Why Do You Want to Link With A Home Business And Affiliate Website?
No, it's not a general question for all and sundry. Obviously, there are many who would want to link to a Home Business or Affiliate program related website and for good reason. They would be helping their Page Rank, if that's important any more however, more to the point, they would be improving their chances of a better ranking in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). But yes, you guessed it, THERE IS A PROVISO. A very important one, that so many people engaged in reciprocal linking programs just don't seem to be able to get their heads around?
I must confess, I have written about this same subject, just on twelve months ago, I think it was. My experience during the time since would suggest that I may as well have been writing fairy stories, for all the good it did.
I get, and this is no exaggeration, at least a dozen requests EVERY day from people wishing to link with my (currently seven) Home Business or Affiliate related sites, who have websites that have absolutely NOTHING in common in any way with either topic, or in the case of Affiliate content websites I have, nothing to do with the subject matter or product/s concerned. The majority of these requests, for some reason, seem to come from 'poker/casino/gambling' websites and those concerning 'travel/holidays'.
Why is it that the people requesting these links don't understand that they are, in fact, irreparably damaging their websites and possibly harming their chances of a decent showing in the SERPs? (Not that all those with these types of websites practice this type of 'free for all' linking). Why can't they understand that Google, the devisors of the PR and the Search Engine with whom most are concentrating on scoring a good ranking, quite clearly explain that "?links from RELEVANT websites are the only kind of link that is likely to improve your SE rankings". They also go on to say that "using any kind of mass linking program or 'free for all' method of linking is more likely to damage your rankings".
While it's true that your PR will probably increase with the amount of 'raw' links to your website, those links that are from websites of non-relevant topics will NOT serve to improve your ranking in the SERPs. Where the PR is calculated simply from the number of links, the algorithm used to come up with the SERPs definitely includes more complex data including an analysis of the content of the websites from which incoming links come, not just the text of the link.
The only advantage I know of, that PR alone will give you is a better chance of obtaining reciprocal links from other websites. Certainly, a far better way to obtain links is to publish good quality articles about the topic of your website, which of course will be picked up, by and large, by websites looking for good content of the same subject matter. This will also serve to give you 'one way' incoming links, which although Google don't appear to mention in their pages, are widely understood to be of more value than 'reciprocal links'.
Apart from the reasons I've mentioned above, there is also the amount of work involved in trying to do the right thing by answering these pointless requests for links. I must say, it's very annoying given the time involved, which could be better spent by all parties doing more constructive things.
I have often lamented the irreparable damage that mass linking programs have done to many websites. After all, there is virtually no chance of getting the links that are in place from non-relevant websites removed. It would be a mammoth task. The types of link building program that collect links from anyone willing to complete the form on your website and place your link on theirs, have turned a number of websites into mini directories, which certainly won't help their rankings in the SERPs.
My advice to anyone, either new or an old hand is to join one of the reciprocal linking co-operatives like Linkmarket.net, in which you are able to approve links from sites of YOUR choosing and request links from sites with the same content and subject matter. After all, links of the same content as your website are the most likely to interest your visitors and THAT is the primary basis of linking, to offer worthwhile information and assistance to your patrons. Incidentally, that's what Google and the other SEs are primarily concerned with, sites that are of value to THEIR patrons and they will only offer you as a choice if they feel you have the same goal in mind.
I've been told that when I do anything designed to improve my rankings, to ask myself a simple question, "would I do this if there were no Search Engines?" If the answer is no, then it probably won't benefit my visitors and will be a waste of time as far as my SE rankings are concerned.
The 2005 Edition of Steve Brennan's popular ebook title 'The Affiliate Guide Book' is now available. He also operates a number of Affiliate wesbites which include The Home Based Business & Affiliate Center and The Diet & Weight Loss Place.

Why Top Search Engine Placements Never Move?
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Search Engine Optimization - Enhancing Web Site Visibility
I've had several prospects and clients say to me "I want my web site to come up on top in search engines." And some have been contacted by an SEO company asking for lots of money and claiming that they can guarantee top search engine results, which in many cases is just false promises. There is no quick and easy way to make a web site display in the top 10 on search engines. Getting a web site to come up high in search engines "naturally" can take time and effort. When I say naturally, I mean without paying to be a sponsored link. The content of the web site has to be relevant. By this, I mean the web site content should be very descriptive, and ideally unique, about your business, product or service. This way search engines can rank your site according to this detailed, descriptive and relevant content. Some reasons that a web site will rank high:
Search Engine Wars - Quality Searches Vs Quantity!
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How To Avoid These Ten Costly Search Engine Mistakes
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Can Invisible Text in CSSs Slip Under Search Engine Radar?
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Use Keyword Articles for Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization is very important for your online business if you are interested in staying in business. The reason for this is most of the time the large search engines direct traffic to your website, however your website must include what the search engine is looking for in order for your web page to be returned as a result. It might sound complicated, but it really is not because people use the search engines to search for keyword terms and then the search engines crawl the web looking for web pages containing these same keywords. The most important thing for you as an online business is to know the keywords that apply to your business and then include them on your web page through the use of keyword articles.
Arrogant Overture Placing Greed Ahead Of Their Customers Needs
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Google Traffic Report Card-Does Your Website Pass? Part 1
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How To Start An Internet Business ? Meta Tags and Keyword Density
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Finding Targeted Keyword Phrases Your Competitors Miss
Finding Targeted Keyword Phrases Your Competitors Miss
How To Boost Your Keyword Density On Your Web Site To Gain Top Positions At The Search Engines
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13 Tips For Good Search Engine Placements
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How to Develop a Successful ROI for Your Website
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How Google Indexes Content From Your Web Directory
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The Matrix Help For Keyphrase Analysis
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Your PC can Contribute with Google Compute
Have you heard of the SETI Project? SETI stands for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and the project is operated by the University of California at Berkeley. SETI monitors and processes radio signals from space, looking for possible signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life. SETI uses proprietary software to distribute computer processing power among all connected PCs participating in SETI project so that the radio signals can be processed faster and more efficiently. SETI effectively creates one big supercomputer from thousands of connected PCs across their network. Now users of the Google Toolbar can contribute to scientific research in much the same way, through Google Compute.
7 Steps to Highly Relevant, Search Engine Friendly, and People Useful Web Site Content
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DMOZ: Rotten To The Core
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These 7 Back Link Strategies Will Get You a Top Ranking on Google Guaranteed
Google use a very complex function to determine which search results to return, Google is always changing and Modifying that function to better Serve the Search Engine User. The one constant is quality back links. These are pages linking to you without you linking back to them.
Advertise Locally Using Search Engines
While search engine advertising has been a great advertising medium for businesses capable of or interested in marketing their products and services to a national or international audience, the effectiveness of this type of advertising was limited for businesses interested in advertising to a local market until very recently.