The 7 Best Stealth Techniques to Improve Your Google Rankings
Stealth as in Spying. But Knowing What your Top Competitors are Doing and how they are doing it you can greatly improve your very own search Engine Rankings.
Step 1 Do A Google Search
The First Step is to do a Google Search and Identify your top 5 or 10 Competitors for your Keyword or Phrase on Google.
Step 2 View Web Page
Click on the Web Page of your top Competitor. Look over the page. See the general layout. Look over the use of Font Styles, Bolding, Colors,Header Tags
Step 3 View Page Source
Do a right click view page source, in Steps 4 and 5 we will use the information from the web page source code.
Step 4 Description Meta Tag
Look over the Description Meta Tag. How many times is the keyword or phrase used in the meta tag? Does the Text of the description meta tag appear in the text of the web page anywhere?
Step 5 Title Meta Tag
Look at the Title Meta Tag. How many times is the keyword or phrase used in the meta tag? Does the text in the Title meta tag appear in the text of the web page anywhere?
Step 6 Keyword Density
See how often the Keyword or phrase is used on the Page. http://www.ranks.nl/tools/spider.html
Step 7 Link Partners
If you want to see who links to you in the Google search box type in link: followed by your domain. As an example if you want to see who links to the greatest baseball team in the world the New York Yankees type in. --- link:yankees.com
About The Author:
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built
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Permission Based E_Mail Marketing Methods
Copyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe

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Optimize Your Website or Get Lost In The Crowd!
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SEO, the Simplified Version
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