Do Dancers Need A Website?
Dance is how you pamper your soul and satiate your creativity. Mesmerized and overwhelmed with the pleasure that the dancer relishes while dancing, often there are some practical aspects that tend to get overlooked. As a dancer you might think: Why do I need a website at all? There is nothing I have to advertize!" That is not really so. As a dancer myself, I discovered the amazing advantages of having a website.
And it is certainly not that you have to be a veteran to have a website of your own, for as a beginner you do not have anything to write about. It is absolutely essential that young dancers portray themselves in a website and make their presence felt in the cultural circle.
There is a myriad of doors that open up when you have a website of your own. I shall mention just a few of them:
1. An online presence shows that you take your work very seriously and are prepared to market to the world! That is a positive signal that you send to the critics, patrons, audience, evryone around you.
2. I have been through the initial years of struggle, where I would spend hundreds of dollars printing brochures and sending them to patrons offer to perform at a cultural event. In today's internet world, more and more organizers look up the Internet to find good performers for their shows.
3. The moment you have a website up, you have the amazing opportunity to publish your own news, where you are performing. What better way to get free publicity than to your own publish news and whereabouts on the internet?
4. If you explored into the depths of the artform you practise, you can just go ahead and write articles on them. Writing articles on your own website is free and it is the most convenient way of enlightening people.
5. When you have structure website properly, it gives your visitors an idea that you yourself are an organized and structured person. Who ever thought artists lack pragmatism? Make sure that your site has the following pages:
--> A Home page
--> On the dance form you practice
--> Research work doen by you
--> Your productions
--> Your performances
--> Reviews on you
--> Awards you may have received
--> The institution to which you are attached
--> A guest book
6. If you are a beginner, these are certain tips that you might find userful:
--> Make sure that the fonta that you use, the size of templates are consistent
--> Do not fill your pages with images of high resolution - this slows the download time
--> Keep the background light
7. You can EARN through advertisements in your website! That's right! This is really a great benefit that you probably have not imagined.
Websites can make a lot of difference in your dancing career. They can be your cheapest mode of advertizement, a business tool and a forum where you exchange ideas with other like-minded people. You must nurture it, keep it updated and promote it well. Your efforts will be paid off well. And soon you will be wondering, "how did I ever manage without a website?"

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