Database Driven Web Site - Do You Need It?
Many of site owners still don't realize all advantages of database driven web sites and don't use all abilities they give. So when do you need a database driven web site and how it will make your web-life better?
What is a database driven web site?
Database driven web site is one that uses database for collecting and storing information. What information it can be? Various. Email addresses, contact info, clients list, products list, listings of real estate property, trade offers, images, and links, etc.
How does it work?
For example, you have a static HTML web site for your business with posted information about the company, products or services, clients, and there is contact form. If you have strong HTML skills you update your site without problems each time you need it. Otherwise you hire a webmaster or use maintenance services of a web design company. You write info in text document, send it to your webmaster, he manually inserts it to the site. You store your products, clients, and contacts info in Word or Excel files. Probably you store emails that you receive from contact form in Word or Excel files.
Is it handful and easy? Is there an alternative?
In the database driven web site all information is stored in table format of databases on the server, script generates pages that are showed on the site as usual HTML ones. Usually database driven web sites have admin panel with user-friendly interface where you can manage the site content, i.e. add, edit, or delete info by yourself, create new pages or delete old ones. You can update your site easily each time you need it.
Requests sent form contact form can be saved in database for further use, you can edit them, group, and sort.
You can create pictures gallery on your site and update it easily.
You can have news box at your site and update it easily each time you need it. .
Is it expensive?
No, if you order the site from a web design/development company that has good experience in database driven web sites design that means elaborated and tested development process, time and cost saving methods which give high-quality work within short timeline and at affordable price. Ask your web design company do they make database driven web sites, if yes, look at the examples of such previous works, ask references of the customers - are they satisfied with their web sites? - and if the price is acceptable move forward to your new web site. Or search for another web development company using the same criteria for choice.
What else you should know?
Probably, you will need to change hosting plan or even hosting provider to host your new database driven web site.
Usually there are such requirements for hosing:
- Must support PHP/MySQL or ASP/MSSQL
- At least 75-100 Mb of disk space
- Must have Database Client
- Must have Mail server
Julia Ramyalg
Marketing Director of IT-Inventors - professional offshore web site design and development company
Visit our web site to order Affordable database driven web site design - clients database, online gallery, online albums, news, newsletters, products and services listings, and more. Prices start from $50
Custom web site design, E-commerce web site design, Content Management Software integration into existing web sites, Real estate web site design, Flash sites design, Logo design, SEO.

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