Why Your Business Needs a Website
Even with the steady growth of the World Wide Web, many businesses do not have an online presence and some think that they do not need to have a presence at all.
"My business is doing fine as it is." That's great! But, it's almost impossible to answer 'no' to the question, "Can my business be doing even better?" One of the easiest ways to help your business gain more exposure and potential customers is to have a professionally developed website. There are many advantages to having a professionally designed website. Consider some of the points below:
1. Make a great first impression of your business to first-time visitors to your site
2. Reach a wider, global market
3. Increases credibility
4. Use as a promotional tool
5. Increase sales
6. Generate new leads
7. Improve customer service
8. Use your site as an informational tool for your customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
9. Unlike printed material, your website can be changed very easily, anytime
10. Reduce operating costs
In order to compete in a local to a global market, you have to be available to it. Having a professionally designed website gives your business an edge, saves time, reduces operating costs and improves your image. You can increase your sales by being able to complete transactions online, anytime. Whether you are a large corporation, or an individual who simply wants to have a personal space on the internet, your site can serve as an informational tool you can refer your customers or interested parties to.
Sherry Holub received her degree in design from UCLA in 1995. She is now the Lead Designer and Creative Director at Southern California Studio, JV Media Design. http://www.jvmediadesign.com

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