5 Ways to Build a Website
If you are like me you have wanted to build a website but didn't know how!
Because you haven't learned html
Because it costs too much to have someone do it for you.
The software you have found is too complicated
You just didn't have the time or patience to read the 500-page manual
There was no one to teach you how to do it.
Well let's review those one by one.
You didn't build a website because you haven't learned html.
With today's easy to use html text editors you can build a website as easy as typing a word document. You need to learn very little of the html coding and what you do need is very easy to learn if taught properly.
You didn't build a website because it costs too much to have someone do it for you.
Well that's a fact! If you have someone do it for you, you will have to pay a web designer Big Bucks to create it. To get just what you want, optimized by keywords, with the look and feel you desire you will spend as much time with the designer as if you did it yourself. And then pay them more when you need changes!
You didn't build a website because the software is too complicated.
Most of the software is designed with the professional in mind. All the bells and whistles add to the complexity of the product. Which makes you wonder where you are even going to start. Throw in the fact that you need to master a few other programs to support the design software and you have a confusing tangle of programs to learn all at once.
You didn't build a website because you just didn't have the time or patience to read the 500 page manual.
Not to mention that you have to read the manual more than once to understand things, so you can learn by trail and error. And are you ever sure you did it the right way? Was there a shortcut you didn't know about? Are there other programs you can use to make it easier and faster to get a website up.
You didn't build a website because there was no one to teach you how to do it.
A tutor or html training course is a great way to learn how to build websites. Preferably if you can get one-on-one tutoring.The problem is one-on-one tutoring is very expensive.
Many group courses are taught when it's convenient for the teacher not the student. After the class is done there is no on going tutoring or ability to ask questions when you run into problems.
So what's the answer?
Learn on line with an html video tutorial series. An html video tutorial that teaches you step by step at your own pace how to build a website. You can rewind a section and play it over again if you don't understand it.
And what if this tutorial product includes all the software you will need FREE. Along with the live video tutoring on how to use all of it.
You can build a website as you go through it. When you have completed the video tutorial you will have a built a working website. I mean a WORKING web site. Done! Finished! Completed!
There was no one to teach you how to do it
You are now ready to work on that all important marketing of your website. As you learn how to market your site, making the necessary changes are a snap for you! Because you were able to build a website. And now you can edit it yourself.
Give yourself some credit. It's a lot more rewarding when you do it yourself. And, if you are like me you don't have the money to waste trying a lot of different things.
This works! For more information check out this link = = > http://www.web-marketing-products.com
Steve Knorr is a veteran of the offline marketing world who has brought his talent to the Internet. He makes it easy to learn from today's best Internet Marketing Experts. For more information and a free subscription to his Web Marketing Newsletter visit his site at = = > http://www.web-marketing-products.com

12 Tips To Great Websites
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The Number One Reason Most Websites Fail
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Why Should Your Business Go O.N.L.I.N.E.
Optimize your time. How much time each day must you devote to paperwork, scheduling and accounting? You strive to meet the needs of your clients, but when chained to the obligations of business management, it's just as important to make sure the doors stay open as it is to satisfy customers. By integrating your daily tasks and taking advantage of the amazing Web-based software solutions out there, you can make more time for clients and spend less time behind your desk. Do you work from home? When your business is online, you can manage your business any place you have a connection to the Internet
How to Make Your Own Website For Free
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Link Trades That Waste Your Time
Never has competition been so difficult in the Internet world. Google and Yahoo keep indexing more and more pages, into the millions upon millions, and yet more and more people are creating super quickie links pages that are supposed to get other webmasters to want to trade links with them.
Seven Daft Things Not To Do To Your Website
1. Splash pages
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Web Success Secret - Keep Your Visitors Interested
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Ecommerce for Beginners
Like most average persons, I wanted some extra money to supplement my regular income. I had considered a part time second job at times, but hated that option because it would take me away from the family, make me more tired and probably just pay minimum wage. I also wanted to be able to work from home.
Sticking To Your Plan
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Develop a Solid Website Presence
Starting an internet business can be confusing to non-veterans. The internet is the new world of business and research. Conventional business practices rely on location. If we opened a bookstore on Broadway, New York City, thousands, or millions, would pass the store daily. In contrast, if we opened a bookstore on main street, Williamstown NJ, we would have significantly less customers passing each day.
How Does Your Website Make Me Feel?
When people think about the Internet, they think about technology. When people hear that I am a Website strategy expert, they see me as a "techy type".
How to Draw Icons or Images on a Mapserver Generated Map
In this example I have used the map of the Itasca demo of the Mapserver. I have done only small changes to the map file. The Itasca demo has (into the html file) the parameters of the path where to store the images:
But My Business Doesnt Need A Website!
Revenues are often lost because many business owners don't see the value in having a website. They claim their products can't be sold online and technology is overwhelming. The fact is without a web presence they may be losing incredible opportunity. A well-planned, professional website can:
The Importance of Website Stats to You
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Profitable Websites for Exclusive Industries
In the region where my company is located, South Bend, Indiana, the demand for web design and associated services could be described as: leery. It's not that the locale is horribly lacking evolvement technologically; rather that so many proprietors in this area are very uncertain as to what the internet can do and how they can go about forming profitable web sites for their exclusive industries.
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Selecting the Perfect Domain Name
Tips to Protect Your Downloads or Products
1. Upload robots.txt file in to your root directory and include the folder name where you set your downloads.
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The Internet Road Map
1) Data Capture