The Best 7 Steps To Get A Top Google Ranking Guaranteed
Google returns more search results then any other search engine. Clearly if you can get a Top Ranking in Google you will drive highly targeted traffic to your web page.
1 - Keyword Rich Content
You want to create a Web Page with keyword Rich content, A Good rule of thumb is use a 3 to 5 Percent Keyword Density. If you have 300 Words on your Web, Your keyword phrase should appear 9 to 15 times.
2 - Search Engine Friendly Title
Your Keyword Phrase should appear once in your Title. Your Title should appear as close to the top of your page as possible. Your Title should be enclosed in H1 Tags. Your Title should also appear in the title Meta Tag. As the first line under the head tag.
3 - Search Engine Friendly Description
Your Keyword Phrase should appear at least once in your description. Your Description should accurately reflect the page contents. Your Description should appear in the Description Meta Tag. Your Description Meta Tag should mimic text found somewhere in the first or possibly 2nd paragraph in your Web Page
4 - Unique
You want your Title and Description to be Unique for Each Web Page on your web Site. You want your content to be unique for each web page on your web site. If you use OPC (Other Peoples Content) do something to make your page unique. Add a paragraph before telling why you used the content. Add a paragraph or 2 with useful tips on how to use the content. Add a Tip or 2 of your own.
5 - Related pages
Google doesn't want your web page to be the only Ship in the ocean. Google will look at other pages on your web site and see if they are related. If you have 20 Web Pages talking about home decorating and only 1 web page talking about nuclear physics Google won't list your nuclear physics page very high no matter how well you do the other steps
6 - Google Sitemap
Create and submit a Google Sitemap
7 - Back Links
Back Links are sites that link to you without you linking to them. Here are some good methods to get backlinks
About The Author:
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built
an Organization of over 100,000 Members
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Copyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe

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