Design Your Site For Your Customers
The most important person that you need to please when you design your site is your potential customer. I can not stress that enough.
I have clients who have told me "I don't like this design or that one or I like these colours", etc. I want to please my customers so I try to create a design for them that they will be happy with, of course.
But my clients don't often think of their site visitors or their own potential customers when they ask me to design their site. Sadly most are thinking primarily of one thing - how to make money from their website. And because their focus is on making money rather than pleasing their customers, more often than not, the website won't sell. And as much as I try to advise them on how they can improve the quality of the site, they stick to their own ideas of what the site should look like. Then they email me later on and ask me what are they doing wrong. Oh brother!
If you want to have a successful website you must think of your visitors first. Before you hire a designer or design a site yourself, you must define:
- Your Target Audience
- The Purpose of Your Web Site
- Procedures ie. What Material or Content Will Be Used
- Your Goals
- Utilizing a Simple and Consistent Design
- Making Sure the Website Design is Compatible To Most Browsers, Especially Internet Explorer and Firefox
- Making Sure Your Website Loads Quickly
- Implementing Clear and Easy Navigation Systems
- Maintaining Your Site and Regularily Adding Fresh Content
Your main page should have a very strong sales message which includes a keyword rich heading and a short introductory paragragh telling your visitors what your site is about: products or services. Next in bullet form, describe the benefits of doing business with you. In other words, what makes your business stand out or what makes you so special?
You need to add credibility to your site so use verifiable testimonials. Offer bonuses or something free along with your product or service and then close the sale by calling for a clear action: Click here to order, sign up today, request a quote, etc.
Next, you need to create a mailing list. Have your designer install a mailing list script on your site so that your visitors can subscribe. Once your visitors start reading quality material in your newsletter, you begin to form a relationship with your subscribers and they begin to trust you. Trust leads to sales.
How Will They Find Your Site?
Once your site is complete, and I do mean complete, manually submit your site to the top search engines, such as Yahoo, Google, MSN and Alta Vista. Don't waste your time worrying too much about ranking yet, because you are not going to get a top ranking right away. No matter how much money you spend on Search Engine Optimization services, your website will not get in the top 5 position overnight.
Next, put your website URL and your email address on your business cards and pass them out at every opportunity. Make sure your business cards are a good quality stock and that they clearly define what your business is about. Most people are naturally curious and if they got a good impression from you and your business card, they will visit your site. Even if they don't need your products or services, chances are they know someone who does.
Word of mouth is very powerful. It is how I get most of my clients. So if you have pleased one customer, that person will tell someone, who will tell someone else, and then your business will flourish.
Yours in Success,
Karen Blundell
About the Author
Karen Blundell is a web designer and internet consultant based in Welland, Ontario. Her focus is to assist home and small business owners succeed on the internet. You can find out more about her services at http://webzonecentral.com

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Are You Driving Away Potential Customers?
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Looking for a Web Design Company? Use a Web Design Directory
Your business website tells a lot about your company. A poorly designed website will have your visitors questioning the quality of your business. A well thought out elegantly designed site would instill confidence in your visitors that you are a credible business to deal with. There is a saying in advertising, "It is better to not advertise than to advertise poorly". The same holds true for web design. There are so many Web Design companies now. How do you make an educated decision on which one to choose? Like every market that is saturated, you always see ads that read, "Hire us we are the best". Well how do you know that statement is true? Wouldn't it be great if you had a resource available to you that pre-screened Web Design Companies to narrow down your choices? To answer that question, yes there is, use a Web Design directory. Web Design directories are usually run by companies in the Web Design Industry. Using their knowledge to pre-screen the Web Design companies that submit their contact information to the directory insures that only quality Web Design Companies are listed. Most Web Design directories are categorized by region. Some use states, some use countries all in hopes of making your search that much easier. If you live in Alabama then you simply click the link that reads, "Alabama Web Design". Some Web Design directories will also allow you the customer to submit a quote request. Then they take your information and forward it to Web Design Companies that meet your criteria. This can be very helpful, as it eases the process of finding the perfect Web Design Company for your project. Along with a directory of different Web Design Companies, you may also find helpful articles to educate yourself, and help make the decision process a little easier. Look for articles that answer your questions, "What is PHP", or "How do colors affect your visitors' experience". Articles like these can give you a little incite as to what makes up a high quality website. Your business website is very important to help strengthen your image. It is often the first impression a potential customer will have about your company. Using a Web Design directory can ensure your visitors have a positive first impression that causes them to contact you to do business.
The Next Marketing Tool: Deisgn
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The Technology May Change, But Human Nature Remains The Same
Let me repeat that..
Website Design: Redecorate Your Web Site To Increase Sales
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Make Your Site Quick To Load!
The time it takes to load your site can make or break a visitor's first impression of your site. If your site takes too long to load, the visitor will click "Stop" or "Back" and leave your web site. If you are a business and offering people important information, it is critical to have a nice design, with a quick load time.
KIS - Keep It Simple
There are many ways to add fancy bells and whistles to your website, but most of them are not going to do you any good. In fact they will slow down the time it takes to load your website and take up valuable space that you are paying for. Besides that, people with older computers will not even be able to see some of these fancy additions you are using.
Handwriting Font Tips - The Personal Touch That Makes a Difference
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To Flash, or Not to Flash
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