What is the Google Dance?
As with any good web developer, the ability to time the changes Google will update your website and refresh the content for better SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is in your favor. Welcome to the world of "Google Dance". The Google Dance is simply that the predetermination of when the actual update will commence.
What really happens is Google sends out spiders to crawl the Internet, usually done to DNS (Domain Name Servers), upon spidering all of the available tables it begins to go through each individual site and updates the content on to Google.com. Thus if you watch your rank on the Google Toolbar, you can tell when your overall page rank has changed.
Understanding SEO and what is necessary to improve your overall ranking. Webmasters have been looking for ways to increase the odds of guessing when the next spidering would commence. There are various versions and servers that go out and crawl thousands of servers at a time, it takes time to relay and decipher this information back to the web server that Google.com pulls its information from.
Some vendors have created programs that actually go out to the data centers themselves to find out approximately when the last index was kicked off. Depending on the information returned from the trace the exact time and date are pinpointed. Is there really that much of an advantage to doing it this way? It depends, if you have a vital update that you want to optimize your site, you may want to know when the last time Google visited your site for content to keep information fresh and relevant.
There are many data centers that Google uses to spider across the world. Each center has a specific region it covers and all the information is gathered in aggregate and returned back to populate Google.com. With this many data centers the chances for continuous indexing is good, but not guaranteed.
Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.sitetube.com. Visit his website for the latest on planning, building, promoting and maintaining websites.

STOP Writing for Search Engines
Back when I was starting out with my first internet venture, I did a crazy thing. I subscribed to a Search Engine Optimization newsletter. These guys send a weekly email with their bundle of latest tips. For the first few months, I actually followed what they said. Now, I just keep my subscription to get a few laughs.
The Myth of Guaranteed #1 Ranking in Search Engine Marketing
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Guide to Getting Linked
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Getting One Way SEO Links - The Easy and FREE Way
What we are hunting for?
Why Pay-Per-Inclusion Search Engines are Dying
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Keyword Selection- The Dark Horse of Search Engines Optimization
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Link Building in Light of Vision-based Page Segmentation
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How to Make a Title Tag that Search Engines Will Love
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You Have More Web Sites Than You Think You Have: The Importance of Deep Submission
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Increase Your Link Popularity for Free
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10 Basic Rules for Where to Place Your Keywords
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Fix Your OnPage!
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The Changing Face of Search Engine Optimization
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King + Queen = Royal Success
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The (Not So) Shocking Truth About Getting A High Search Engine Ranking
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SEO India: Tips & Techniques
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4 Tricks For Lightning Fast Indexing
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The Internet may have started as the fervent brainchild of DARPA, the US defence agency - but it quickly evolved into a network of computers at the service of a community. Academics around the world used it to communicate, compare results, compute, interact and flame each other. The ethos of the community as content-creator, source of information, fount of emotional sustenance, peer group, and social substitute is well embedded in the very fabric of the Net. Millions of members in free, advertising or subscription financed, mega-sites such as Geocities, AOL, Yahoo and Tripod generate more bits and bytes than the rest of the Internet combined. This traffic emanates from discussion groups, announcement (mailing) lists, newsgroups, and content sites (such as Suite101 and Webseed). Even the occasional visitor can find priceless gems of knowledge and opinion in the mound of trash and frivolity that these parts of the web have become.
SEO -- Tips to Optimize Your Webpage to Compete for a High Ranking
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