.
Search Engine Optimization and Ranking Power Points
You've researched and selected your keywords and phrases. Where do you use them for the best search engine optimization and ranking?
Power Point #1.This is one of the best secrets I can give you. Consider each page of your site to be a doorway into your site. Therefore optimize one keyword or keyword phrase for each page of your site. Many people try to cram multiple keywords into a page. This only confuses the search engines and hurts your rankings.
Power Point#2. Keep your site keywords and pages focused on a common theme. For example: If you have a site about dog grooming, Every page on the site should relate to dog grooming. If you were to ad a page about training your pet snake it wouldn't fit the theme. So keep all your pages tightly focused on the overall theme of your site. Getting off theme will hurt your rankings.
Power Point #3.Content is king. Give the searh engines what they want and they will give you what you want. A good listing. What they want are highly relevant sites for their search customers with good, valuable content. Methods to trick the search engines are abundant. But when they catch up with you, you'll be penalized or worse, possibly banned. You don't want that.
Power point #4. Sprinkle your secondary keywords and phrases throughout your content. When you researched your keywords you came up with a list of primary words and phrases to optimize your pages. You should also have an additional 50 - 100 keywords and phrases that I will call secondary keywords. If you sprinkle these throughout your page it will give you a big boost in the search engines. You'll be amazed at how many visitors you will recieve from these secondary keyword searches.
Where To Use Your Primary Keywords To Get The Most Impact For Your Search Engine Optimization and Ranking Efforts
Keyword placement, density and proximity are the most important factors when it comes to on page search engine optimization and ranking strategies.
Domain name: Although unproven, some search engine optimization experts recommend your site domain name be your primary keyword or phrase. If I can get a domain with my primary keyword fine. If not, i just try to get a good related name. If you do get a domain with your primary phrase, be sure to seperate the individual words with hyphens. Some search engine optimization experts are now saying that Google can read the keywords even if they are not seperated. I prefer to play it safe and use hyphens. For example: doggrooming.com would be dog-grooming.com. Done this way the search engines can read the individual words.
Page title. It's best to use your keyword or phrase once in the title of your page. Try to keep it short. Google uses a weighting factor based on the number of words in the title. The more words you use, the less weight each word has. A word of caution here. Don't just use your keyword phrase. Google will likely consider this spamming and penalize you. Using the same keyword more than once is worth testing, but many experts believe it can hurt your rankings. Try to come up with a good title as this is what your prospects will see on the search engines.
The discription: Again, don't over use your keyword in your discription. Once or twice is enough. Some search engines will use your discription in their listings so try to develop one that will make the searcher want to click on it.
Heading tags: Header tags are the HTML tags used to make text bigger. Typically they are used for headlines and sub heads. Some search engines use them to determine what a page is about. So try to use your keyword or phrase in your header tags.
Anchor text: This is the text used in a link. When you are linking from one page on your site to another make sure you use your keywords in the link. A good example is your home page. Most people simply put the link as "home." Instead use website promotion strategies home. Get the idea.
Body copy: Try to use your keyword as often as you can in your body copy without sounding repetitive or being obvious. If it doesn't sound right, it's probably to much. Work it in wherever it fits. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to keyword density. Most experts agree that around 7% density is a good figure to shoot for. Avoid continuously repeating the keyword every two or three words. This is considered spamming.
Alt text: This is text used in place of images for those with text only browsers. It also pops up when you hold your mouse over an image. Because search engine spiders can't read graphics, the alt text tells the spiders what the graphic is. So discribe the graphic but include your keyword.
URL's: When using URL's to link your pages together be sure to use your keywords in the link. Just as in the case of domain names, use hyphens to seperate the words so the spiders can read them.
We've covered a lot in this article. I've given you information that cost me a small fortune to acquire. We covered the tools and editors you will need to do the job right. I gave you power points that most search engine optimization experts don't want you to know. Then we looked at the on page factors you can control to maximize your search engine optimization and ranking efforts. Keep in mind, this is only half of the equation. There are still off page factors that have a major impact on your search engine optimization strategies.
Guy Ray is a copywriter and certified search engine optimization specialist who specializes in website promotion and online marketing strategies. Are you getting all the traffic you need? Click here now! http://www.website-promotion-strategies.com

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