You May Be Losing Valuable Traffic - And Not Even Know It!
Here's something you may never have thought of before:
If I were to type your domain name?
?into my web browser without the "WWW" so it looked like this?
? would I be immediately sent to your site or would l receive a "Page Not Found" error.
Don't be too quick to answer. Think about it. Have you tried this before?
Because while most Web hosts and Internet Service Providers (ISP's) are now set up to accept both - some are not! Which means visitors who drop the "WWW" and simply type "yourdomain.com" into their browsers may be getting an error message.
And you may be losing valuable traffic!
If you try this and find that "yourdomain.com" doesn't work, contact your Web host or ISP and request that they make the necessary changes.
It's a quick 5-minute fix for them? and everyone they service will benefit.
Some may try to charge you a fee for this change, but I would argue that this is a common service provided by the majority of ISP's and Web hosts today. If they want to remain competitive and keep your business, then you shouldn't have to pay.
However, if they still insist on charging you, and the fee is minimal, then you should pay it. After all, you're probably losing valuable traffic that will more than pay for this expense in the long run.
Your other option is to consider switching to a Web host who offers this feature? as well as better customer service. (If you'd like us to recommend a top quality Web host that I've been really happy with, visit http://www.hostforwebsite.com )
It's such a minor problem? but it could be losing you major traffic! So check into this today!
Ash Kawa has written hundreds of articles specializing in helping people succeed when the competition is tough. President of a successful Website Hosting Company http://www.hostforwebsite.com [$0.75/month & Get Un-Limit Movies, MP3 Songs, Games, TV Shows on your PC!]

Increase Your Affiliate Earnings with a Smart Webmaster Plan
Affiliate programs are a great way to earn an income online in a few easy steps. However, if you don't have a plan you are going to fail. A smart webmaster plan includes some pretty basic steps that you should follow every time.
4 Rock Solid Reasons For Building Your Own Website
What is the point of having a website, you may ask, when the affiliate programme you have joined has provided you with your own web page to promote? This is a fair question. The answer has to be that with your own site - and of course your own domain name - you will have a lot more control over your business. Here are four reasons why you should be grabbing your piece of internet real estate - right now.
Three Way Linking - Webmaster Strategy
Three way linking and concerns.
7 Golden Rules For Building Mini Sites
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Build It and They Will Come
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Creating Websites that Cater to Exam Preparations
One of the things that Internet excels is disseminating information and knowledge across many brains and continents. In this global economy the aspirations of the younger generation is not bounded by countries or continents. They aspire to join the best universities or train to be part of great global business entities. The demand for these has become so high that aspirations are just the start but a lot of planning and taking courses is involved. For folks whose aspirations are quenched by local universities it is relatively easy as they can easily form study groups or circles. For the rest whose aspirations don't suit the popular trend in their current physical locality they don't have access to study circles. For these folks Internet is the main and sometimes the only tool available. There are many great Internet companies that cater to the needs of the folks. But this market is nascent and is evolving. This article provides a snapshot of what is offered by some of the popular online websites which would be really helpful for new comers who want to help for the countless dedicated niche areas.
Increase Hits to Help Increase Your Business
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Remember This When Building A New Site - Beginners Guide
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Credibility - 10 Ways to Build it on Your Website
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From Concept to Website
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I Want To Be A Freelancer
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Why do I Need a Website?
Cost Effective Advertising. Online selling. Increased geopgraphic range. Wider customer base. Efficient marketing. Improved customer support. Succesful market research. Customer feedback.
Creating Compelling Content , Write It and They Will Come
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Do Authors Need a Website?
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Website Survival Guide
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The Secret Benefit Of Accessibility: Part 2 - A Higher Search Engine Ranking
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9 Keys to an Effective Website
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Ecommerce for Beginners
Like most average persons, I wanted some extra money to supplement my regular income. I had considered a part time second job at times, but hated that option because it would take me away from the family, make me more tired and probably just pay minimum wage. I also wanted to be able to work from home.
A Website Is Not Enough
Your Objective